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Auburn/Georgia Post Game


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That's exactly how I think he responds. I don't feel like we ever get more than coach speak out of him.

Just noticed UGA had 528 yards of offense.. that's the second time this year we've given up over 500. How many people think Chizik actually cans Roof after this year?

That wouldn't fix things as much as Chizik keeping his hands to himself and letting Roof run the defense he wants to run (which is NOTHING like what was shown tonight) would fix.

Chizik is a better DC than Roof ever was. Check the stats. Did miss something, I didnt see Chizk calling defensive plays today. Gus' offense has regressed this season. OL play is horrible. The 'we are young card' is off the table 10 games into the season. At the end of the season I would expect Roof to be gone and Gus possibily leaving for a HC gig. If Gus goes expect a more conventional OC that will better balance the team. Increase the TOP and emphasis on running the ball. As a result the defensive numbers will improve...my $.02.


Leave for what HC gig? SW Missouri Teacher's College? The offense this year has been fully as futile as the defense. Gus lacks a QB and line? Ted lacks linebackers and a line. I think Malzahn's opportunity for a big HC job will be on hold this year. Maybe if we see some return next year, some idea of how to get more than one receiver involved in the game, things may change.

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1321191203[/url]' post='778921']
1321156562[/url]' post='778834']
1321154111[/url]' post='778811']

Did miss something, I didnt see Chizk calling defensive plays today.

Evidently so. Every time Georgia had the ball today, that was your HC's defensive scheme.

Oh you mean the same scheme that was used by Chizik in 2004 when we were #1 in scoring defense and #5 overall? That one? Or the defensive scheme that he ran at UT when they won a MNC? Why do you think Chizik was a hot commodity as a HC? Because he rocked a leather bomber? Some of you guys have some pretty selective, short memories. When was Roof EVER a hot commodity as a DC?

Can someone tell me when Chizik was a "hot commodity" as a coach? Shades of 5-19 are coming to fruition.....

Oh please... Chizik was the #1 Head Coaching prospect in the country when he left Texas for the Iowa State job. Get real.

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Being in Sanford was painful tonight. I must say though, I was actually around some fairly cool UGAly fans. No issues with them. The Crown helped.

I've been to Sanford half a dozen times. Only saw 1 loss there, that was in '91, I believe. Never had any issues at the game, because we usually win, and most Auburn fans don't gloat or rub it in their faces. Never saw anything like this. After the 1st TD, we never even competed.

With all the b.s. that went on last year, and how they trashed our campus.... I'm surprised you had such a decent time of it. I really am. In my mind, they're the worst fans ever. Period.

Maybe I just got lucky, but I wasn't around anyone acting like an ass. Of course, they were all so giddy about destroying us, so that probably had a lot to do with it.

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Other than the guy I sat next to, the hazing was about what I expected. A few kids saying "F Auburn" and a few middle aged fat old men that are still butt hurt about Cam Newton

I think it's cute lol

The guy that sat next to me made it point to tell his wife "figures I'd have to sit next to a damn Auburn fan". That one mildly irked me because I paid money for that seat and if he doesn't like it tough s***. Sit at home if you can't handle the luck of he draw involved in sitting by strangers at public outings

And grow up while your at it

That's my spill... I still had fun with some of the other fans and the Auburn woman behind me taking pictures of the guy that looked like Chumlee from Pawn Stars was cracking me up

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I really don't want anyone fired...I'd really just rather see us improve. I get mad like everyone and want an immediate fix..The frustrating thing is I don't really see the improvement this year; at any position. There are a handful of individuals who are playing well... Eltoro is playing inspired ball; Blake is a man, Lutzie...but that is about it...3 is not enough. My biggest gripe with the Defense is the D-back play. Not in position, really ever...it's not that they are not making plays in the rare occasions they are near the ball; they are just never really near the ball...I've seen Pop Warner teams better prepared in the secondary than our guys.

Offensively we are regressing. I will say this one last time...to be successful, this offense has to run the ball 1st! To run, there has to be the threat that the QB will run. Neither BT or CM can run or even carry the threat that they will run. The defenses are selling out to get the RB because no one cares about the QB....we cannot win without a running QB in this scheme...so either completely change the scheme (not likely or practical and not really even needed) or put a QB in that can run. KF can run and carries the threat of run constantly. He needs to play... is the staff afraid we'll get beat 40 points with him in the game? Oh wait, we already have been beaten by 40 in 2 lopsided losses...and if the defenses are afraid of the run...then maybe, just maybe, we can complete a pass or two when we need to....these coaches are paid too much money to miss obvious things....

