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ST/Mods........commitment for the holiday weekend?


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dude, please, the skin on my hands literally arent there and i have to type with one index finger, i just had a concussion, hows this, my family has lived in the auburn area for over 4 generations. i live breathe and die auburn. its my life, i would be nothing without auburn. it is all i know.

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i said im done flaming, i have respect for all mods, i just made fun of a certain one for wearing affliction shirts, im sorry, wont happen again. ill get in line.

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I saw the name of the thread, 4 pages of responses, and thought for sure there was going to be some in depth recruiting talk. To say the least, I was very excited. Haha, my excitement was cut short after the first couple of posts. Went downhill from there. General chat is there for a reason. No offense at all, just saying.

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Can we stop all this now. He said he was sorry, now move on. Everytime someone brings it right back up after it is over. Yall are ruining a good thread that actually has substance.

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I saw the name of the thread, 4 pages of responses, and thought for sure there was going to be some in depth recruiting talk. To say the least, I was very excited. Haha, my excitement was cut short after the first couple of posts. Went downhill from there. General chat is there for a reason. No offense at all, just saying.


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I saw the name of the thread, 4 pages of responses, and thought for sure there was going to be some in depth recruiting talk. To say the least, I was very excited. Haha, my excitement was cut short after the first couple of posts. Went downhill from there. General chat is there for a reason. No offense at all, just saying.


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If one MOD is handling a problem, there's no need for every MOD on the board to chime in. You lose track of the original thought. :dunno:

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I think it's the best to close this thread to save everybody's time. I, too, have looked this in hopes of a big news but was bit shunned after this "fiasco" with one person.

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theres just a lot of dissappointment in this thread.....i sorry......but still........i think its rose....

I don't think it's Rose just because he already said it'd be July 15 or maybe a little thereafter. If he's already gone ahead and committed or plans to commit within the next couple days, great, but I'd be surprised if it was him.

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so then who wouldnt surprise you... :dunno:

I don't know -- it'd be awesome if it was Jones or Florence, but just going by what they've already said, Jones wants to wait until after taking some visits this fall, and Florence plans to announce at the Under Armour All-American game.

It could be nothing, but I'd really love to see us pick up a commit this weekend to lead into Rose hopefully committing a couple weeks from now.

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