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The Supreme Court refuses to block gay marriages


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Interesting article on the heels of all we've been discussing:
'Legalize Incest' Suggestion Shocks Lawmakers

By Patrick Goodenough

CNSNews.com Pacific Rim Bureau Chief

May 21, 2004

Pacific Rim Bureau (CNSNews.com) - A respected academic in New Zealand has recommended that incest between consenting adults be legalized, playing down any concerns about the genetic abnormalities resulting from inbreeding.

Professor Peter Munz, professor emeritus of history at Wellington's Victoria University, stunned lawmakers who are considering amendments to criminal law by proposing that it was no longer necessary to outlaw sex between close relations...

..."Today, if siblings - against all odds - should fall in love with each other, they should be welcome to it."...


Titan, here you go again with the "slippery slope." How ridiculous. :roll:

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Interesting article on the heels of all we've been discussing:
'Legalize Incest' Suggestion Shocks Lawmakers

By Patrick Goodenough

CNSNews.com Pacific Rim Bureau Chief

May 21, 2004

Pacific Rim Bureau (CNSNews.com) - A respected academic in New Zealand has recommended that incest between consenting adults be legalized, playing down any concerns about the genetic abnormalities resulting from inbreeding.

Professor Peter Munz, professor emeritus of history at Wellington's Victoria University, stunned lawmakers who are considering amendments to criminal law by proposing that it was no longer necessary to outlaw sex between close relations...

..."Today, if siblings - against all odds - should fall in love with each other, they should be welcome to it."...


Titan, here you go again with the "slippery slope." How ridiculous. :roll:

Well if the lawmakers hadn't been "shocked" by the suggestion this might support yours and titans argument. No one has ever said that people won't suggest things, just that they won't be passed in whoevers opinion.

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Well if the lawmakers hadn't been "shocked" by the suggestion this might support yours and titans argument. No one has ever said that people won't suggest things, just that they won't be passed in whoevers opinion.

And there was a time in the past when the mere suggestion of homosexual marriage or even civil unions would have elicited "shock" and many would have expressed the belief that something like that "won't be passed" ever. All I'm saying is this: to believe that the legalization of incest, polygamy, group marriage, or even what is now considered pedophilia or statutory rape is "impossible", "never gonna happen", "might be suggested but will be shot down by lawmakers", is the epitome of sticking one's head in the sand. I mean, homosexual marriage isn't even technically legal yet on anything approaching a widespread basis. It's being debated in courts and such. But we already have someone going for the incest angle. Do you think this argumentaton will abate if these "marriages" are actually made legal?

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Incest is a very wrong thing imo. I am curious though what your thoughts are on the whole adam and eve thing. You know, if adam and eve started it it all it's a no brainer that widespread incest had to have occurred to begin to populate the earth.

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You can read about that particular issue at: Apologetics Press http://www.apologeticspress.org/faq/r&r8310c.htm

Basically, the law against incest came years and years later.

I would post the article but the rules for using information from that web-site say:

articles may not be reproduced in electronic form for posting on Web sites (although links to articles on the Apologetics Press Web site are permitted).

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