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Vote for the new football intro video


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All I Do is Win for sure. Luda's verse then the chorus. The stadium would look awesome if everyone went along with the music.

The whole stadiums hands go up! that would be insane.. the students are rallying for that to be it.

I wish like heck we COULD do that. Its so hard to get AU fans in sync. We cannot even get all the fans to break from the "traditional" navy on All Auburn All Orange gamedays. I look at Penn St games and see their fans doing all types of cheers and chants together, its so cool! Then I wonder why we cannot accomplish stuff like this. It might have something to do with our cheers, i.e.: orange..........blue (sounds like half the stadium is booing; or beat.........bama (I refuse to scream out bama). Our cheers suck! I know I've gotten off topic but this is to make a point that only maybe 60% of the fans will get involved. It will look tacky on TV.

I happen to love Bodda Getta and Track 'Em, the Shove It thing makes me laugh every time, and the student interaction with the band playing Crazy Train is awesome. And that's not to mention how singing "It's Great To Be An Auburn Tiger" after a loss inevitably brings a tear to my eye, for the statement is as much a fact in defeat as it is in victory. There are a couple that I don't love, sure, but I'm okay with that...

Of course, now that I think about it, how cool would it be to update a few of the cheers with student suggestions or something?

Oh, and for the record, I voted for "Welcome to the Show" by Saliva...I know it as "Ladies and Gentlemen", but I guess that isn't the actual name of the song. :dunno:

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I voted T-Will's Tiger Walk, can you imagine hearing "Touch Down Aubuuuurn!!!" echoed in JHS  by Jim Fyffe again? I think that would get us pretty amped up. But anything has to be better than that crap last year.

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I voted T-Will's Tiger Walk, can you imagine hearing "Touch Down Aubuuuurn!!!" echoed in JHS  by Jim Fyffe again? I think that would get us pretty amped up. But anything has to be better than that crap last year.

i agree with you 100% .. no more Family Reunion

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I dont think we can go wrong with  either

tiger walk

all the way turnt up

all i do is win

or that wanyne song on the list forgot wat it was

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If Tiger Walk wins I think its safe to say we will see some sort of a remix of it similar to how the last few songs have been slightly changed for use in these videos. It would probably be more up tempo as well as more up to date with the current players...I think there are a few songs on there that would get the student section rocking for sure. "Let's go" already gets played some and is fun. All I do is win would also be cool for those fans still sober enough to keep up with the hand movements  :)

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Tiger Walk....although Miracle by Nonpoint is pretty good. Glad to see my boys BB up there although they didn't choose the right song or demo......but cool though

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Jim fyffe is in a league of his on..... I luved that guy, hearing him, brings back alot of memories.. If anyone of you ,lets say younger Auburn Family members, has not  heard him announce a game, I suggest you do!!!!!!!!! There NEVER will be another Auburn announcer like JF, ever, ever,ever again!!    :wareagle:   and May God Bless his SOUL!!!!   :bow:

Now, ask yourself...what would JF want? You wanna change Tradition....

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I like the idea of Jim Fyffe screaming Touchdowwwwwwwwwwn Auburrrrrrrn!! He takes it on the 5 he at's the 20 25 35 he's at midfield, the 40 the 35 the 25 he's gone, Touchdowwwwwwwwwwwwwn Auburrrrrrn!!

:yay: :yay: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :yay::thumbsup::yay::thumbsup::yay: :yay: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :yay: :yay:

:tdau::we::tdau::we::tdau::we::tdau::we:  :tdau::we::tdau::we:

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Nonpoint-In the air tonight!!!!! PLEASE!!!!!!!

This is coming from a guy that likes all kinds of music...How in the world do you get pumped up for a football game listening to rap? Only rap song that can get me pumped up is "Till i Collapse" by Eminem and of course some Lil Wayne. Rap can get you excited but rap doesnt make you want to go lay somebody out like rock does.lol. Rock is so much better at getting you jacked up. IMO.

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Well just listen and then you can judge it. Just a suggestion. I heard it on the LSU vs. Florida game a few years back i guess cbs was using it, but man it went good with the highlights that had happened so far in the game(you know how they showem before they go to a break).

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I DID LISTEN TO IT....I HATE REMAKES OF ORIGINALS...  That is why they call them originals!!!  maybe that is why i do not agree with cloning!!!  i understand you are the New generation but I am Old School... Why dirty up a clean floor? Because, you do not know any better..... Why fix something that is not broken?    :hellyeah:

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I DID LISTEN TO IT....I HATE REMAKES OF ORIGINALS...  That is why they call them originals!!!  maybe that is why i do not agree with cloning!!!  i understand you are the New generation but I am Old School... Why dirty up a clean floor? Because, you do not know any better..... Why fix something that is not broken?    :hellyeah:

For the most part, I agree with you, but there are a couple of songs that were better as covers than as originals...Gary Jules' version of "Mad World" is leaps and bounds ahead of the original by Tears For Fears, and there's another song I remember the original artist liking a new version so much that he changed his original to match.

However, while I haven't seen that particular one, I haven't heard any remakes of "In the Air Tonight" that even approached the original...

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How exactly is this poll working? Is there anywhere that shows the results thus far? I cannot find them. Also I see it says 1st round closes may 15th, or maybe 16th, so how many rounds will it go? If anyone has anymore knowledge as to how the poll is going please let me know. TIA and WDE!

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Limp Bizkits new version of the song "Faith" is actually a good cover song... for the rockers out there, they loved it... the soft core guys may not have liked it so much.

Everybody likes different things... thats what makes the world interesting. If we were all the same, what fun would that be?

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Limp Bizkits new version of the song "Faith" is actually a good cover song... for the rockers out there, they loved it... the soft core guys may not have liked it so much.

Everybody likes different things... thats what makes the world interesting. If we were all the same, what fun would that be?

My auburn Brother...please l just said its gonna be a old School fan base against a New school fan base....why in gods green earth change an Auburn Tradition?  Might as well change our fight song too!!!! get rid of War Eagle!! lets fly a pigeon instead!!! please, i do respect all of you and luv (u) My Auburn Family very much..but change a tradition? I say and think NOT!!!!!!!!  :wareagle:

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I don't understand why everyone is so worried about the video getting all of the fans pumped up. Yes the video is for the fans but it is mainly to get the players and the recruits fired up. I'm just gonna be honest and say atleast 95% of that team and the recruits will want a rap song, and maybe 30 or 40% of the fans want a rap song. There's nothing wrong with that but would we rather want the song to pump up some of the fans, or all of the players and recruits? I think all of you would agree that we want the players and recruits fired up and we have to remember that when we vote.

Just being honest but most of those songs will not pump up 18-22 year old guys and especially won't impress 17 or 18 year old recruits, and that is what the song needs to do.

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Aubieclawz, chill yourself. I never said i wanted to change auburn tradition. Idk why you just got pissed. Over nothing. Its not like i was disrespecting you. I am the "new generation" so i dirty up clean floors? Wow man, i appreciate that.  I try to respect everybody no matter what. I dirty up clean floors and dont know any better because i requested a song. Gah you need to go burn one if you are that intense over phil collins.lol.

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