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AUn Collierville

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Bama, I don't know what his original charges were. I'll plead ignorant to that. I know what he was actually charged with, what he went to court for, and what he did pre-trial for. The charge on his record, until completion of Florida's version of a youthful offender program, was receipt of stolen property. Apparently, the prosecutors didn't actually think they had evidence of theft. Imagine that, demanding evidence of a crime before saying a guy is a thief. What a crazy thought.

Really didn't mean to get off on the whole police report and thing. I just stated at the beginning that Saban's daughter is about the same age that Cam was when whatever he did happened, and it was excused because he was a kid. Not on this board, but on some other boards they have talked about her like she is the biggest slut around, and that is just not right. I do not know the young lady, but I hate when people do this. She is not a public celebrity, not employeed by the university, and should be able to say whatever she wants, and not take the abuse that she did over a stupid tweet. I have heard people say(Kevin Scarbinsky) that she shouldn't have done it and it was wrong. Why was it wrong?

She only stated her opinion and she didn't libel anyone, and it was her freedom of speech.

Wrong. She is famous by association, like it or not. When somebody gets to the level of notoriety that Saban (or Chizik, or Bryant, or Newton) has, they bring their family and friends right along with them. It's the way the world works. And if those people want to remain out of the public eye, then they need to be smarter than to go on the internet and make inflammatory comments to the entire world. Not only do her comments say a lot about her character, but her choice of medium to share them says a lot about her intelligence (or lack thereof, on both counts).

As for comparing her to Cam, that's idiotic. He's done his time, and he's still doing it, and it's at a much higher volume than anything Saban's daughter is experiencing. Is she on the front page of every sports site in the country? Is she the lead story on SportsCenter? There is no comparison.

Also, it would probably help if Saban wasn't in the habit of being a complete prick to every reporter who ever asked him a question. Every once in awhile, those people are faced with the choice of being your friend or not. Outside of a few crimson sycophants, most in the press are going to choose the latter option when it comes to that raging douchebag.

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Assuming you're not a public celebrity, would you also argue that the flak you received over a silly remark wasn't warranted as well? The situations are pretty similar.

Actions have consequences. That's not to say all the consequences are just, but that one should consider possible consequences, both just and unjust, before moving forward with an action.

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Really didn't mean to get off on the whole police report and thing. I just stated at the beginning that Saban's daughter is about the same age that Cam was when whatever he did happened, and it was excused because he was a kid. Not on this board, but on some other boards they have talked about her like she is the biggest slut around, and that is just not right. I do not know the young lady, but I hate when people do this. She is not a public celebrity, not employeed by the university, and should be able to say whatever she wants, and not take the abuse that she did over a stupid tweet. I have heard people say(Kevin Scarbinsky) that she shouldn't have done it and it was wrong. Why was it wrong?

She only stated her opinion and she didn't libel anyone, and it was her freedom of speech.

Actually it wasn't "excused" because he was a kid. First, it ultimately cost him his chance at following Tebow as the starting QB at Florida. He also was arrested and has a criminal record now. Then he had to go into purgatory for a year in Texas. He was given another chance because he showed remorse for his actions, took his lumps, worked hard in obscurity and changed his ways from that point forward.

When Kristen Saban demonstrates that she isn't a childish brat with a sense of entitlement that shouldn't be encumbered by the expectations of normal, civilized people, perhaps she will get a similar response from us. Until then, she deserves the heat she's getting. Don't want to be put under that kind of spotlight...don't scream for it by acting like a horse's ass in a public setting.

Freedom of speech does not grant one freedom from criticism. If you exercise your 1st Amendment rights and say rude, classless stuff, expect others to exercise their freedom of speech back at you.

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Bama, I don't know what his original charges were. I'll plead ignorant to that. I know what he was actually charged with, what he went to court for, and what he did pre-trial for. The charge on his record, until completion of Florida's version of a youthful offender program, was receipt of stolen property. Apparently, the prosecutors didn't actually think they had evidence of theft. Imagine that, demanding evidence of a crime before saying a guy is a thief. What a crazy thought.

Really didn't mean to get off on the whole police report and thing. I just stated at the beginning that Saban's daughter is about the same age that Cam was when whatever he did happened, and it was excused because he was a kid. Not on this board, but on some other boards they have talked about her like she is the biggest slut around, and that is just not right. I do not know the young lady, but I hate when people do this. She is not a public celebrity, not employeed by the university, and should be able to say whatever she wants, and not take the abuse that she did over a stupid tweet. I have heard people say(Kevin Scarbinsky) that she shouldn't have done it and it was wrong. Why was it wrong?

She only stated her opinion and she didn't libel anyone, and it was her freedom of speech.

She referred to Auburn as bastards. So what do you expect from us in response. I guess it runs in the family since her Dad is the F-bomb king.

