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Just how close are we to kickoff?

The SandMntTiger

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Close enough that my last effort to spool up bama fans will go on facebook tomorrow morning then the less than 7 days to AUBURN FOOTBALL KICKOFF countdown begins :zapbama:

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close enough I tackled my neighbor this morning while taking out the trash.

Close enough I got tackled by some guy taking out his trash this morning.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Close enough I just my DVR to record for the Auburn v.s Arky St. game.  :happydance:  :trampoline:  :yay:

Close enough that I check Auburn Eagle every 5 minutes.

GA, you already did that anyway!

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close enough I tackled my neighbor this morning while taking out the trash.

Close enough I got tackled by some guy taking out his trash this morning.

:laugh: :laugh:
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Close enough that I'm trying to make my wife go into labor so I can be in Auburn next Saturday. I wouldn't want to let my first born get in the way of Auburn football.....ok so him being born is more important, but I sure am glad it's time to play.

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Close enough that my grandson who will be 6 weeks old will get to see his first Auburn football game on TV.

To all you Auburn fans (Short for fanatics) I apologise for starting him down the Auburn football path so late in life. It's not my fault the game didn't start 5 weeks ago.


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Close enough that my grandson who will be 6 weeks old will get to see his first Auburn football game on TV.

To all you Auburn fans (Short for fanatics) I apologize for starting him down the Auburn football path so late in life. It's not my fault the game didn't start 5 weeks ago.


We'll let it slide this time, but your kid needs to time it better next time. ;D ;D ;D


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So close that I only have to read the Sunday Paper to my uat neighbors ONE MORE TIME!  :laugh::bananadance:

:beatmullet:                                          :beatmullet:                                    :beatmullet:

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