War Eagle...I love all the Auburn family...coaches, players, staff...all of their blue and orange hearts...but when a family member is not living up to family expectations, they need to be spoken to about it in very plain terms...(like my Mom would do to our family members when we violated the family standards...maybe I can get Mom to call the staff and have a conversation with them...)...

Spot on. I want AU to succeed and I tire of blasting the DC, OC, HC, etc. I'd just like to see K. Frazier run a couple of series to settle in & see what he can do. WDE

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Is Trovon still not 100%? If he is even as healthy as Blake, why are we not running any plays that target Reed getting the ball? I thought he was supposed to be one of those "do it all" players for us. I don't understand.

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I really don't want anyone fired...I'd really just rather see us improve. I get mad like everyone and want an immediate fix..The frustrating thing is I don't really see the improvement this year; at any position. There are a handful of individuals who are playing well... Eltoro is playing inspired ball; Blake is a man, Lutzie...but that is about it...3 is not enough. My biggest gripe with the Defense is the D-back play. Not in position, really ever...it's not that they are not making plays in the rare occasions they are near the ball; they are just never really near the ball...I've seen Pop Warner teams better prepared in the secondary than our guys.

Offensively we are regressing. I will say this one last time...to be successful, this offense has to run the ball 1st! To run, there has to be the threat that the QB will run. Neither BT or CM can run or even carry the threat that they will run. The defenses are selling out to get the RB because no one cares about the QB....we cannot win without a running QB in this scheme...so either completely change the scheme (not likely or practical and not really even needed) or put a QB in that can run. KF can run and carries the threat of run constantly. He needs to play... is the staff afraid we'll get beat 40 points with him in the game? Oh wait, we already have been beaten by 40 in 2 lopsided losses...and if the defenses are afraid of the run...then maybe, just maybe, we can complete a pass or two when we need to....these coaches are paid too much money to miss obvious things....

War Eagle...I love all the Auburn family...coaches, players, staff...all of their blue and orange hearts...but when a family member is not living up to family expectations, they need to be spoken to about it in very plain terms...(like my Mom would do to our family members when we violated the family standards...maybe I can get Mom to call the staff and have a conversation with them...)...

Spot on. I want AU to succeed and I tire of blasting the DC, OC, HC, etc. I'd just like to see K. Frazier run a couple of series to settle in & see what he can do. WDE

Umm, didn't we try that already? Seems pretty clear to me CGM would love to give the ball to KF RIGHT NOW (or probably back in August, really), if he was ready. That's he's not in there, given the product we've seen on the field (not to mention what's happened when KF has tried to throw), speaks volumes.

More than anything, this year illustrates the immense importance of recruiting. You simply can't tank even one year in recruiting (see 2008), and expect to contend vs. LSU, uat, UGA, UF, etc. They're too good, and they reload EVERY year. There are reasons we look like we don't have a clue on either side of the ball, and the first (albeit not the only) one is that we're outmanned, pure and simple. The staff is playing with house money this year. Next year, with a favorable schedule and all that 18 and 19 year old talent coming back, the coaches are back on the clock.

But, for now, uat had better be ready for a FIGHT!!!!

War Eagle! Beat bama!!

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I say we clean house with EVERYBODY on the Defensive side...maybe with the exception of Thig..b/c he is a great recruiter but give the rest of those guys their walking papers as SOON as we get our beat down from the Bammers!!!!!!! Give the job to a young HUNGRY Defensive Coordinator that has some FIRE, DISIRE & INTENSITY to teach our defense!!!!!! That UGA game was a complete embarrassment! I could've took a loss but to lose like that to a UGA team that barely beat VANDY & FLORIDA! We have two weeks off and that's what we GET! That lost goes to the ENTIRE coaching staff and esp. Chiz!

Anybody who continues with the EXCUSES week after week are delusional! The "we are young" "we have no depth" EXCUSES only go so far! It's year 3 people and you do realize we just won a NC last year? It's week 10 and we are still playing like we did against Utah St.! Are you kidding me! The price of Iron Bowl tickets just plummeted..who is going to pay hundreds of dollars for that azz kicking Bama is going to put on us! & what we did to them last year! Bama is going to drop 50 on us if the same team shows up that has played the past 10 games!

Chiz better grow a pair of BALLS and drop everybody on Defense...have a serious conversation with Gus about his gimmick offense or let him move on to Ole Miss...this is NOT High School & DC in the SEC have figured out your GAMEPLAN & ALL our plays! If the t.v. announcers know your plays week end and week out..how do you think our opponents don't know our plays??!!

