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Fall Practice - Scrimmage 1


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Consolidating the tweets, notes and videos from the interwebs; Scrimmage 1, 28 days and counting, let's do this!

Auburn scrimmaging at 10:45 am at Jordan-Hare Stadium.


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Looks like post-scrimmage interviews is all we are going to get...

Auburn's first scrimmage of the fall starts now. It's closed to media. Quarterbacks, receivers, running backs, linemen, LBs, DBs allowed


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70-play scrimmage for Auburn today. "Overall, great effort back and forth. Got a lot of things to clean up."


Chizik: "It's really our first good evaluation with good live reps to help us move forward with what we need to do."


Auburn scrimmaged around 11 a.m. CT to get used to its early starts in the first part of the season


Chizik re: QBs: "I thought all three of them moved the football team. I can't say where this puts everybody."


Gene Chizik says scrimmage went over 70 plays. Had some explosive plays on offense. Went live from both sides of ball.


Chizik: "Today was fast, it was physical, it was hot. Which was exactly what we needed."


Chizik, the scrimmage in a nutshell: "For me to say anybody's heads and tails above the rest, that's not the case."


AJ Greene and Aubrey Phillips attended the scrimmage; didn't participate.


Chizik say "all three" quarterbacks did good things.


Chizik said the return game was an emphasis today.


Chizik said he was encouraged by his younger players. Said nobody stood out individually.


Coach Gene Chizik said he prefers late-morning scrimmages because they help players acclimate: "We wanted to get used to the heat, which our kids are already used to, but mainly the direction of the sun and some of the roles that that plays in our return game." Auburn's first three games begin before noon CT.


Auburn's Gene Chizik on scrimmage: "I thought we did some good things on both sides of the football. We forced some turnovers, which is big"


Gene Chizik on QB race after first scrimmage: "I can’t say where this puts everybody in terms of position."


Gene Chizik on AU scrimmage: “We had some explosive plays on offense Some of them were balls they should have caught because they were open”


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Progress but no immediate answers after Auburn football's 1st scrimmage of camp

Evan Woodberry


Todd Van Emst photo

Barrett Trotter said he thought the offense did well.

"I was pleased," he said. "We had a bunch of long plays and stretched the defense deep.'

Sophomore Clint Moseley said he didn't sense that any quarterback had pulled ahead.

"I know it's going to be tough on the coaches. I'll put it like that," Moseley said. "We all had a pretty good day today."

Read more: http://www.al.com/sports/index.ssf/2011/08/auburn_football_scrimmage.html

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Very few names mentioned today, probably on purpose. It did come out that Jonathon Mincy had a fumble recovery and Jake Holland an interception.

Andy Bitter has more notes here: http://www.wareagleextra.com/2011/08/10/auburn-at-the-stadium-some-quick-scrimmage-notes/#ixzz1UeZycHBl

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Reports I heard regarding the defensive front were universally positive.


Kiehl Frazier said he threw for "a few touchdowns," but added that everybody else did as well.


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AU's Gus Malzahn on QBs at scrimmage: "There were a few things they made some mistakes on, but, as a whole, I felt like they did a solid job


Auburn's Gus Malzahn on Kiehl Frazier at scrimmage: "He did OK. He had a good attitude. He’s eager. That’s half the battle."


Junior TE Phillip Lutzenkirchen said he thought the offense won the scrimmage.


Coaches, players VERY reluctant to name any specific players that stood out, keeping things close to the vest so far.


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QB Barrett Trotter, on breakout performances during the scrimmage: "A lot of guys jumped out today. I’m just not allowed to tell you who."


Clint Moseley, on the QB race: "It’s going to be tough for the coaches, I’ll just put it like that. We all had a pretty good day today.”


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Charles Goldberg surfaces some video...

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Jay G. Tate has interview video...

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Also, here’s the full answer of Clint Moseley sorting out how many touchdowns he had. “Yes sir. I don’t know if I can say that. I really don’t…Bob! Bob! Bob! He asked me if I threw a touchdown. Can I say…do I say ‘no?’ I say…I don’t want to make ya’ll mad. Ya’ll give me all these restrictions like I’m…say ‘no?’ No. I had a pretty good day, I guess. I’m just a puppet.”

Andy Bitter has more notes here: http://www.wareagleextra.com/2011/08/10/auburn-at-the-stadium-some-quick-scrimmage-notes/

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Sounds like freshman running back Tre Mason had a strong game in the Tigers' first scrimmage today.


Emory Blake said he has been impressed with Deangelo Benton so far, feels like he is stepping up.


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Something tells me we'll see Trotter to Q Carr on the swing route again...

Also nice to see L. Phillips at least still getting reps in the passing game.

So many toys for CGM to play with.

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