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So do the recruits...


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Impressed by the crowd and spirit, but maybe questioning Malzahn's "system"

Maybe they will say that we really need them to come and help then.

Maybe but the play calling was atrocious at times and we are not using the H-back or the TE

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honestly a win like that shows the recruits that auburn can play even when they are behind even if we got "lucky" guys the stadium was hopping the entire second half it couldn't have been a bad visit WDE!!!!

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It's hard for the O-Coord to look good when the o-line is playing like dog turds.  No movement up front at all for alot of the game.

A lot of that is coaching and play calling.  If Clemson wasn't able to practically guess every play we were getting ready to run then just maybe the O-line wouldn't have played like 'dog turds' as you so eloquently put it

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Not to mention the holding/false start penalties that erased some of our biggest gains. That's coaching. Theyre just silly silly things that turn a 30 yard gain into a 5-15 yard loss.

It's hard for the O-Coord to look good when the o-line is playing like dog turds.  No movement up front at all for alot of the game.

A lot of that is coaching and play calling.  If Clemson wasn't able to practically guess every play we were getting ready to run then just maybe the O-line wouldn't have played like 'dog turds' as you so eloquently put it

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Let's see, Auburn scored 423 yards of offense, much of which rushing, and much of it in the second half, against a very very tough Clemson D. For one half, the offense was nuclear and I sure as hell was impressed. The team came back and never quit and I sure as hell was impressed. The defense passed rush like nobdy's business and I sure as hell was impressed. The crowd was electric and noone booed during the first half an d I sure as hell was impressed. I think the recruits probably were too.

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If the recruits weren't impressed by that atmosphere then they must have been asleep. A win is a win I think Auburn left a very good impression.

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It's hard for the O-Coord to look good when the o-line is playing like dog turds.  No movement up front at all for alot of the game.

A lot of that is coaching and play calling.  If Clemson wasn't able to practically guess every play we were getting ready to run then just maybe the O-line wouldn't have played like 'dog turds' as you so eloquently put it

While listening to the game brodcast during half time while I was waiting in the stadium to by my drink, The announcers made the comment that the Clemson defense was lined up wrong 8 or 9 times on the defensive front and lucked into a few stops. 

They noted one in praticular where the DT and Nose Guard both lined up over center in the A gaps despite the fact we had the field spread wide.  The play, however, happened to be a run up the middle.  The way the annojners knew they were lined up wrong was because the Middle LB was trying to reposition the DT when the ball was snapped.

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The only things that matter is that the game was exciting all the way until the last play and we won. I think that is a little more exciting than blowing some one out with visitors because the game gets boring and the atmosphere is not as electric. Plus it shows that you need more talent.

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I stood on the concourse above the student section the whole game. We showed a lot of heart to come back like that, and nobody left. It stayed loud for a long time. Great atmosphere

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THIS.  Remember how many of our commits talked about the atmosphere of the West Virginia game last year..., this game was very similar (minus the rain).

The recruits love it.

I stood on the concourse above the student section the whole game. We showed a lot of heart to come back like that, and nobody left. It stayed loud for a long time. Great atmosphere

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I recorded it and when I got home to watch, they were penalizing Clemson on their field goal attempt. I beleive it was Musberger who made the comment when they ruled Adams catch a TD, "get ready, this place is about to erupt." and did it. Glad to see AU come away with a win, but this team and Cam's passing are still a work in progress. But hey, it's GREAT to be an Auburn Tiger.

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Guys. Do yall not remember our recruiting "gem" for the ages last year.  Thats game was a exact copy of West Virginia with no rain.  Some you forget that we went down like 21-3 or 17-3 AFter a long pass and like a 70 yd run by Devine.  That atmosphere was electric. Clemson is a good ball club. It was game day. And we won in overtime and the place went nuts.  Now, I may be crazy, but if I am an 18 year old kid, and I saw Dyer, Kitchens, Curry, Trovon, Whitaker, Lemonier, Reed, Carter, Sanders, and any other freshmen play in that kind of game, I would be colored impressed. Not only that but the way our team seems to be like brothers, or family, is just amazing.  They have each others backs all game and that is why we won.  I say those kids came away nothing but blown away, and saw a great game that the good guys came away with a win.

P.s.- Anyone who thinks that Bell hit Parker on purpose in the exact spot where his back plate ended on a pivotal play where Parker slid at the last minute and got hit, has never played football in my opinion.  Thats like saying that Etheridge meant to almost end his career. Its football things happen fast and angles change.


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It's hard for the O-Coord to look good when the o-line is playing like dog turds.  No movement up front at all for alot of the game.

A lot of that is coaching and play calling.  If Clemson wasn't able to practically guess every play we were getting ready to run then just maybe the O-line wouldn't have played like 'dog turds' as you so eloquently put it

All that play calling allowed for several stops in our backfield when we didn't didn't hold the line. Get a grip.
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Let's see, Auburn scored 423 yards of offense, much of which rushing, and much of it in the second half, against a very very tough Clemson D. For one half, the offense was nuclear and I sure as hell was impressed. The team came back and never quit and I sure as hell was impressed. The defense passed rush like nobdy's business and I sure as hell was impressed. The crowd was electric and noone booed during the first half an d I sure as hell was impressed. I think the recruits probably were too.

Well said I continue to laugh at all the armchair coaches who THINK they know what it takes to coach a team. Good post.

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