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Coleman Update


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hurt also said pretty much what tessa said.  Shon is a project, needs more maturity, needs to grow, etc.  Tells me they have no intention of playing this guy anytime soon.  Shon, are you listening?

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This is from Scout (free).



12:55pm - Shon Coleman is on his way back from Miami visit right now. Miami could be too far from home in the end. Alabama has too much depth on the offensive line. Auburn there are no negatives. Ole Miss is close to home but there are some issues behind the scenes. Looks like he could be leaning back towards Auburn now. I would put them as the front runner! - Yancy Porter, Scout.com Mississippi analyst

Thanks for the article. I really think everybody has gotten all in a tizzy over this because it was bammer that he was visiting and that's the last place we want to see him switch to. But if people would just take him for his word, he's said all along he was going to take his visits and enjoy the process but he was 100% committed to AU. Like ST said earlier, unless he has a change of heart I think everybody should take him for his word. WDE!

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cecil hurt just stated that if uat wants Coleman they will get him and if  they don't it will be because they don't need him because they will get the 2 OL they want.  Shon, are you listening?  They only want you if they don't get the other two guys.

Cecil Hurt isn't particularly a Bama homer.  Did he get pressed on his source?  I'm not sure he would make that kind of emphatic statement unless he thought he could back it up.

I'm going to take this as tongue in cheek so as not to have to label you as delusional.

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Ok this is my last post on Coleman before nsd, seriously, the guy is not going anywhere. I have yet to hear anything except stupid bammer rumors that are designed to make us worry about somebody just b/c he saw their demi-god in person and toured the crapstone and saw the slaves buried on campus, please spare me!!( Maybe the slave thing was too much) But I know everyone is entitled to their opinion but the whole notion just sickens me. Anyway IMO Coleman is just takin visits and thats all there is to it. Don't mean to offend anyone, just my take on it.



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God I hope so. My only wish is that if he really was considering the turds that he reads what the bammatards are saying about him. Today they are saying that he isn't big enough, that they don't think he rates a 5*, and that they feel that Kouandjio would be better. I mean come on Shon...the synapses of those idiots is that they only want him just so AUBURN won't have him. How flippen elementary can one be!?! :pcprobs:

You have a link to this?

It's different threads over on BOL....they are such pieces of POOP (trying to keep it rated G)  :devil:

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cecil hurt just stated that if uat wants Coleman they will get him and if  they don't it will be because they don't need him because they will get the 2 OL they want.  Shon, are you listening?  They only want you if they don't get the other two guys.

And if you believe that, I've got some ocean front property out in Arizona for cheap.

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hurt also said pretty much what tessa said.  Shon is a project, needs more maturity, needs to grow, etc.  Tells me they have no intention of playing this guy anytime soon.  Shon, are you listening?

That just closes the book on Hurts' stupidity and complete lack of involvement in the field on which he claims to report. Both Stone and Shon played in televised All Star games, and Shon, to me, was clearly the better OL at this point.

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Guest War Eagle 29

This young man told us all a couple of weeks ago that he was 100% committed to Auburn, but he wanted to experience his other visits. It is looking like that he is doing exactly what he said he was going to do.

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I heard the Cecil Hurt interview -- he also said that even if Auburn or Tennessee (or anyone) finished with the top class, they still couldn't compare with Bama.  He is the epitome of Bama homer.

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I try not to get upset with the Finebaum Show.  I realize that he does what he does to create ratings for his show.  I used to have at least a bit of respect for Cecil Hurt...until today.  I wanted to climb through the radio and slap his face.  First for the comments about Coleman only coming to Auburn if Alabama didn't have room. Secondly, when paul asked him if he had stumbled into any recruiting parties this weekend while covering his beloved Tide getting beaten for the 6th time out of the last 7 against our Tigers, he said no.  He then stated he didn't attend any revivals or meetings either.  I find it in absolute pathetic taste that people mock the fact that our staff and team puts a great emphasis on being a family, and a Christian one.  I for one thank God that Chizik and his staff are strong in their faith.  It makes me feel even better that he is our coach and the leader of these young men.  Remember, you can't will all the battles, but He has already won the war.  Here's to doing it the right way and letting the others in Tuscalooser do it their way.  DWWD and War Eagle!!!  God bless us all.

