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    Austin Texas
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  1. Thank you! This is the movie I am suppose to watch that I forgot the name of.
  2. The first Pet Sem comes with a funny memory for me. It was the first time I went out with the sister of a friend. Never forget her dad answering the door and going Chad isn't here with a puzzled look and Maria coming up behind him and going bye dad I'll be home by curfew and dragging me away. I had just enough time to see look of confusion turn to realization lol.
  3. Awww Dammit man... the Doobie Brothers broke up!
  4. So I've gotten trapped on the old Highlander series lol. Loved the first movie but never had watched the series. Amazing how many actors/musicians were on this show. Joan Jett, Roger Daltry. It's cheesy early 90's but a good time so far.
  5. There is a difference to me when people are saying Little Timmy wore Nike's since the third grade, all his friends in HS wore Nike, he thinks Nike is cool, thus he is gonna choose this school to wear a Nike vs Nike just gave him 50K, a new car, and set his parents up in a house to go to X school that wears Nike. Lot of those kid would go to a school that was sponsored by Crocs if the price was right. Should of just said we should go Nike cause they are buying players to schools they sponsor. If SI is right it won't matter what we wear though. They believe we got one of those nice Louisville/Kansas letters from the NCAA and Auburn isn't denying it.
  6. Will be interesting to see how things playout with them trying to set Adidas up as a Kansas booster and the current pressure on Williamson and his dealings with Nike while at Duke.
  7. Flat arch here also with some pronation. Brooks, Asics, and Saucony usually top the list for the flat footed.
  8. Ya, lot of people would like his head on a pole unfortunately.
  9. Our contract with UA ends in the middle of 2025. That is 5 years of other companies designing/marketing (and others are catching/surpassed Nike in areas). Plus the likeness rule in effect that will change recruiting (least I feel it will). Fun to discuss and speculate, but I feel like we will know what's best for AU in 2025 when we have/can make a move.
  10. Oh just have some with it. You can't really think that Nike's politics wouldn't play an impact on if people from Auburn would want them as a sponsor. Seem like a smart guy. I know people that despise Nike cause they re-endorsed Micheal Vick. As a life-long dog owner I didn't like them cause of that move 9 years ago either. I'm with many and don't think Nike is gonna turn us into North Carolina or Duke etc. Those programs earned their names on the court way before any of this shoe business. Kansas dumped Nike for Adidas and it isn't like they suck now. Ok State is a Nike school that made what 15 straight NCAA's under Sutton and have not been the same since he left. Is Gonzaga where they are cause of Nike or is it because Few built them and they have been able to keep him for 30 years. So yes, I believe proper coach plus consistency > than shoe brand. Like I said the entire recruiting model will probably be changed by 2024 (if not earlier) when the UA contract is up due to the NCAA changes regarding likeness. Will be a lot more out in the open forces to drive a player to X university than a shoe. Actually might be good that Auburn can't change sponsors until a couple years after that takes place. For their teen popularity, Vans has actually been taking an increasing percentage of their market every year for the last few. Real funny thing is that quality wise in clothing, the Reebok Dri-Fit stuff I have gotten from for $12 and 15 dollars at Sam's have been beasts even against Adidas and UA stuff the last couple of years. I also suspect I will mostly be done with college sports and eagerly await NHL seasons by then also for the reasons Barkley mentions here (as it seems to be drifting more and more into college sports): https://www.nhl.com/video/nhl-tonight-charles-barkley/t-277350912/c-68445703 Also trying to play the AAU game has bitten us in the ass more than once. Reason our program has had the issues it had... thanks Komora lol.
  11. Waiting on that dude to show up at my house and try and take my "Don't Tread on Me" US soccer T. The only Nike thing I have lol.
  12. By 2024 with the new likeness rules I suspect something other than a shoe brand will be what is driving kids to schools.
  13. Go to Sams. Nike/UA dry fit polo's show up there for like 30 dollars if you are looking for just a plain color. University logo is always going to cost 80 or more regardless of who it is.
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