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how can this be?

don't they know we're in a recession?

those jobs are low-wage jobs that people have to take because there are no other jobs. :roll:

hack journalism.

and, most importantly,

bush knew! bush lied!

i think i covered all of the bases....

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how can this be?

don't they know we're in a recession?

those jobs are low-wage jobs that people have to take because there are no other jobs. :roll:

hack journalism.

and, most importantly,

bush knew! bush lied!

i think i covered all of the bases....

ct, I thought the recession was over. Maybe I am wrong, though.

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More good news for the economy.

And bad news for the Democrats...sad how they've put themselves in this position.

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Geez guys, I was just posting some good news. Do we have to get so political about it? :rolleyes::lol: Heck, even TA did not try to come back with a spin on it. I have to admit that his comeback to CT was funny. C'mon CT, give him something back.

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Geez guys, I was just posting some good news. Do we have to get so political about it? :rolleyes::lol: Heck, even TA did not try to come back with a spin on it. I have to admit that his comeback to CT was funny. C'mon CT, give him something back.

You want spin, ranger12? OK, here's my spin, the same spin I put on this everytime you guys post some economic good news 'gotcha' post. Liberals live in this economy, too. What is it about that that you don't get? If the economy is tanking then we're tanking right along with it. We're not immune to it, at least I'm not. I challenge you to find an audio/video clip or an article where a liberal has said that they hope or want the economy to do poorly so that Bush can be more easily defeated. We want the economy to do well, but don't see much hope in that happening with Bush. Sorry.

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Employers added 288,000 jobs to their payrolls in April as the nation's unemployment rate slipped to 5.6 percent, reinforcing hopes for a sustained turnaround in the jobs market that had lagged for so long.

Payrolls have risen now for eight straight months, with 867,000 new jobs created so far this year, the Labor Department (search) reported Friday. The strengthening jobs market comes just in time to aid President Bush's re-election efforts, which were in question a few months ago based on his economic record.

Ouch, that had to hurt.....

I am almost about to feel sorry for Kerry. :no::lol:

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Geez guys, I was just posting some good news. Do we have to get so political about it? :rolleyes:   :lol: Heck, even TA did not try to come back with a spin on it. I have to admit that his comeback to CT was funny. C'mon CT, give him something back.

You want spin, ranger12? OK, here's my spin, the same spin I put on this everytime you guys post some economic good news 'gotcha' post. Liberals live in this economy, too. What is it about that that you don't get? If the economy is tanking then we're tanking right along with it. We're not immune to it, at least I'm not. I challenge you to find an audio/video clip or an article where a liberal has said that they hope or want the economy to do poorly so that Bush can be more easily defeated. We want the economy to do well, but don't see much hope in that happening with Bush. Sorry.


It's not that we think libs like yourself don't really want the economy to improve, it's that you and your buddies would like for it to happen silently until you can get Bush out of office. Because any good news hurts ABB's chances of becoming president.

When good news comes out on the economy, the ABB supporters suddenly clam up. Even Kerry has been known to harp on the economy only to change his message the day after a "good news" report. When good news comes out of Iraq, the ABB supporters clam up. But as soon as the news turns the other way on such items of importance, there is a stampede to this board and the printing press to "LET IT BE KNOWN..."

So, before you go assuming we actually think you don't want the economy to be working well, stop...breathe...and forget about posting it on here as a defense to a post by a conservative. ;)

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MDM, in case you haven't noticed, you guys are very good at running the liberal posters away so I don't know what 'stampede' you're talking about.

Look at WE96's response and that is what I was talking about.

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MDM, in case you haven't noticed, you guys are very good at running the liberal posters away so I don't know what 'stampede' you're talking about.

Look at WE96's response and that is what I was talking about.

Yeah, we've really run them off. Bottomfeeder, there was a good one. Uhh, Legal Eagle, yeah he was a long-time poster who really knew his stuff. Donut had better things to do than post on here (congrats to him.) I guess we have really run them off, huh? You know, since there were so many of you and now there is...what...3 or 4?

Give me a break! :rolleyes:

Look at WE96's response and that is what I was talking about.

And I was clarifying for you what that type of statement means.

Again, we don't really think you want the economy to tank. You just don't want that news out there for the country to see until you get ABB in office. :poke:

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What the hell is your problem TA?! I was making a lighthearted joke and even enjoying your poke at CT. I was trying to have a little a fun with past debates. I thought you were above taking those kind of things personally, but obvuiously after that ridiculous rant I was wrong. I was not posting that to start a debate, but since you wanted to start one, then you got one. You say that liberals have never said they wanted the economy to stay bad so they could get Bush out of office. Well, my friend, they have not had too, because actions speak louder then words. If that is not what they think and hope for, then why is it that when good news comes out about the economy, the liberals try to always through some ridiculous "but" into the news? You say that the have never been negative about the economy, the please tell me when they have ever been positive about good news received. All your rant did was just proved my point any further. Did you say anything positive about it? No! Instead you made a joke, which I liked, and the went on some crazy rant. C'mon man, you used to be such a good debator, but to start falling apart like this really bums me out. You mention others that were "ran off" as you like to put it, but those others were way out in left field with alot of their posts and did not make any sense whatsoever. At one time, your posts were made up of good, debatable stuff. Now, well, I don't know how to describe your posts except that sure don't contain the substance the use too. There have been times when others complimented how well you handle being one of the few liberals on the board, but after this last rant, you seem to have forgotten that and now you are acting like other desperate liberals. Lay off the Heinz ketchup man. :lol:

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What the hell is your problem TA?!