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Really didn't mean to get off on the whole police report and thing. I just stated at the beginning that Saban's daughter is about the same age that Cam was when whatever he did happened, and it was excused because he was a kid. Not on this board, but on some other boards they have talked about her like she is the biggest slut around, and that is just not right. I do not know the young lady, but I hate when people do this. She is not a public celebrity, not employeed by the university, and should be able to say whatever she wants, and not take the abuse that she did over a stupid tweet. I have heard people say(Kevin Scarbinsky) that she shouldn't have done it and it was wrong. Why was it wrong?

She only stated her opinion and she didn't libel anyone, and it was her freedom of speech.

Actually it wasn't "excused" because he was a kid. First, it ultimately cost him his chance at following Tebow as the starting QB at Florida. He also was arrested and has a criminal record now. Then he had to go into purgatory for a year in Texas. He was given another chance because he showed remorse for his actions, took his lumps, worked hard in obscurity and changed his ways from that point forward.

Just being arreted doesn't get yuou a criminal record. What are you basing this on? I Googled the whole thing and found no criminal recore for Cam in Florida. JMO but I don't think it had any thing to do with him not following Tebow. It was because Myer seleceted Brantley. Are you just speculating?

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Bama, I don't know what his original charges were. I'll plead ignorant to that. I know what he was actually charged with, what he went to court for, and what he did pre-trial for. The charge on his record, until completion of Florida's version of a youthful offender program, was receipt of stolen property. Apparently, the prosecutors didn't actually think they had evidence of theft. Imagine that, demanding evidence of a crime before saying a guy is a thief. What a crazy thought.

Really didn't mean to get off on the whole police report and thing. I just stated at the beginning that Saban's daughter is about the same age that Cam was when whatever he did happened, and it was excused because he was a kid. Not on this board, but on some other boards they have talked about her like she is the biggest slut around, and that is just not right. I do not know the young lady, but I hate when people do this. She is not a public celebrity, not employeed by the university, and should be able to say whatever she wants, and not take the abuse that she did over a stupid tweet. I have heard people say(Kevin Scarbinsky) that she shouldn't have done it and it was wrong. Why was it wrong?

She only stated her opinion and she didn't libel anyone, and it was her freedom of speech.

She referred to Auburn as bastards. So what do you expect from us in response. I guess it runs in the family since her Dad is the F-bomb king.

Sorry Proud, didn't see that one. I really only read the first one. I didn't know she referred to Auburn as bastards, but have you seen what some of the people on here and other sites call us Bama fans..........

We all should stop this, but it's not going to happen, so we'll just have to go with the flow.

I wasn't trying to compare she and Cam. What I meant was, if you can overlook what he did because he was young and innocent, then she's the same age, and really shouldn't be responsible for your feelings about Daddy.

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Sorry Proud, didn't see that one. I really only read the first one. I didn't know she referred to Auburn as bastards, but have you seen what some of the people on here and other sites call us Bama fans..........

We all should stop this, but it's not going to happen, so we'll just have to go with the flow.

I wasn't trying to compare she and Cam. What I meant was, if you can overlook what he did because he was young and innocent, then she's the same age, and really shouldn't be responsible for your feelings about Daddy.

Because bama fans deserve it, that's why.

Not only for what Updyke did, but for how the vast majority of fans then supported what he did. Fact is, most AU fans have been beyond gracious and lenient, as Auburn fans tend to be.

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Really didn't mean to get off on the whole police report and thing. I just stated at the beginning that Saban's daughter is about the same age that Cam was when whatever he did happened, and it was excused because he was a kid. Not on this board, but on some other boards they have talked about her like she is the biggest slut around, and that is just not right. I do not know the young lady, but I hate when people do this. She is not a public celebrity, not employeed by the university, and should be able to say whatever she wants, and not take the abuse that she did over a stupid tweet. I have heard people say(Kevin Scarbinsky) that she shouldn't have done it and it was wrong. Why was it wrong?

She only stated her opinion and she didn't libel anyone, and it was her freedom of speech.

Actually it wasn't "excused" because he was a kid. First, it ultimately cost him his chance at following Tebow as the starting QB at Florida. He also was arrested and has a criminal record now. Then he had to go into purgatory for a year in Texas. He was given another chance because he showed remorse for his actions, took his lumps, worked hard in obscurity and changed his ways from that point forward.

Just being arreted doesn't get yuou a criminal record. What are you basing this on? I Googled the whole thing and found no criminal recore for Cam in Florida. JMO but I don't think it had any thing to do with him not following Tebow. It was because Myer seleceted Brantley. Are you just speculating?

If Florida works like Alabama, he would have an arrest record but no conviction on his criminal record because once the diversion program is completed the charges are dropped.

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Really didn't mean to get off on the whole police report and thing. I just stated at the beginning that Saban's daughter is about the same age that Cam was when whatever he did happened, and it was excused because he was a kid. Not on this board, but on some other boards they have talked about her like she is the biggest slut around, and that is just not right. I do not know the young lady, but I hate when people do this. She is not a public celebrity, not employeed by the university, and should be able to say whatever she wants, and not take the abuse that she did over a stupid tweet. I have heard people say(Kevin Scarbinsky) that she shouldn't have done it and it was wrong. Why was it wrong?

She only stated her opinion and she didn't libel anyone, and it was her freedom of speech.

