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Democrats Terrified!


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Let's look at real life instances where ID is required and then discuss poor people and the elderly not being able to identify themselves at a polling place.

Air travel

Entry into most Federal buildings

Prescription drugs

Over the freaking counter - Cold and flu remedies

Alcohol purchase (Beer, Wine, Spirits)

Cigarette purchase

Flat fix it (yeah, really - must be 18)

Spray paint

Check cashing or paying

Bank withdrawal

Driver's license or Driver's license renewal (requires birth certificate, social security card, military id, passport)

Credit card/Debit card use

Bars (must be 18 or older to enter)

Community Pools

Package pick up

Post office parcel pick up

Safe Deposit box use/rental

Certified Mail delivery

Any others to add to the list? They shouldn't be poor/rich oriented, just day to day instances where your ID is required.

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Like I said before, it's the only way Democrats think (maybe true) can win......have illegals and felons vote for them.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Voter fraud 'a normal political tactic' in upstate NY city

By Eric Shawn

Published January 17, 2012

Two veteran Democratic political operatives in Troy said voter fraud is an accepted way of winning elections, and faking absentee ballots was commonplace.




"I knew that the actual voters had not voted the ballots or signed the envelopes, but that did not concern me. I am not the ballot police," Renna said in a statement to police. "I have been present when 'ballots were voted correctly' by party operatives. Voted correctly is a term used for a forged application or ballot."

"It shakes the confidence of the voters when they see something like this happened," said former Troy Mayor Harry Tutunjian, who recently left office and is now a Republican member of the county legislature. "We want to encourage people to get out and vote and express their democracy. But if they see their right to vote being taken away by others, they are going to be hesitant and think that their vote isn't worth anything,"

Read it all here if you want.

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I'm still scratching my head over this 'mountain of facts.' I've never said you couldn't point to bad apples. I said advocates of these laws are trying to kill a fly with an intercontinental ballistic missile.

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I'm not particularly interested in engaging in this conversation, but did TigerMike just belittle RIR's information due to the fact that it was from a biased source (leftist think tank with an agenda) only to cite "facts" from a magazine (the National Review) that was founded by William F Buckley?!? Talk about your classic hypocritical move. Either biased sources are valid or they aren't. You don't get to bash "leftist think tanks" in one breath then laud the fact-based reporting from a source guided by a dude like Buckley (who once actually wrote a book defending Joseph McCarthy). Please. And I didn't even touch the fact that Hans von Spakovsky wrote the article. I looked him up. Worked on W's legal team regarding the Florida recount, which got him a post with the Justice Department, which he parlayed into a recess appointment to the FEC. Yeah, I'm sure he's just a paragon of non-partisan equity.

This is an interesting and potentially important conversation, but that kind of move really drags the discourse into a ridiculous place. Stay above board fellas. You're all better than that.

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I'm not particularly interested in engaging in this conversation, but did TigerMike just belittle RIR's information due to the fact that it was from a biased source (leftist think tank with an agenda) only to cite "facts" from a magazine (the National Review) that was founded by William F Buckley?!? Talk about your classic hypocritical move. Either biased sources are valid or they aren't. You don't get to bash "leftist think tanks" in one breath then laud the fact-based reporting from a source guided by a dude like Buckley (who once actually wrote a book defending Joseph McCarthy). Please. And I didn't even touch the fact that Hans von Spakovsky wrote the article. I looked him up. Worked on W's legal team regarding the Florida recount, which got him a post with the Justice Department, which he parlayed into a recess appointment to the FEC. Yeah, I'm sure he's just a paragon of non-partisan equity.

This is an interesting and potentially important conversation, but that kind of move really drags the discourse into a ridiculous place. Stay above board fellas. You're all better than that.

This suprises you how?

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I'm not particularly interested in engaging in this conversation, but did TigerMike just belittle RIR's information due to the fact that it was from a biased source (leftist think tank with an agenda) only to cite "facts" from a magazine (the National Review) that was founded by William F Buckley?!? Talk about your classic hypocritical move. Either biased sources are valid or they aren't. You don't get to bash "leftist think tanks" in one breath then laud the fact-based reporting from a source guided by a dude like Buckley (who once actually wrote a book defending Joseph McCarthy). Please. And I didn't even touch the fact that Hans von Spakovsky wrote the article. I looked him up. Worked on W's legal team regarding the Florida recount, which got him a post with the Justice Department, which he parlayed into a recess appointment to the FEC. Yeah, I'm sure he's just a paragon of non-partisan equity.

This is an interesting and potentially important conversation, but that kind of move really drags the discourse into a ridiculous place. Stay above board fellas. You're all better than that.

This suprises you how?

It shouldn't surprise you that the MSM is not covering or reporting on voter fraud. After all they were in the tank for Obama in the last election and still are for the up coming election.

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I'm not particularly interested in engaging in this conversation, but did TigerMike just belittle RIR's information due to the fact that it was from a biased source (leftist think tank with an agenda) only to cite "facts" from a magazine (the National Review) that was founded by William F Buckley?!? Talk about your classic hypocritical move. Either biased sources are valid or they aren't. You don't get to bash "leftist think tanks" in one breath then laud the fact-based reporting from a source guided by a dude like Buckley (who once actually wrote a book defending Joseph McCarthy). Please. And I didn't even touch the fact that Hans von Spakovsky wrote the article. I looked him up. Worked on W's legal team regarding the Florida recount, which got him a post with the Justice Department, which he parlayed into a recess appointment to the FEC. Yeah, I'm sure he's just a paragon of non-partisan equity.

This is an interesting and potentially important conversation, but that kind of move really drags the discourse into a ridiculous place. Stay above board fellas. You're all better than that.

The National Review article was posted because it specifically pointed out the agenda of the Brennan Center. Something you are not going to get in news articles. Also most all dem talking points and stats showing there is no voter fraud comes from work provided by the Brennan Center.

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I'm still scratching my head over this 'mountain of facts.' I've never said you couldn't point to bad apples. I said advocates of these laws are trying to kill a fly with an intercontinental ballistic missile.

I assume that in your above post you forgot to hit this button:


Requiring identification to vote is like trying to kill a fly with an icbm...freakin' HILARIOUS!

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  • 5 weeks later...


State election commission finds no evidence of voter fraud

Read more here: http://www.thestate.com/2012/02/23/2164540/state-election-commission-finds.html#storylink=cpy


Oh, and you left some stuff out of your article:

Election Commission: No evidence of voter fraud

But attorney general calls report ‘premature’

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State election commission finds no evidence of voter fraud

Read more here: http://www.thestate.com/2012/02/23/2164540/state-election-commission-finds.html#storylink=cpy


Oh, and you left some stuff out of your article:

Election Commission: No evidence of voter fraud

But attorney general calls report ‘premature’

Of course he calls it premature - he called for the investigation that has turned up nothing!

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