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Willard M. Romney - 15%


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To me the question is whether or not it is possible to reduce the "income inequality" without hurting the economy. I fear that it will work like "no child left behind". In order for the lower achieving people to appear to be more like the higher achieving people the administration ends up holding back the high achievers. I seriously do not understand the fascination on the top 1%. They are doing fine. Focus on everyone else who can benefit more. If some people get super-rich in order to get the economy back on its feet is that really bad? I can't seem to make myself see it as a problem.

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The bottom line is Mitt Romney has extraordinarily benefitted from an unfair tax code and the clincher: he wants to make it even more unfair. And you can bet your ass this will be a central issue in the general election come fall.

Half the country pays NOTHING in income taxes!!!!! Most of America (Middle Income Americans) pay less than 10% after deductions. Romney paid income taxes on the money he earned, and now pays capital gains on money he made through INVESTMENTS!!!! He had already paid income taxes on the money he made, which allowed him to invest that money and then pay taxes on the return of those investments.

STOP lying about the "unfair" taxation and start championing a fairer, flatter tax system where ALL AMERICANS pay something instread of half paying NOTHING!

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The bottom line is Mitt Romney has extraordinarily benefitted from an unfair tax code and the clincher: he wants to make it even more unfair. And you can bet your ass this will be a central issue in the general election come fall.

Half the country pays NOTHING in income taxes!!!!! Most of America (Middle Income Americans) pay less than 10% after deductions. Romney paid income taxes on the money he earned, and now pays capital gains on money he made through INVESTMENTS!!!! He had already paid income taxes on the money he made, which allowed him to invest that money and then pay taxes on the return of those investments.

STOP lying about the "unfair" taxation and start championing a fairer, flatter tax system where ALL AMERICANS pay something instread of half paying NOTHING!

As I stated above, that's incorrect. Romney is not a victim of double taxation but rather the beneficiary of the carried interest tax loophole.

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I mean I understand that is your position, but CS Lewis isnt some legendary person. He was an ok children's author. I thought his books were ok in middle school.

He wrote much more than the Narnia series.

I'm aware of that.

He was one of the more incisive thinkers of the 20th century. Casual dismissals of something he said based him being an "ok children's author" say a lot more about you than him.

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The bottom line is Mitt Romney has extraordinarily benefitted from an unfair tax code and the clincher: he wants to make it even more unfair. And you can bet your ass this will be a central issue in the general election come fall.

Half the country pays NOTHING in income taxes!!!!! Most of America (Middle Income Americans) pay less than 10% after deductions. Romney paid income taxes on the money he earned, and now pays capital gains on money he made through INVESTMENTS!!!! He had already paid income taxes on the money he made, which allowed him to invest that money and then pay taxes on the return of those investments.

STOP lying about the "unfair" taxation and start championing a fairer, flatter tax system where ALL AMERICANS pay something instread of half paying NOTHING!

As I stated above, that's incorrect. Romney is not a victim of double taxation but rather the beneficiary of the carried interest tax loophole.

Ok....so what do you want? 30% tax on revenues from money earned through investments? That will help spur job growth and private investment. dry.gif

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It's pretty simple actually: I want a progressive tax structure similar to what we had in the 90s. And I want tax loopholes closed that allow some to earn ordinary income at the cap gains rate. I also want corporate taxes lowered but that's an entirely different debate.

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It's pretty simple actually: I want a progressive tax structure similar to what we had in the 90s. And I want tax loopholes closed that allow some to earn ordinary income at the cap gains rate. I also want corporate taxes lowered but that's an entirely different debate.

Replying to Willard M. Romney - 15%

But you guys kept your yaps shut when John Lerch Kerry was running for POTUS and his effective tax rate was lower than Romney's.

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It's pretty simple actually: I want a progressive tax structure similar to what we had in the 90s. And I want tax loopholes closed that allow some to earn ordinary income at the cap gains rate. I also want corporate taxes lowered but that's an entirely different debate.

Well, you are not in line with your fellow Democrats. Why not have the rates we had in the mid to late 80's and do the things you stated? For me, it's a matter of true fairness. When half the country pays nothing, we have a problem. If cutting loopholes and taking away some deductions will allow everyone to pay, I'd be more than willing to support it. Right now, it's all about class warfare.

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I'm not interested in party. I'm interested in country.

Throughout most of the mid 80s, the top tax rate was 50%. Is that what you're advocating for?

Saying half the country pays nothing is misleading (i.e., payroll tax, sales taxes, etc.)

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I'm not interested in party. I'm interested in country.

Throughout most of the mid 80s, the top tax rate was 50%. Is that what you're advocating for?

Saying half the country pays nothing is misleading (i.e., payroll tax, sales taxes, etc.)

Half the country pays no income tax.

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I'm not interested in party. I'm interested in country.

Throughout most of the mid 80s, the top tax rate was 50%. Is that what you're advocating for?

Saying half the country pays nothing is misleading (i.e., payroll tax, sales taxes, etc.)

Half the country pays no income tax.

Not exactly...

When looking only at federal income tax, you are correct ... forty-seven percent of people either have such a low income that they are exempt from the federal income tax or they qualify for enough tax credits that they get more back than they pay in. BUT federal income taxes are just a small part of the overall tax picture. There are still property taxes, state income taxes, payroll taxes, sales taxes and excise taxes, just to name a few.

To actually pay zero taxes, someone would have to be unemployed, not own any property, live in Delaware, Montana, New Hampshire or Oregon, where there is no sales tax, and not buy anything that has an excise tax, such as alcohol, cigarettes or gasoline.


When all federal taxes are taken into consideration, the tax burden is distributed slightly more equally than some suggest, especially compared to how income is distributed.


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I'm not interested in party. I'm interested in country. (In that case how in the world would you ever support Obama so much?)

Throughout most of the mid 80s, the top tax rate was 50%. Is that what you're advocating for?

Saying half the country pays nothing is misleading (i.e., payroll tax, sales taxes, etc.)

Half the country pays no income tax.

Not exactly...

When looking only at federal income tax, you are correct ... forty-seven percent of people either have such a low income that they are exempt from the federal income tax or they qualify for enough tax credits that they get more back than they pay in. BUT federal income taxes are just a small part of the overall tax picture. There are still property taxes, state income taxes, payroll taxes, sales taxes and excise taxes, just to name a few.

To actually pay zero taxes, someone would have to be unemployed, not own any property, live in Delaware, Montana, New Hampshire or Oregon, where there is no sales tax, and not buy anything that has an excise tax, such as alcohol, cigarettes or gasoline.


When all federal taxes are taken into consideration, the tax burden is distributed slightly more equally than some suggest, especially compared to how income is distributed.


So after tax credits, deductions etc. etc. their effective tax rate is 0. Or in many cases - 1,000% or more because they get back hundreds of times more than they ever pay in.

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