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Sewell Hall demo


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The demolition of Sewell Hall, which served as Auburn's athletic dormitory before the NCAA voted to eliminate athletic dorms in 1991, is scheduled for completion in September.

1991 ? Holy... I can't believe it's been that long since athletic dorms were done away with. I had no idea.... What the heck were they used for, after the football players stop using them. General housing ? Talk about a mind eraser. I guess I just never paid it no attention.


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61 mil? No problem. Finance it for 50 years, though it'll be knocked down in 40, and raise tuition. The kids all have loans anyway, they won't care. Park it right next to the 130M mega-social complex, and far enough away from the perfectly good (though ugly) tallest building in east Alabama that's about to be pushed over so it doesn't get too dusty.

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My boyfriend lived in Sewell his first year at Auburn. From what he says it was a dump. But he loved it. Most football players still lived there, but they had to allow non-athletes live there too in order to comply with the rules. I knew several guys who lived there.

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Sewell Hall may have been on the shoddy side, but I'm sure it was a step or two up from the old Mag dorms.

( thankfully, I only visited them while they were standing, and never actually lived there )

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The football players still lived there after the ruling but they had to mix in other students so I think the ROTC guys lives there too when I was at AU 95-99.

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Sewell Hall was bad to the bone. Had a great room with room service every morning. You could tell if Sadie had a good day at the track the day before. She showed up whistling. Food was awesome. Excellent game room and a nice entertainment room. Only problem was no female visitors. Beds were extra long and shower always hot. My roommate never ironed. He hung his clothes in the shower and steamed them straight.

Sad that football dorms were done away with. When players all lived in the same place, we never had four arrested for armed robbery. Thank you NCAA.

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As has been previous alluded to, the demolition of Sewell Hall has begun...

Sewell Hall is dead, long live Sewell Hall: http://j.mp/qS9PIF RT @AUsomePotter: Well bye, Sewell. http://yfrog.com/nvty6bj




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Other Buildings on their way out:

Mell Hall

Haley Center

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Mell is gone....nothing but a footprint now. Haley will be a few years in the making, but it's coming down.

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The construction of a new residence hall, dining facility and a nearby parking facility has been approved by the Board of Trustees to replace Sewell Hall at the same location.


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I think I heard awhile back that Spidle was going to be demolished in order to create another parking deck. Is that still on the docket?

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Todd Van Emst photo


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Todd Van Emst photo


Todd Van Emst photo


Shane Callahan, Will Adams inside new South Donahue Residence Hall (Todd Van Emst photo)


Robenson Therezie moves in (Todd Van Emst photo)


Jonathan Wallace moves in (Todd Van Emst photo)


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Todd Van Emst photo


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