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Just when you think The One couldn't be any more pompous...


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Every 4 years like clockwork, Raptor and Titan become virtually indistinguishable.

I know, it's just shocking that I haven't come around to Obama's greatness yet. Of course, until the last six months I had little reason to care about him other than to note that he wasn't the water walker his loyal devotees thought he was. I wasn't even bothered by "Obamacare" the way so many others were. I had my concerns, but I liked parts of it and some of its aims. But a couple of pokes in the eyes toward churches and religious organizations and his gay marriage gambit certainly got my attention. The former much greater than the latter, but all of it told me I didn't want to give the guy four more years with no re-election prospects to be concerned with.

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Yeah, I saw that one. Give the gift of....OBAMA !


Every 4 years like clockwork, Raptor and Titan become virtually indistinguishable.

Still wearing your Obama Underoos I take it.

I think Romney is the one who wears the magic Underoos

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We just said no one is outraged. Is outrage the only reason someone might point out an oddity or an example of someone being full of themselves?

I said I'm not outraged. Someone asked me who is outraged and I said I don't know who is outraged.

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We just said no one is outraged. Is outrage the only reason someone might point out an oddity or an example of someone being full of themselves?

I said I'm not outraged. Someone asked me who is outraged and I said I don't know who is outraged.

They were "outraged" the day one of , you know, those kind get elected.

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Every 4 years like clockwork, Raptor and Titan become virtually indistinguishable.

I'm sorry, but did you have anything of substance to say concerning the topic of this thread ?


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We just said no one is outraged. Is outrage the only reason someone might point out an oddity or an example of someone being full of themselves?

I said I'm not outraged. Someone asked me who is outraged and I said I don't know who is outraged.

They were "outraged" the day one of , you know, those kind get elected.

You know, if you're going to keep throwing around accusations of racism, you're going to need something other than the mere fact that people oppose Obama's policies or re-election. If you have something that someone around here as said that is evidence of that, then by all means, avail yourself of the search function the forums offer. Otherwise, shut up.

We don't censor the political arguments around here pretty much ever, but if this pattern of yours persists an exception can be made. Accusing people of racism is a serious charge. Find some real evidence of it or find a new debating tactic.

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It's not his fault Titan, he got the memo. It's already started and the Obama campaign and the DNC spokesmen will be slinging their BS full time. Pelosi had a little sound bite last week, I'll see if I can find it.

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We just said no one is outraged. Is outrage the only reason someone might point out an oddity or an example of someone being full of themselves?

I said I'm not outraged. Someone asked me who is outraged and I said I don't know who is outraged.

They were "outraged" the day one of , you know, those kind get elected.

You know, if you're going to keep throwing around accusations of racism, you're going to need something other than the mere fact that people oppose Obama's policies or re-election. If you have something that someone around here as said that is evidence of that, then by all means, avail yourself of the search function the forums offer. Otherwise, shut up.

We don't censor the political arguments around here pretty much ever, but if this pattern of yours persists an exception can be made. Accusing people of racism is a serious charge. Find some real evidence of it or find a new debating tactic.

I didn't say anything about race....I was infuring a "socialist"

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Yeah, ask young couples to forego one of the biggest days of their lives to fund his political ambitions. That's much better. It was crass, tacky, pompous and you know it.

I'm not saying I would have done it, I'm saying I understand the game.

Of course, Mr. Common Man has his own network of fat cat donors to suck up to also, which explains why he was too busy to soil his hands with a doomed and idiotic recall effort in Wisconsin. He had a $40,000 a plate fundraiser to attend. He's "got a lot of responsibilities" as President, you know...such as holding nine fundraisers in the days before the recall election.

Don't kid yourself. Your candidate is no knight in shining armor here.

Again, not saying he is. Just slightly surprised at your choice to and slant of tackling this issue.

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I wasn't really tackling an issue. I just thought it was particularly egotistical and tacky to try and persuade a couple to forgo wedding gifts in lieu of a campaign donation.

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I wasn't really tackling an issue. I just thought it was particularly egotistical and tacky to try and persuade a couple to forgo wedding gifts in lieu of a campaign donation.


And just to be clear, I'm not really defending Obama in this instance. All I'm saying is it comes across as selective outrage. Particularly, given the fundraising landscape and antics across the political spectrum.

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I wasn't really tackling an issue. I just thought it was particularly egotistical and tacky to try and persuade a couple to forgo wedding gifts in lieu of a campaign donation.


And just to be clear, I'm not really defending Obama in this instance. All I'm saying is it comes across as selective outrage. Particularly, given the fundraising landscape and antics across the political spectrum.

