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I have held my toungue long enough.  Pugh needs to quit playing dirty or quit playing for Auburn.  Anyone who is offended by this is not paying attention and needs to do a little research.  For the 3rd year in a row, he has continued to make despicable plays and at some point it isnt a coincidence anymore.  ENOUGH IS ENOUGH

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You know, I'm tired of the chop blocks, too, but I don't know that it's so much that he's playing dirty. A "chop block" is a cut block on a defender who is already engaged with another blocker. A cut block on an unengaged defender is a perfectly legal and widely used tactic in all levels of football, from Pee Wee to the NFL.

I didn't see the play the chop block was called on because I was listening to the radio at work, so I'm not going to comment on whether he intentionally threw the illegal block, but when he got called for it the first time, remember, the coaches said that HE wasn't the one who made the error. It was the other lineman, who was not supposed to be engaged with the defender in the first place. Is is possible that is really what happened? Or do you want to go picket Jordan-Hare and demand that Pugh hang up his cleats?

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Yes, yes, I get it.  Ryan Pugh has been called for some chop blocks.  I was watching the game and didn't see this one and they never once showed a replay on it and I can't find it on the internet anywhere.  If you know where I can see it again please post a link to it.  I am not saying it didn't happen, but his others have made their way onto youtube but this one hasn't.

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He is a three year starter and has, what, 1500 plays from scrimmage under his belt.  3 "cheap" plays and now he is a bad person.  That average is not good enough for me.

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Football is a contact sport, and yes tempers do flare, and sometimes we do something stupid; but as far as I'm concerned, I want the biggest, baddest, meanest Lineman in the country.  You don't win football games based on how many merit badges you've got.

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The chop blocks are sick. I really hope they get that fixed soon.

Football is a contact sport, and yes tempers do flare, and sometimes we do something stupid; but as far as I'm concerned, I want the biggest, baddest, meanest Lineman in the country.  You don't win football games based on how many merit badges you've got.

I agree jason but I want them to do it without ending other athletes careers. That guy he chopped in the Tennessee game has had knee problems his entire career. He could have really hurt that guy. From what I hear that guy might not even walk right after his football career because he has had so many knee problems. None of us want to be considered fans of "chop block U". Every time a conversation starts about chop blocks Auburn is the prime example given.

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FWIW, I watched a replay in slow motion after I got home from the game and it looked very unintentional to me.  The other sideline seemed to have no problem with it.  Pugh is a good kid and I would definitely not call him dirty.

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I think as long as cut blocks remain leagle, chop blocks are an inevitability. This can happen for a number of reasons, but I would say the vast majority occur due to missed assignments by one or both of the OL. Also, I would imagine that teams that regularly play tripple option teams like Army, Navy, AF, GT, etc... sufffer far more knee injuries as a result of leagle cut blocks than the occasional chop block. Not saying that excuses the intentional chop blocks, but $&%# happens!

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You know, I'm tired of the chop blocks, too, but I don't know that it's so much that he's playing dirty. A "chop block" is a cut block on a defender who is already engaged with another blocker. A cut block on an unengaged defender is a perfectly legal and widely used tactic in all levels of football, from Pee Wee to the NFL.

Cut Blocks are not legal in High School or Pee Wee football  u can only block low if your in the free blocking zone directly at the snap and if you make any move other than shooting at the legs at the snap its illegal so you cant stand straight up or take a step back and  then do it....the running back cant do it on pass protection because its not directly at the snap...the defense cant do it either like say the offense runs a toss sweep and they got the Kitchen sink coming at the CB he cant go low to take out a line thats also a blocking below the waist call....It is a safety issue in high school so the have basically done away with andbody going low on anyone other than the ball carrier.

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This might be where tigerjeffm is getting this info from. 

I am so, so tired of this

If this article has any truth to it than I would say it needs to be corrected.  I have not personally reviewed the games to see the blocks.

No actually I hadnt read that until just now.  Thanks for the link.  I read War Blog Eagle (formerly The Joe Cribbs Car Wash) almost daily but I got in late last night.  I will say this, If Jerry Hinnen has that strog of an opinion about it, I mean what I said in my original post x2

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Well I dont feel chopblocks should be encouraged but they do happen in football. It is a contact sport. Injuries happen. All OL, including myself in HS, have to make blocks that sometimes look ugly to the fans. Its part of the game and I will tell you that I will support Ryan Pugh. On the OL you have to play mean and tough. Its part of the game.


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I have held my toungue long enough.  Pugh needs to quit playing dirty or quit playing for Auburn.  Anyone who is offended by this is not paying attention and needs to do a little research.  For the 3rd year in a row, he has continued to make despicable plays and at some point it isnt a coincidence anymore.  ENOUGH IS ENOUGH

GTFO, you sound like one of the jackoffs up the road trying to stir up shiite. RP is a tough hard nosed kid. If not for some loser sportswriter, or some idiot turd fans on other sites trying to stir up shiite, this would be a non-issue. And to think,...... I have to come on HERE of all places and read this. IT PISSES ME OFF, STFU!!

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