We don't have Cam & Nick and company to save his butt! Our WRs are not as good blockers as the ones but I'm sure we have some other WRs that can catch the ball besides Emory Blake or Lutzie! Nobody has not still been able to tell me where the heck is Stallworth??!! Why don't we target Reed and Carr more as well…give them a shoot.

Everybody talking about wait til Blake gets back…yea he makes a big impact but how the heck are we the 2010 NC and don't have ANY other WR on the team to catch balls?? I don't think we give some of those players WR & RBs enough opportunities to make plays! Dyer is not utilized in certain situations like he should be, A. Morgan averages decent yardage when he does get an opportunity…why not more touches for him??!! Carr, Stallworth, Wisner, & Reed are not bad WRs…blocking could be better but give them a chance!

And if i see one more DARN WR bubble screen I'm going to go crazy! Enough with the reverses with OMac too! Throw some slants..something! Our WRs don't have 10-15 yrd routes to run?? Gus scripts the first series then does not have a clue of how to adjust to the defense...looking around on the sideline and Chiz like "Huh!"

I'm an Auburn Alumni and Fan through and through and will attend and watch the game to the END no matter what but this lack of fundamentals, effort, intensity, & FIRE is Inexcusable! This team is softer than Charmin Tissue paper! I wish we could just CLONE El Toro Freeman about 15 or 20 times b/c he is the ONLY person on defense with any type of intensity and FIRE that's meant to be played with in the SEC!

If we continue to accept Mediocre play and wins….this team will ONLY be Mediocre! If Auburn fans expect to be in top pedigree like: LSU, BAMA, Ok., Oregon….they better start toughing up this team and fast! Those teams EXPECT to contend for a National Championship each year! Not provide excuses as to why they CAN'T get the job done or at least FIGHT like heck even when they may be over matched! WAKE UP!

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If uga can turn a 10-7 bowl loss to UCF into a damn good recruiting year and a 10 win season, what the hell is THIS team going to do ?

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Let's just fire the whole crew. Only 28-9 after 2+ years, what the hell could any of 'em possibly know?

BCS Championship, SEC Championship, holding "irresistible force" Oregon to 19 points, scoring 56 on "genius" DC Ellis Johnson in the SEC game, two top five recruiting classes...yeah, this bunch don't know squat about coaching football.

Houston Nutt will be available and he already has a staff ready and looking for jobs. Let's clean house good and proper!

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What do you want him to say? Those are all true/proper statements in my eyes.

Sincerly how bout we sucked. We are ill preprared its my fault we stink on defense. Georgia is better then us.

Chizik is a good coach and is doing a good job I still think but his personality frustrates me as a fan. Not a dimes worth of difference between him and an Andy Reid press conference. Listening to him speak is frustrating. People complained about Spurrier when he was at Florida but he was honest and he was who he was you either liked him or didnt. Im like Coach can you be real and not a robot sometime please. Tell us what you really think not coach speak 24/7.

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Would we have been better off not having two weeks to "prepare"? How do you explain away a 38 point loss to one of your biggest rivals after you had two weeks to prepare for them? Thank goodness for Eltoro or it might have been even worse. That young man has been playing some inspired football and the rest of the team needs to take note.

This is dead spot on.

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If uga can turn a 10-7 bowl loss to UCF into a damn good recruiting year and a 10 win season, what the hell is THIS team going to do ?

As if bowl games have anything to do with recruiting success. Biggest myth in all of college football.

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Being in Sanford was painful tonight. I must say though, I was actually around some fairly cool UGAly fans. No issues with them. The Crown helped.

I've been to Sanford half a dozen times. Only saw 1 loss there, that was in '91, I believe. Never had any issues at the game, because we usually win, and most Auburn fans don't gloat or rub it in their faces. Never saw anything like this. After the 1st TD, we never even competed.

With all the b.s. that went on last year, and how they trashed our campus.... I'm surprised you had such a decent time of it. I really am. In my mind, they're the worst fans ever. Period.

I tailgated on East Broad not far from the Stadium with large contingency of Georgia fans 95% were great. There were still some near our tailgate rowdy. I had some friends nearly hit by a car intentionally. Also had ladies in our group we were not letting them walk around alone. I had two ladies in our tailgate get tickets in the UGA section they said the student section was horrible when they walked by. I exited the Hedges to a barrage of profanity and obscense gestures from their student section.

Most UGA fans though were good people. Always a few knuckleheads. Students are always the worst.

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What do you want him to say? Those are all true/proper statements in my eyes.

Sincerly how bout we sucked. We are ill preprared its my fault we stink on defense. Georgia is better then us.

