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Did your health insurace premium increase?


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OK, so let's agree that premiums would have gone up some anyhow. Now the question is will we continue to get the same quality of health care. Time will tell but from what I'm hearing the answer will be no......plus the gov't is now in control of your healthcare.

Fire all the current guys and hire me and I will try :Sing: .

Well the way the govt will be in control will be in regards to Accountable Care Organizations, if things worked like wanted and what Obama wanted to encourage. These organizations would be rewarded for being efficient and keeping people out of the offices. Something like this:


Or we kill off all the baby boomers, which are about to be a big cost health care wise and shift the time and money to prevention methods in the young >:D

Guessing that means you might have to or be close to having to go then PT? Sorry if I'm wrong lol.

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Just digging this up to note that my health insurance premiums are going up $130 a month (a 40% increase) and my deductible is going from $500/$1500 to $2000/$4000 because the BCBS plan my employer was offering us is no longer available because it doesn't conform to the ACA. Covered items remain unchanged.

I do not see how anyone here can defend that as a normal increase. If they try they are nuts!

J52, you may not have intended this thread to be for or against the legislation, but if I were in your shoes I'd be made as hell!

BTW, did you get to keep your doctor? I am hearing from many who are not.

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Yes. Mine has gone up almost every year. The jump was about the same as in years past.

Wasn't ACA propped up a solution and to reduce costs?? I think that is more the point than it's going up again. Now things are changing, from what I've seen with policies at 3 employers in Nashville that new plans are changing to completely do away with "family" plans by jacking the premiums up so high. My employers went up $60/month. I know of another employer whose went up more. They are basically saying and forcing the spouse of an employee to go on different plan, if that spouse's employer has individual coverage available. Fortunately, my wife works for a company that is the medical field and huge, so coverage for her and the kids is pretty cost wise, but I had to go with my employer for individual coverage. Doing that saved us $300/mo compared to keeping the family all on one plan. That coverage includes health, vision, and dental. Premiums are increasing, copays, deductibles are all going up STILL even though we were told ACA would help, go figure....i still don't think ACA was/is a good plan.

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Just digging this up to note that my health insurance premiums are going up $130 a month (a 40% increase) and my deductible is going from $500/$1500 to $2000/$4000 because the BCBS plan my employer was offering us is no longer available because it doesn't conform to the ACA. Covered items remain unchanged.

I do not see how anyone here can defend that as a normal increase. If they try they are nuts!

J52, you may not have intended this thread to be for or against the legislation, but if I were in your shoes I'd be made as hell!

BTW, did you get to keep your doctor? I am hearing from many who are not.

Yeah, I am pretty sure we can use the same doc but we don't go very often. I haven't been in a couple of years.

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The realization of the impeding "Cadillac Plan" tax will hit soon and you will see people with really great health plans changing to not so great plans. Some may actually get a rate reduction. Most will get a rate hold or slight increase for this lesser plan.

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Yes. Mine has gone up almost every year. The jump was about the same as in years past.

Wasn't ACA propped up a solution and to reduce costs?? I think that is more the point than it's going up again. Now things are changing, from what I've seen with policies at 3 employers in Nashville that new plans are changing to completely do away with "family" plans by jacking the premiums up so high. My employers went up $60/month. I know of another employer whose went up more. They are basically saying and forcing the spouse of an employee to go on different plan, if that spouse's employer has individual coverage available. Fortunately, my wife works for a company that is the medical field and huge, so coverage for her and the kids is pretty cost wise, but I had to go with my employer for individual coverage. Doing that saved us $300/mo compared to keeping the family all on one plan. That coverage includes health, vision, and dental. Premiums are increasing, copays, deductibles are all going up STILL even though we were told ACA would help, go figure....i still don't think ACA was/is a good plan.

Its not perfect and needs alot of work, but its a hell of alot better than what we had before.

Least I no longer see letters that read like this:

Thank you for your interest in X Company.

Review of medical history that is our standard procedure show:



We regret to inform you we are unable to offer you coverage based upon this history.

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What I'm saying is that they were raising them at astromomical rates before this thing was even a pimple. So to say we have to raise them because of Obamacare is comical, if it wasn't so painful

The price of Obama care started the day it was sign. It takes a lot of resources to implement. Also, the insurance companies hedge these last few years to be ahead of the curve and also not to shock the general public. You can not use charts and/or stats during these years to form a conclusion. Also, to not think that Obama care has added cost to healthcare and health issuance is wrong. The system is larger and more complex, and, therefore, will have more man hours needed to maintain. I.E. It cost more. Very simple! P.S. I predicted a large drop in the economy the first quarter. Americans cash flow has been hit hard when the new tax hit. I hope we level off or have just a small drop the next report But, I am worried that the next and larger round of Obama care will cause a large drop in the economy.
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