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Thanks guys.  I love Auburn so much.  I changed when I came there and was changed even more once I graduated.  I want nothing but the best for our school.  I get so tired of others acting like we are second teir and play catch-up with Alabama in everything.  We are better than that.  We don't need Bama's leftovers or their approval for anything.  I believe we are a sleeping giant and someone just set our alarm clock.  Look out for Auburn once we wake up and wipe the sleep from our eyes.  If you are in our way, you better think again and get out of it before you get stepped on!!!  I know this is a bit blasphemous, but there is a song by a Christian group Casting Crowns called "Until the whole world hears".  I listen to it daily and think of Auburn as the good and everyone else, especially Bama as the bad.  Check it out on youtube:

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It did not take long for bama to cover their tracks in case they don't get Coleman and he honors his decision to come to Auburn.  Cecil Hurt says that we will know if Saban really wanted him ---if he goes to Auburn ---Saban really wanted other players.

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Don't know and Don't care. His face saving is childish to say the least. He wants Coleman. Now if he wants him for an actual position or to get one over on us is another thing. But rest assured, he does want him.

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I try not to get upset with the Finebaum Show.  I realize that he does what he does to create ratings for his show.  I used to have at least a bit of respect for Cecil Hurt...until today.  I wanted to climb through the radio and slap his face.  First for the comments about Coleman only coming to Auburn if Alabama didn't have room. Secondly, when paul asked him if he had stumbled into any recruiting parties this weekend while covering his beloved Tide getting beaten for the 6th time out of the last 7 against our Tigers, he said no.  He then stated he didn't attend any revivals or meetings either.  I find it in absolute pathetic taste that people mock the fact that our staff and team puts a great emphasis on being a family, and a Christian one.  I for one thank God that Chizik and his staff are strong in their faith.  It makes me feel even better that he is our coach and the leader of these young men.  Remember, you can't will all the battles, but He has already won the war.  Here's to doing it the right way and letting the others in Tuscalooser do it their way.  DWWD and War Eagle!!!  God bless us all.

Most media guys are liberals, thus almost automatically making them anti-God by the definition of liberals these days (did not used to be that way as the founders of this country were pretty liberal in their own right.) As a christian, it angers me sometimes that people of faith are put down by the majority of the world, but God's love-letter to us tells us that this is the way it will be. Many will be persecuted in His name. The only thing this persecution does is strengthen the argument that the Bible is 100% true. Sorry if I am breking the rules of the board with this post, but I am glad to see there are some believers here. I wish there were more and would be glad to speak to anyone by PM who has questions on what being a Christian means.

God Bless

OK, I am done talking about this now :-)

War Eagle

I think you need to keep politics and religion out of this...I for one am liberal and a man of faith and your statement that by definition I would be otherwise is EXTREMELY offensive to me.  I will let it go at that in order to maintain the family atmosphere.

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To the poster off that religious political rant, Dude you're an idiot.

This message was brought to you by just another anti-God liberal. By the way, It's a football board in case you forgot.

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I try not to get upset with the Finebaum Show. I realize that he does what he does to create ratings for his show. I used to have at least a bit of respect for Cecil Hurt...until today. I wanted to climb through the radio and slap his face. First for the comments about Coleman only coming to Auburn if Alabama didn't have room. Secondly, when paul asked him if he had stumbled into any recruiting parties this weekend while covering his beloved Tide getting beaten for the 6th time out of the last 7 against our Tigers, he said no. He then stated he didn't attend any revivals or meetings either. I find it in absolute pathetic taste that people mock the fact that our staff and team puts a great emphasis on being a family, and a Christian one. I for one thank God that Chizik and his staff are strong in their faith. It makes me feel even better that he is our coach and the leader of these young men. Remember, you can't will all the battles, but He has already won the war. Here's to doing it the right way and letting the others in Tuscalooser do it their way. DWWD and War Eagle!!! God bless us all.

Most media guys are liberals, thus almost automatically making them anti-God by the definition of liberals these days (did not used to be that way as the founders of this country were pretty liberal in their own right.) As a christian, it angers me sometimes that people of faith are put down by the majority of the world, but God's love-letter to us tells us that this is the way it will be. Many will be persecuted in His name. The only thing this persecution does is strengthen the argument that the Bible is 100% true. Sorry if I am breking the rules of the board with this post, but I am glad to see there are some believers here. I wish there were more and would be glad to speak to anyone by PM who has questions on what being a Christian means.

God Bless

OK, I am done talking about this now :-)

War Eagle

I think you need to keep politics and religion out of this...I for one am liberal and a man of faith and your statement that by definition I would be otherwise is EXTREMELY offensive to me. I will let it go at that in order to maintain the family atmosphere.

Was not trying to offend anyone with my post, therefore I took it down. No malice intended and I apologize for offending you. I will not get in a debate about the politics of liberals on here, so consider it dropped.

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