If there were a comparable example on the conservative side where people were asked to sacrifice on one of the most important days of their lives to give to a GOP candidate, and I knew about it, then pointing this out would be selective outrage. But as it stands, I haven't heard of anything like this anywhere else on either side of the aisle. So I'm hardly being selective. On top of that, I'm nowhere close to outraged.

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I wasn't really tackling an issue. I just thought it was particularly egotistical and tacky to try and persuade a couple to forgo wedding gifts in lieu of a campaign donation.


And just to be clear, I'm not really defending Obama in this instance. All I'm saying is it comes across as selective outrage. Particularly, given the fundraising landscape and antics across the political spectrum.

I think what you are doing could be considered passive aggressive defense of Obama. You don't come right out and take up for him, you say it's OK & nothing wrong with it.

All I'm saying is it comes across as selective outrage.

And has been pointed out no one here is outraged, we're sitting around thinking how incredibly stupid, vapid and narcissistic.

All I'm saying is it comes across as selective outrage.

Nothing like accusing someone else of selective outrage when you know if the Romney campaign had done something like this you and the left would be falling all over your collective selves.

Particularly, given the fundraising landscape and antics across the political spectrum.

Would you please provide an example of Romney or any Republican even coming close to being this crass, this self absorbed.


This got me to thinking. My birthday is next month.

In lieu of contributing to President Obama’s campaign, send cash to me.

Thanks in advance.

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Every 4 years like clockwork, Raptor and Titan become virtually indistinguishable.

I know, it's just shocking that I haven't come around to Obama's greatness yet. Of course, until the last six months I had little reason to care about him other than to note that he wasn't the water walker his loyal devotees thought he was. I wasn't even bothered by "Obamacare" the way so many others were. I had my concerns, but I liked parts of it and some of its aims. But a couple of pokes in the eyes toward churches and religious organizations and his gay marriage gambit certainly got my attention. The former much greater than the latter, but all of it told me I didn't want to give the guy four more years with no re-election prospects to be concerned with.

I could care less who you vote for and, unlike you, I never deluded myself into thinking you might ever vote for Obama. I was mostly commenting on your use of "the One"-- that makes you sound like the biggest right wing nuts on this forum. And yes, I know your disagreement with Obama's birth control requirement left you so angry you couldn't think or see straight. That's been painfully obvious.

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Every 4 years like clockwork, Raptor and Titan become virtually indistinguishable.

I know, it's just shocking that I haven't come around to Obama's greatness yet. Of course, until the last six months I had little reason to care about him other than to note that he wasn't the water walker his loyal devotees thought he was. I wasn't even bothered by "Obamacare" the way so many others were. I had my concerns, but I liked parts of it and some of its aims. But a couple of pokes in the eyes toward churches and religious organizations and his gay marriage gambit certainly got my attention. The former much greater than the latter, but all of it told me I didn't want to give the guy four more years with no re-election prospects to be concerned with.

I could care less who you vote for and, unlike you, I never deluded myself into thinking you might ever vote for Obama. I was mostly commenting on your use of "the One"-- that puts you lock step with the biggest right wing nuts on this forum. And yes, I know your disagreement with Obama's birth control requirement left you so angry you couldn't think or see straight. That's been painfully obvious.

I never deluded myself into thinking I'd vote for him either. Too passionate about preserving the right to kill the unborn for me to seriously consider him. But I was all but determined to make this election my first where I refused to vote for the GOP. I didn't like Obama but didn't like the alternatives. But his actions of late, and not just on the big "eff you" to Catholics who dare to actually believe all that religious stuff, made it clear to me that 4 more years of this nonsense with no reelection to worry about is scary as hell. "The One" is just a poke at the messianic reactions of so many of his followers vs his actual results.

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Just ask the people in new Hampshire how they were forced to help pay for Obama campaigning there when the his campaign declined to pay.


Luckily a anonymous person gave the city the money it needed to cover the expenses.

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I wonder who approved this? Does anyone staff these ideas? And if they do, did they really end up thinking this would be a good idea?

These are basically the same people running our country right now...

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Is Romney Pro-Choice? Someone please help me on this one.

Is Obama a narcissist pompous ass? We don't need any help on that.

5 Great Gifts to Send Obama in Lieu of Cash Contributions



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Wasn't Romney pro choice when he held his only elected position?

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Wasn't Romney pro choice when he held his only elected position?

How much are you going to donate to the obama campaign for your birthday? :roflol:

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