Actually it wasn't "excused" because he was a kid. First, it ultimately cost him his chance at following Tebow as the starting QB at Florida. He also was arrested and has a criminal record now. Then he had to go into purgatory for a year in Texas. He was given another chance because he showed remorse for his actions, took his lumps, worked hard in obscurity and changed his ways from that point forward.

Just being arreted doesn't get yuou a criminal record. What are you basing this on? I Googled the whole thing and found no criminal recore for Cam in Florida. JMO but I don't think it had any thing to do with him not following Tebow. It was because Myer seleceted Brantley. Are you just speculating?

Maybe he doesn't have a criminal record. I was speculating on that. In some ways he may as well have one since it's been talked about ad nauseum.

And I do believe that he lost out to Brantley partly (mostly?) due to this screwup with the law. He got in Meyer's doghouse because of it.

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The fact that we are still talking about Cam's past shows that your actions have consequences. Until we stop talking about what Cam did, Saban Jr is fair game.

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Just as a devils advocate point.

Her dad has been demonized by Auburn fans and he has been disliked by the majority of us since he landed in Alabama. I would dislike a fan base who generally hated my father as well. Its very hard for most people to understand why a group doesn't like their family member in one aspect of their life. Her response in becoming rabidly anti Auburn actually makes a lot of sense.

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Its very hard for most people to understand why a group doesn't like their family member in one aspect of their life.

The quicker she grasps that people don't like him for reasons other than being the head coach of uat, the better off she'll be. Otherwise, she's going to hate just about everybody that knows of her dad.

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Seriously, snide jokes aside, he is still her father. People don't handle others giving their parents crap even when they don't like them.

Sooooo...when did Cam Newton give her dad crap?

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Seriously, snide jokes aside, he is still her father. People don't handle others giving their parents crap even when they don't like them.

Sooooo...when did Cam Newton give her dad crap?

Other than 11/26/10 from about 4:05pm until 5:00 pm I can't recall any time. :big:

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... Her response in becoming rabidly anti Auburn actually makes a lot of sense.

You're absolutely right in a genetic sense ... it just goes to prove that douchbaggery is in her DNA.

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Seriously, snide jokes aside, he is still her father. People don't handle others giving their parents crap even when they don't like them.

Seems to me Cam and his Dad caught, and are still catching, a bunch of crap and I haven't heard or seen where Cam said he hates anyone or anything.

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Seriously, snide jokes aside, he is still her father. People don't handle others giving their parents crap even when they don't like them.

Sooooo...when did Cam Newton give her dad crap?

Other than 11/26/10 from about 4:05pm until 5:00 pm I can't recall any time. :big:


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Seriously, snide jokes aside, he is still her father. People don't handle others giving their parents crap even when they don't like them.

Seems to me Cam and his Dad caught, and are still catching, a bunch of crap and I haven't heard or seen where Cam said he hates anyone or anything.

Never seen anything but positive comments from the Chizik camp. They've faced a bit of negative press and hateful comments as well.

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Just as a devils advocate point.

Her dad has been demonized by Auburn fans and he has been disliked by the majority of us since he landed in Alabama. I would dislike a fan base who generally hated my father as well. Its very hard for most people to understand why a group doesn't like their family member in one aspect of their life. Her response in becoming rabidly anti Auburn actually makes a lot of sense.

She attacked Cam for stuff he never did. All he did was beat her daddy's team. BFD. And do you think LSU fans have as much, if not more resentment for Daddy Saban ?

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She just seems to you your typical hater. I've come to expect that from anyone with any connection to UAT.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So you're trying to say that's an admission of theft? Wow. I hope you never get selected for jury duty. The charge was possession of stolen property. Meaning: he borrowed, paid for, or accepted a computer from someone, and said computer was stolen property. True story: my brother once bought speakers from a dude out of the back of a van. He got a great deal. Now, we never found out whether they were stolen or not, but my brother got a great deal in an odd circumstance. If they had been boosted, he could've been charged with the same thing (and much like Cam the charges would've been reduced and erased from his record for community service). Kids do dumb stuff, but they only people accusing Cam of theft are people that are either too lazy to find out the truth (you) or too sensationalist to want the truth (reporters).

bamzo knows the truth but bamzos HATE the truth. bamzo lives to lie. You know that. Juat ask bamzo how many ncs he has and he'll prove he lives to lie.

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Seriously, snide jokes aside, he is still her father. People don't handle others giving their parents crap even when they don't like them.

Sooooo...when did Cam Newton give her dad crap?

And when did Cam Newton ever lash out at those giving his dad crap? When did Cecil Newton ever lash out at those giving his son crap?

But dinky's daughter is supposed to get a free pass? I don't think it works that way.

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Seriously, snide jokes aside, he is still her father. People don't handle others giving their parents crap even when they don't like them.

Sooooo...when did Cam Newton give her dad crap?

And when did Cam Newton ever lash out at those giving his dad crap? When did Cecil Newton ever lash out at those giving his son crap?

But dinky's daughter is supposed to get a free pass? I don't think it works that way.


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