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Watts Dantzler

Lambda Tiger

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Regardless of how this turns out,  don't you think we can all appreciate that photo at BCWII of Reese, O'Reilley, Greg Robinson, and Watts, with that absolutely turned-around TT in the middle!!?  That is a photo for the ages!!

You're right pops! At least we'll ALWAYS have that! P.s here's a better version...  :we:


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While I agree that the article doesn't tip his hand, I have a thought or two. There have been many recruits that people feel uncertain about. When people state that they're(recruits) going somewhere else, you usually have a mod say something like "don't be surprised" or "anything could happen". I'm not reading that in this case. That tells me either Dantzler is keeping it close to his vest(hasn't told the coaches) or he going somewhere else. If the mods had info they wouldn't be saying it's a slow period.

Thus I feel he declaring UGA as his team.

Well then allow me to interject.... :laugh: I'll give you my opinion. I think AU has a better shot than most believe and if he does in fact pick UGA, if that relationship sours in any way, AU could still steal him away. I talked to him a couple weeks ago and it was 50/50. The fact that I have not heard anything is what makes me more nervous than anything. It's been really quiet.

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I have no info but I do have my opinion and think we have a better chance than many may think...

"He just told me to enjoy all my visits, and spend time with my recruiters. It was important he said to make it my decision, to be comfortable in it."

Sounds like a guy who knows his father would have respected his decision no matter what and, if he is going to say "Auburn," Father's Day might be the best day to do so in order to keep the Dawgs from giving him too hard a time.  Regardless of his decision, as many have said, I wish him the best.


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Decision aside, today must be very difficult for the kid and I pray he has a good day celebrating his father

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Not that it means anything, but I did troll UGA websites and found zero information regarding his announcement. Isn't that a little unusual?

On a side note. Bird, I agree with you. This has to be a tough day for this young man. Having lost my father at a young age, I can tell you that no matter how many years go by, it still smarts like it was yesterday on days such as this. I wish him the best with his decision no matter where he goes to school. He seems like a fine young man and I applaud him for honoring his father today.

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Anybody know when the announcement will be?

4:00 pm Eastern time, according to the Atlanta newspaper.

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Anybody know when the announcement will be?

4:00 pm Eastern time, according to the Atlanta newspaper.

Well, if Atl paper is reporting then I believe it is Dawgs all the way. Dang!!!

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Anybody know when the announcement will be?

4:00 pm Eastern time, according to the Atlanta newspaper.

Well, if Atl paper is reporting then I believe it is Dawgs all the way. Dang!!!

AGREED - I remember well from last year that if it was going to be Auburn, several AU reporters would be covering the event and it does not appear to be the case this time...not being covered by the AU reporters = All Dawg .... unfortunately....However, I do wish him all the best. Seems like a great kid and I know he has been through a lot, so I hope he does what will make him happy now and in the long run!

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No AU reporter was at the Spencer Region commitment when he picked AU. I'm just saying. I don't believe anyone knows what his intentions are as of right now. I could see him playing in an Auburn uniform. His father was a great offensive lineman and lettered at UGA under Vince Dooley in the early 80's. His father also chose between AU and UGA. I read an article months ago that his father always liked Auburn. I have to agree with Mayor that it's a whole lot closer than what most people think. I would say 50/50 or 55/45 in UGA;s favor. An earlier post stated that none of the UGA boards are calling him a commit yet. I think he is keeping his decision very private until this evening.

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No AU reporter was at the Spencer Region commitment when he picked AU. I'm just saying. I don't believe anyone knows what his intentions are as of right now. I could see him playing in an Auburn uniform. His father was a great offensive lineman and lettered at UGA under Vince Dooley in the early 80's. His father also chose between AU and UGA. I read an article months ago that his father always liked Auburn. I have to agree with Mayor that it's a whole lot closer than what most people think. I would say 50/50 or 55/45 in UGA;s favor. An earlier post stated that none of the UGA boards are calling him a commit yet. I think he is keeping his decision very private until this evening.

I agree with you - but Spencer was a complete surprise with nobody expecting what happened or knowing about the spat he had that morning with the Turd coaching staff....This is not quite the same situation.

Please don't get me wrong - I am 100% hoping for an Auburn announcement - I just don't expect it based on the day of his announcement and the fact that we don't have folks there covering it (or at least nobody who has announced that they are covering it)

Either way, I am happy for Watts and hope he will have a great day remembering his father!

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I think his father would be at peace through whichever school he chooses. That's what great fathers do, support their children's decision to do what's best for him. I don't read a lot into the day he makes the pledge and the school of choice. Yes is could mean UGA and it could mean AU. We don't know because he hasn't tipped his hat. Some are reading into the fact the the local reporters are not going. It's Sunday and Father's Day at that. Most are gonna choose to stay at home with their family instead of going across the state line to cover something with no guarantee of what the outcome will be. Let's just let it play out and see what happens.  :wareagle:

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I completely agree! We should all be happy for him even if he doesn't choose us. He has worked hard to get to either school and will further himself in life by getting a college education.

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I really hope he comes to Auburn. We could use him really bad. I think he is a great kid and has a great head on his shoulder. A very class act from what I have read about him. Good luck with your announcement today. I am sure you have worked really hard to get to this point so enjoy your moment . War Eagle Watts.  :wedance::party::wareagle:

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Obviously, this kid is gonna go somewhere that makes him comfortable for the next 3-4 years, i truly believe that his dad's background will not influence his decision.  I like these quotes:

"He said he wanted me to do what was best for me.”

“He really liked Auburn,” Watts said of his dad. “That was his final two, Georgia and Auburn. I like Auburn, too, so that’s pretty cool.”

We got a shot with this kid.

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Anybody know when the announcement will be?

4:00 pm Eastern time, according to the Atlanta newspaper.

Thanks! I'll be keeping my eye on the board.

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Although we really need Watts, I just pray and hope he right team that will fit his needs for the next 4 years.

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No AU reporter was at the Spencer Region commitment when he picked AU. I'm just saying. I don't believe anyone knows what his intentions are as of right now. I could see him playing in an Auburn uniform. His father was a great offensive lineman and lettered at UGA under Vince Dooley in the early 80's. His father also chose between AU and UGA. I read an article months ago that his father always liked Auburn. I have to agree with Mayor that it's a whole lot closer than what most people think. I would say 50/50 or 55/45 in UGA;s favor. An earlier post stated that none of the UGA boards are calling him a commit yet. I think he is keeping his decision very private until this evening.

I agree with you - but Spencer was a complete surprise with nobody expecting what happened or knowing about the spat he had that morning with the Turd coaching staff....This is not quite the same situation.

Please don't get me wrong - I am 100% hoping for an Auburn announcement - I just don't expect it based on the day of his announcement and the fact that we don't have folks there covering it (or at least nobody who has announced that they are covering it)

Either way, I am happy for Watts and hope he will have a great day remembering his father!

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Anybody know when the announcement will be?

4:00 pm Eastern time, according to the Atlanta newspaper.

Well, if Atl paper is reporting then I believe it is Dawgs all the way. Dang!!!

Oops! Hit a button too fast.

Anyway, why do you think the Atlanta paper listing it has anything to do with his decision? All they said is the ceremony will be at his HS at 4:00 pm. He is, after all, in the Atlanta area.

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