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QB Situation


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Cool, thanks. I sorta figured that, but you're our 'Inside' source so I thought you might know if there's a difference behind the scenes. Thanks again and War Eagle!

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Usually I know more than the normal big fan but this year Chizik is making it tough on the media to get any info but I do have several inside sources so it doesn't really hurt me much but I do hate the fact that media only gets to watch 20-45 mins of practice on certain days.

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So noone believes Trotter is gonna make a run? I myself agree that it is between Burns and Caudle just have read some articles saying its a three way battle as of now. Just curious to see what Sports Talk has on that situation. :wedance:

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I agree with Sportalk at this point. The two remaining QB's seem to be Burns and Caudle. It appears to me that they are going to keep Caudle around as long as they can. I believe that Burns will end up the starter in the end since he is the prototypical QB for Malzahn. Malzahn recruited him out of high school while at Arkansas, but lost to Auburn. It kind of makes me think that he has a leg up on Caudle. But who knows at this point. It is definitely good for both of them to stay around like this to create some competition. I guess we will see in two short days.

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Usually I know more than the normal big fan but this year Chizik is making it tough on the media to get any info but I do have several inside sources so it doesn't really hurt me much but I do hate the fact that media only gets to watch 20-45 mins of practice on certain days.

I love the fact that Chizik is keeping everything under wraps! Don't get me wrong, I'd like to know the in's and out's of Malzahn's O but at the same token, I don't want any of our rivals to get wind of anything. Matter of fact, don't you love how you haven't heard a whisper about the WildCat Formation? I think the coaches playing this all close to the vest may be the best strategic move you could make.

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