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The only problem with the stimulus was that it wasn't big enough.

Side note: I find it quite humorous that flavor-of-the-month Rick Perry is bragging about balanced budgets and job creation in Texas when he leaned on Federal funds to do both.

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The only problem with the stimulus was that it wasn't big enough.

Side note: I find it quite humorous that flavor-of-the-month Rick Perry is bragging about balanced budgets and job creation in Texas when he leaned on Federal funds to do both.

Yeah, that's probably a huge straw man, as I'm sure most states got some federal $. And how's California doing w/ their share ? Gotta good answer as to why companies and people are leaving CA, and ending up in a more business friendly Texas ?

I'm sure you'll tell us that it's just because of federal spending there, and nothing else, huh? :roflol:

Point of the stimulus, is that we were lied to. We were told that an additional 800 billion $, spread around, and much of it on 'shovel ready' jobs, would stimulate the economy and we'd be through w/ this recession in the Summer of Recovery. Remember that ?

Yeah, neither do I. Never happened.

Anyone tells you that hundreds of billions of dollars wasn't enough, that person should be smacked upside the head. Being that stupid should hurt.

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Here's what we know about Texas...

- Texas was the state that depended the most on those very stimulus funds to plug nearly 97% of its shortfall for fiscal 2010, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures.

- Texas, which crafts a budget every two years, was facing a $6.6 billion shortfall for its 2010-2011 fiscal years. It plugged nearly all of that deficit with $6.4 billion in Recovery Act money.

- Unfortunately for Texas, and for most other states in the union, the stimulus safety net has dried up ... The state won't replace any of the federal stimulus funds with its own revenues, said Rep. Jim Pitts, who is writing the budget bill for the Texas House. It doesn't have the money. The state comptroller estimated that revenues will be $15 billion less in fiscal 2012-2013 than the previous two-year period.


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The only problem with the stimulus was that it wasn't big enough.

Side note: I find it quite humorous that flavor-of-the-month Rick Perry is bragging about balanced budgets and job creation in Texas when he leaned on Federal funds to do both.

Yeah, that's probably a huge straw man, as I'm sure most states got some federal $. And how's California doing w/ their share ? Gotta good answer as to why companies and people are leaving CA, and ending up in a more business friendly Texas ?

I'm sure you'll tell us that it's just because of federal spending there, and nothing else, huh? :roflol:

Point of the stimulus, is that we were lied to. We were told that an additional 800 billion $, spread around, and much of it on 'shovel ready' jobs, would stimulate the economy and we'd be through w/ this recession in the Summer of Recovery. Remember that ?

Yeah, neither do I. Never happened.

Anyone tells you that hundreds of billions of dollars wasn't enough, that person should be smacked upside the head. Being that stupid should hurt.

You're right. We shouldn't have used the stimulus to put taxes at record low rates, and instead put the money into infrastructure. Glad to see you've come around and now agree that govt spending is needed to recover from a recession and not tax cuts. Cheers.

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The only problem with the stimulus was that it wasn't big enough.

Side note: I find it quite humorous that flavor-of-the-month Rick Perry is bragging about balanced budgets and job creation in Texas when he leaned on Federal funds to do both.

There is never enough spending for the libs is there.

And I don't blame you for wanting to change the subject.

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It's really easy to understand why Obama bobo honkers wouldn't want to talk about it.

Here is a start:

Jobs 'Saved or Created' in Congressional Districts That Don't Exist

Here's a stimulus success story: In Arizona's 15th congressional district, 30 jobs have been saved or created with just $761,420 in federal stimulus spending. At least that's what the Web site set up by the Obama administration to track the $787 billion stimulus says.

There's one problem, though: There is no 15th congressional district in Arizona; the state has only eight districts.


Just how big is the stimulus package? Well for one, it has doubled the size of the House of Representatives, according to recovery.gov, which says that funds were distributed to 440 congressional districts that do not exist.

According to data retrieved from recovery.gov, nearly $6.4 billion was used to “create or save” just under 30,000 jobs in these phantom congressional districts–almost $225,000 per job. The web site operates on an $84 million budget and is tasked with monitoring the distribution of the $787 billion stimulus package passed by Congress–which, for the record, counts 435 members–in early 2009.


Stimulus Funds Went to Nonexistent Zip Code Areas [updated 7X]

By Jim Scarantino on January 3, 2010

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[As other state-based journalists uncover similar problems we will continue to update this report. Those updates appear at the end of the story.]

First it was phantom Congressional districts. Now it’s phantom zip codes.

Last month, we reported on federal stimulus money credited with creating jobs in nonexistent New Mexico Congressional districts. Further examination of the most recent report on the recipients and uses of New Mexico’s share of the $787 billion stimulus shows jobs created and money going to zip codes that do not exist.


It was all a computer mistake, just trust us:

The districts didn't exist, but the the money and jobs did, Obama administration officials have said. And the people who are to blame are recipients who apparently didn't know which congressional district they were in, the officials said.


White House Awash in Phony “Stimulus” Claims, Phantom Districts, Phantom “Jobs Saved or Created”

‘We’re not certifying the accuracy of the information,’ said Pound ….Asked why recipients would pluck random numbers - 26, 45, 14 - to fill in for their congressional district, Pound replied, ‘who knows, man, who really knows. There are 130,000 reports out there.’ Ed Pound, the director of communications for the Obama Administration’s “stimulus” website.


So this week I looked through the President’s job claims. I learned that 52 jobs were saved or created in the 34th Congressional District of Florida. 5 jobs created in the 86th District. 46 in District 00. And although $460,000 of your tax dollars were spent in the 53rd District, unfortunately zero jobs were saved.

The problem is, these congressional districts do not exist.

Florida only has TWENTY-FIVE congressional districts.

In fact, according to Recovery.gov, over $11 million has been spent in Florida in districts that just aren’t there. Rep. Jeff Miller, R-Chumuckla


I will ask again.

All that stimulus money that was spent in Congressional districts that didn’t exist, was it ever recovered?

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There's no changing the subject - I addressed it head on: I don't think the stimulus was big enough. As for the congressional districts ... I have no idea what you're talking about.

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There's no changing the subject - I addressed it head on: I don't think the stimulus was big enough.

Yes you did it didn't contribute to the national debt and deficit enough. And you are not the only dem saying that.

As for the congressional districts ... I have no idea what you're talking about.

That's not surprising that you have no idea, because those districts don't exist. Obama and his minions have no idea where the money went either.

Use the links.

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You mean in Kandahar, Basra and Baghdad???

My link

My link

My link-70 Billion lost

Thanks even more examples of sloppy ineffective government spending.

But wait, I thought... you guys say government spending is good.

Why is it good in some areas but not others?

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You're right. We shouldn't have used the stimulus to put taxes at record low rates, and instead put the money into infrastructure. Glad to see you've come around and now agree that govt spending is needed to recover from a recession and not tax cuts. Cheers.

What low taxes ? Money was suppose to go to 'shovel ready ' jobs. Where'd it all go ? Why do we need MORE infrastructure spending, on top of the stimulus funds, as well as the perpetual funds which are collected via taxes... how is it possible we need MORE ?

Unless the $ isn't going where it's suppose to, and is simply being turned into one giant slush fund?

We've funded this govt more than it needs. Time to cut back, and stop taking from the producers.

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