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The beheading video

DKW 86

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Whether or not it is real time or a cut and paste job, the fact is they killed him and cut his head off.  They found his body on a bridge with no head. A Pre mortem or Post mortem beheading is still a beheading.

Agreed. It does not change the fact it happened. I know his father is hurting bad, but I think he has crossed the point of getting a free pass by personally blaming Bush and Rumsfield and calling them as bad as Al-Qeada. Nobody made his son go over there, he went on his own free will. It just saddens me that this is starting to get politicized also. It seems some are wanting to demonize everything the USA does right now and forgetting who the real enemy is. Senators have been quoted as saying that the new pictures is the "silver bullet" to bring Bush down. Why does this have to be about politics? Why can't this be about just righting a wrong? Some on Capitol Hill seem determined to keep the Iraqi prisoner situation at the top of the list and seem to want to keep the Berg execution off the map because they know it fires Americans up and starts to bring back some of those post 9/11 emotions. Now they are trying to bring up stories about abuse from the CIA on Al-Qeada operatives who helped plan 9/11. Sorry, but I could care less about anything done to those SOBs. They act like this is the first time this has ever been done. Sorry folks, it has not been. Whenever somebody or a group has been thought to cross the lines of interrogation, it has alwasy been handled in house. All of a sudden, this stuff is leading the headlines. I wonder why that is? Oh yeah, an election year is upon us. Does anybody think if Berg had a choice between being decapitated or be put on dogpile naked, which do you think he would choose? I am not saying that prisoner "abuse" is justified, but just comparing it to the much more violent things that seem to happen to Amercians that seem to no matter as much.

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