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War Eagle Art Introduction


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I'd like to introduce myself, and my new website. My name is Lance Curry, and I've started WarEagleArt.com. I'm not a professional artist by any means, I'm just a huge :au: Football fan who happens to have a little talent with colored pencils. My dad has been drawing people, animals, and sports heroes ever since I was in diapers, and so I've always been into art, and just recently have I attempted to pursue it as a potential income source. The main reason I'm making this post is to obviously get my work out there to the general public and to get my website some hits.

I'd love to hear what you guys think of what I have up there currently, and any suggestions for improvement. (I have my work, and my dad's work, and also a link to his site on my page) I'd also LOVE to hear what you guys want to see me do next. My introductory piece to the world is entitled "Cam Nation" and it's listed in the gallery on my site. I've also got a Nick Fairley piece shown, which unfortunately, I didn't remember that we lost that game until I was about 90% done... :thumbsdown: Currently, I'm working on a Kodi Burns piece from his touchdown in the BCS National Championship game, and will be posted upon completion.

I've also been talking with Rob w/ AUFAMILY about a special contest/give-away in relation with my post. He'll be posting details soon. Keep checking back often!

Thanks again, War Eagle, and please, please, please send me any comments/suggestions/general banter...I'd love to hear it all.



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I saw a couple of these come through Cam's line on Saturday. Were you the one that brought them?

They look pretty cool. I wouldn't mind one myself. If it makes you feel better, Cam thought they were cool

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It was super-hectic or I would've asked about them Saturday. Some people were leaving stuff with him; there were a few artists come through, some not so great

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You said that you would love to hear comments on your work. Art is a very personal thing and what one person may like, another person may not. With that in mind, this is just one person's opinion. Take it for what it may (or may not) be worth.

You and your dad are talented fellows. No doubt. That said, IMO, your artwork is too busy. There are conflicts with the subject matter. For example, the backgrounds are so colorful and busy that they compete with the subject. And I do not know any AU fans that would want an image of NS in a piece of art about AU. Some might, but I would not want anything about that guy in my house.

Please recognize that my comments are not intended as criticism. They are made in an effort to try to be helpful.

BTW, work on something with a number of players holding up the Crystal Ball. That would sell.

Good luck.


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Thanks Mike, I appreciate the comments. Backgrounds are a tricky item. That's something I've been working on to improve. As far as NS, you're right. Some love it, some hate it. Its all a personal opinion. My dad took some artistic liberties on that one. It was actually a suggestion by another AU fan, and he ran with it. My goal is to improve each time I do a piece.

Again, thank you for the comments, they are much appreciated and will be used to improve my work in the future.


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My artistic side likes it just the way it is!! Although I might consider changing the football to a crystal ball. Ya know, sometimes less is more.

Good job.

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I'd absolutely take one of those. But from a sales standpoint, Greg Gamble has the same pose in his collage for the 2010 championship, which he also sold as individual. Food for thought....

Looks great though!

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Man who are you telling lol. The carbon fiber look isn't much better though! Im pretty proud of the Oregon players sleeve though. I think it turned out really well. I'm looking forward to the helmet though. There's a lot of challenging parts of this picture.

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