Chizik is a good coach and is doing a good job I still think but his personality frustrates me as a fan. Not a dimes worth of difference between him and an Andy Reid press conference. Listening to him speak is frustrating. People complained about Spurrier when he was at Florida but he was honest and he was who he was you either liked him or didnt. Im like Coach can you be real and not a robot sometime please. Tell us what you really think not coach speak 24/7.

He wasn't hired to adhere to your PR standard, with all due respect. He's 28-9 as the HC at Auburn. Sure, we have lost some doozies this season, but face it! 17 freshman, RS freshman, and soph. started for Auburn on Sat. No one in the country can boast such except South Alabama. No excuse, but it makes sense.

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1321191203[/url]' post='778921']
1321156562[/url]' post='778834']
1321154111[/url]' post='778811']

Did miss something, I didnt see Chizk calling defensive plays today.

Evidently so. Every time Georgia had the ball today, that was your HC's defensive scheme.

Oh you mean the same scheme that was used by Chizik in 2004 when we were #1 in scoring defense and #5 overall? That one? Or the defensive scheme that he ran at UT when they won a MNC? Why do you think Chizik was a hot commodity as a HC? Because he rocked a leather bomber? Some of you guys have some pretty selective, short memories. When was Roof EVER a hot commodity as a DC?

Can someone tell me when Chizik was a "hot commodity" as a coach? Shades of 5-19 are coming to fruition.....

Oh please... Chizik was the #1 Head Coaching prospect in the country when he left Texas for the Iowa State job. Get real.

Mikey....we usually agree but not on this one. If he was the #1 in the country he would not have gone to Iowa St.

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I really don't want anyone fired...I'd really just rather see us improve. I get mad like everyone and want an immediate fix..The frustrating thing is I don't really see the improvement this year; at any position. There are a handful of individuals who are playing well... Eltoro is playing inspired ball; Blake is a man, Lutzie...but that is about it...3 is not enough. My biggest gripe with the Defense is the D-back play. Not in position, really ever...it's not that they are not making plays in the rare occasions they are near the ball; they are just never really near the ball...I've seen Pop Warner teams better prepared in the secondary than our guys.

Offensively we are regressing. I will say this one last time...to be successful, this offense has to run the ball 1st! To run, there has to be the threat that the QB will run. Neither BT or CM can run or even carry the threat that they will run. The defenses are selling out to get the RB because no one cares about the QB....we cannot win without a running QB in this scheme...so either completely change the scheme (not likely or practical and not really even needed) or put a QB in that can run. KF can run and carries the threat of run constantly. He needs to play... is the staff afraid we'll get beat 40 points with him in the game? Oh wait, we already have been beaten by 40 in 2 lopsided losses...and if the defenses are afraid of the run...then maybe, just maybe, we can complete a pass or two when we need to....these coaches are paid too much money to miss obvious things....

War Eagle...I love all the Auburn family...coaches, players, staff...all of their blue and orange hearts...but when a family member is not living up to family expectations, they need to be spoken to about it in very plain terms...(like my Mom would do to our family members when we violated the family standards...maybe I can get Mom to call the staff and have a conversation with them...)...

Spot on. I want AU to succeed and I tire of blasting the DC, OC, HC, etc. I'd just like to see K. Frazier run a couple of series to settle in & see what he can do. WDE

Umm, didn't we try that already? Seems pretty clear to me CGM would love to give the ball to KF RIGHT NOW (or probably back in August, really), if he was ready. That's he's not in there, given the product we've seen on the field (not to mention what's happened when KF has tried to throw), speaks volumes.

More than anything, this year illustrates the immense importance of recruiting. You simply can't tank even one year in recruiting (see 2008), and expect to contend vs. LSU, uat, UGA, UF, etc. They're too good, and they reload EVERY year. There are reasons we look like we don't have a clue on either side of the ball, and the first (albeit not the only) one is that we're outmanned, pure and simple. The staff is playing with house money this year. Next year, with a favorable schedule and all that 18 and 19 year old talent coming back, the coaches are back on the clock.

But, for now, uat had better be ready for a FIGHT!!!!

War Eagle! Beat bama!!

Umm ... no. I haven't seen Frazier be used more than one play at a time, much less a series of possessions. No QB can establish a rythym without playing consecutive plays. I'm not asking for him to start & play an entire game, either. Just give him the keys to the car awhile & let's see if he can drive. We're 10 games into the season. It's time.

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If uga can turn a 10-7 bowl loss to UCF into a damn good recruiting year and a 10 win season, what the hell is THIS team going to do ?

As if bowl games have anything to do with recruiting success. Biggest myth in all of college football.

Agreed but the bowl game can in fact be used for playing players that may have an impact in the following year.

Also, I do think a dominating bowl win can promote the team for the following year pre-season rankings wise

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