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I copied and pasted this from the fieldsofdonahue blog.  I read every auburn blog that I know of and this is one of them.  This was posted saturday but I just read it and it gave me chillbumps and I bet it will you too

"A week from tomorrow we will all be awake. Many of us will be tuned in to ESPN watching the previews for the season and many of us will be down in Auburn watching with much excitement as waves of burnt orange and navy blue begin to transcend upon the loveliest village on the plains. A week from tomorrow there will be aromas of barbecue in the air and happy people will begin to scream WAR EAGLE to complete strangers. There will be footballs flying through the air, and the sound of beer cans popping all around as people begin their quest for the perfect day. A week from tomorrow there will be old men talking about the "Amazins" of the early 1970's and how this team reminds them of that team. There will young men and women in their 20's talking about 2004 and how this teams chemistry reminds them of that team. A week from tomorrow there will be small children in tiny cheerleader outfits and Auburn tattoos stamped to their faces and much wonder and excitement in their eyes as they have their first Auburn experience. There will dads with their sons on their shoulders and father will become child if only for a moment remembering what it was like when he was on his dads shoulder for his first trip to Auburn. A week from tomorrow their will be students partying like rock stars and some of the most beautiful women in the south will be frolicking around in lovely sun dresses looking like goddesses sparkling in the afternoon sun. A week from tomorrow thousands of people will descend down to the Tiger walk and the band will be blasting and people will be singing our fight song. Our new coach will be leading his troops up to the stadium with pride and a smile as wide as the Tennessee River. The players will be pumped and unified with a new found swagger and will be shaking hands and giving high fives as they march toward their battlefield. A week from tomorrow people will line up five scores deep to get in the stadium and right as everyone gets seated the Eagle will fly from the rafters. For thirty seconds everyone will be quiet and tears will fall from the eyes of many as they are overcome by the emotion that IS AUBURN. A week from tomorrow the team will walk upon Pat Dye Field and as the crowd chants WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAGLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLEEEEEEEEEEEE the football will ascend high into the air and everyone will know that 2009 has begun!

War Damn Eagle!"

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