And it went downhill from there. :rolleyes:

If that is not what they think and hope for, then why is it that when good news comes out about the economy, the liberals try to always through some ridiculous "but" into the news? You say that the have never been negative about the economy, the please tell me when they have ever been positive about good news received.

Sorry if in Dec. or Jan. when you guys were jumping up and down about GDP that someone felt that 1,000 jobs created was the rest of the story and it wasn't the part you wanted to hear. Sorry if some people think that taking a huge budget surplus and turning it into an even bigger deficit while cutting the taxes of millionaires and throwing good money after bad in Iraq is not the kind of fiscal responsibility we need. See, looking at the big picture, within the context of recent history, the creation of a couple hundred thousand jobs, while good and certainly a step in the right direction, is hardly cause for nationwide celebration. Imagine if you'd lost $30,000 playing poker in Vegas. Your wife's po'd. On your way out you stop off at a slot machine and drop in a buck and you win $100. That's good and a step in the right direction but the glass isn't nearly halfway full, at least not in your wife's opinion.

And here's the thing with Dubya...if he gets too many compliments he gets all excited and his leg starts shaking and the next thing you know, he'll pee on the carpet.

C'mon man, you used to be such a good debator, but to start falling apart like this really bums me out. You mention others that were "ran off" as you like to put it, but those others were way out in left field with alot of their posts and did not make any sense whatsoever. At one time, your posts were made up of good, debatable stuff. Now, well, I don't know how to describe your posts except that sure don't contain the substance the use too. There have been times when others complimented how well you handle being one of the few liberals on the board, but after this last rant, you seem to have forgotten that and now you are acting like other desperate liberals. Lay off the Heinz ketchup man.

Please don't placate me.

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good morning!

unfortunately i don't have time to read all this thread right now, but i got as far as

We want the economy to do well, but don't see much hope in that happening with Bush. Sorry.

ta...while i realize i'm opening the door wide open for you, exactly which economic measures are you still so disenchanted with to the point of saying that the economy isn't doing well overall and not moving in the right direction?

and in terms of openly stating you want the economy to do poorly, that's a pretty lame attempt to move away from the fact that, if the economy is doing well, then that's one less thing to harp on... "it's the economy, stupid" wasn't that long ago.

YET, i can faithfully sit here and type i'm confident i know libs that would say as much.

When people say that you really don't want the economy to tank, i think they probably mean it, but i also think they'd welcome any bad economic news w/ open arms because it means one more brick to throw at the white house & the incumbent.


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ct, I'll have to get back with you on that because I'm having trouble getting that info from the DNC website, Michael Moore hasn't replied to my e-mail and my libbie playbook hasn't been updated yet!!!

I didn't say that the economy isn't moving in the right direction. In fact, I actually said it WAS moving the right direction.

See, looking at the big picture, within the context of recent history, the creation of a couple hundred thousand jobs, while good and certainly a step in the right direction, is hardly cause for nationwide celebration.

I then gave a comparison to Las Vegas trying to show that when you start at less than zero, making one or two minor gains is nothing to celebrate about yet. Yes, some gains were made <high five> but there is still a long way to go.

The primary problems I have are the squandering of the surplus causing another massive deficit and the inordinate amount of job losses.

When people say that you really don't want the economy to tank, i think they probably mean it, but i also think they'd welcome any bad economic news w/ open arms because it means one more brick to throw at the white house & the incumbent.

See, to me this ranks right up there in silliness with the notion that Dems really don't want to win the presidency in 2004 because that will screw up Hillary's run in 2008. I approach Bush the same way I hoped that people would've approached Clinton and that is to say that you may dislike him, and that's ok, but his policies are sound and that's what counts. I realize that you who like him believe his policies are sound and those of us who dislike him just don't get it. Many of us dislike him BECAUSE we think his policies are not sound.

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But, TA, if his policies are not sound, then how can you explain the economy turning around as quickly as it is? Do you think there is going to be a fallout from the quick turnaround? In all seriousness, if that is what you think, then explain why you think that, because that would be very hard to predict IMO. When Greenspan, which has been historically liberal, comes out and says the economy is going to continue to grow, how can the dems go against that? The problem with Kerry is, he still has not provided any good info on how he would do it different. The little info he has provided does not add up to anything. IMO, the dems need to get on the ball and give this man some sort of gameplan besides, "We don't like Bush".

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