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Does the GOP have a demographics problem?


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Sanctuary cities.

Obama admin fighting the state laws looking to find illegal immigrants.

Obama admin refusing to guard the border.

Democrats blocking Texas Voter ID Law.

Most of this comes back to the voter suppression issue not immigration, which we've discussed before. And some of it (e.g., 'refusing to guard the boarder' is a downright distortion of the truth.

I could keep listing, but answer this: would there be more illegal immigrants or less illegal immigrants if the democrats had no votes in Congress for the last 20 years?

So now, we're no longer want to be a country of immigrants? You guys never cease to amaze me. (BTW - This is not a dodge - the question is ridiculous unless you are suggestion Republicans are prepared to permanently close our borders ... which is obviously even more ridiculous.

Country of immigrants is awesome. Country of illegal immigrants is horrible. I assume you phrased it the way you did because you don't really see a difference. I know my question was specifically about illegal immigration so of course your response was a dodge. I think you had to dodge because you realize that democrats have facilitated illegal immigration for a generation as an electoral strategy.

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Southern Party?


And many of those states like Ohio, Iowa, etc are all swing states.

Again, it is this author's attempt to marginalize anyone who is crazy enough to disagree with the liberal political machine as belonging to some fringe group that isn't representative of America.

This isn't about Red states or Blue states (although, more on that in a second), this is about the voice which is driving the direction of the party. Where is it coming from? That's the point I believe he was making - and I think he's right.

But if you want to have fun with maps, consider this, just regarding the Latino vote which plays a factor in the following swing states: Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Nevada, New Mexico, North Carolina and Virginia.


(In this map, Romney is awarded)...every marginal state, including ones he clearly won't win like Wisconsin, and yet he still can't get to 270 votes if Latinos cost him every battleground state in which they are a factor.

(One Republican summed the map up well...)

t is pretty obvious that we can’t continue to lose Latinos two to one as we did in 2008 and remain competitive as a national party. If we don’t do better among Latinos, we are not going to be talking about how to get back Florida in the presidential race, we are going to be talking about how not to lose Texas.”


A good read

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If Obama keeps up this fight with Catholics, he might have a latino problem on his hands. Look at how they voted for Prop 8 in California.

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If Obama keeps up this fight with Catholics, he might have a latino problem on his hands. Look at how they voted for Prop 8 in California.

Good luck with that ... the latest Latino poll commissioned by Fox News in a hypothetical Obama v. Romney matchup:

Obama 70

Romney 14

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The GOP is very fractured. The establishment vs sectors of the Tea Party vs the Ron and Rand Pauls'

The establishment has pretty much said they are willing to sink the party even further down to keep the "party over principle" mentality. There is such a disconnect between the Republican establishment and the rest of the country.

Ann Coulter actually used a good term to describe them. Charlatan.

And even though the grassroots can go to the local level, the establishment can go to the local level too.

I'm refering to the county conventions and delegate process currently going on around the country.

I even like what James Carville had to say about Mitt Romney and the Republican establishment. He said something like "Romney's going to be their guy, but the voters will spit up the pill a few times before they finally swallow it."

If you can't get excited about your nominee, you will lose. Dole 1996. Kerry 2004. McCain 2008.

Republicans as a whole lack credibility on several issues. They continue that trend with Romney as the nominee.

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Republicans as a whole lack credibility on several issues. They continue that trend with Romney as the nominee.

And Obama doesn't?

- Gitmo

- Drones

- Iraq withdrawal date

- Torture

- Budget

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I will again say, how do you think the presidential debates go?

They will focus on:

Romneycare vs Obamacare

Romney being against auto bailout but for bank bailout

The race will unfortunately be lopsided in coverage towards a referendum on Romney rather than Obama's record.

I've yet to see CNN, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, or ABC focus on Obama's hypocrisy or flops as much as they have Romney's. In other words, most of the media will give Obama a pass and look the other way.

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I will again say, how do you think the presidential debates go?

They will focus on:

Romneycare vs Obamacare

Romney being against auto bailout but for bank bailout

The race will unfortunately be lopsided in coverage towards a referendum on Romney rather than Obama's record.

I've yet to see CNN, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, or ABC focus on Obama's hypocrisy or flops as much as they have Romney's. In other words, most of the media will give Obama a pass and look the other way.


If Romney is smart (ummmmmm, anyway) he will get with Newt to learn how to take a media led question and turn it back on them. If I were Romney, I'd make quick jab/answer of the question and pivot to the Obama scam that we are in the middle of.

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There needs to be more of this on higher rated shows. And it needs to be obsessed with and covered like Rush Limbaugh or an Etch a Sketch comment.

MSNBC dropped Cenk for...Rev. Al.

So far the only real responses to showing Obama pushing and doing the same things Bush and Republicans did is... "Well, Bush and Republicans did it."

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