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His words not mine. Undoubtable finding those who were really responsible for 9/11 wasn't a priority.Maybe he was too concerned about looking for al queda in Iraq.

And that's why you're an a$$. You know that's not how it is, know that Bush was using what assets we had to find OBL, and it's because of all that work done in the past 9 years that we were able to finish off the job in the manner we did.

Just look at the polls, and see what sort of 'bump', Barry's getting over this. Not too much. I know he's got you fooled into thinking we'll all fawn over our dear Leader, for taking down bin Laden , but give it a few weeks. The real heroes are the guys whose name we'll never know, while Barry tries to glom on to their glory and use it for his personal political benefit.

Who called the shot to send them in??? Oh I forgot, that Obama is not supposed to be a leader or be able to stomach the military... I guess you guys are wrong yet again.

Do you think that President Obama was really taking a lot of joy smacking around Trump, Bachman and the rest of the teabagger fools during the correspondence dinner??? All the while multitasking with this special ops on the front burner??? Any bets on when President Obama stages a Top Gun/Mission Complete op? :lol:

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If this is true, it is a bombshell and will kill the luster on Obama’s new found Commander-in-Chief bona fides.

It comes from a site names "Socyberty" and is posted by someone named Ulsterman. It is from an anonymous source (a "Washington DC insider"). So all of this is suspect – stipulated. But when you read it, it all reads pretty authoritatively.

So, take it for what its worth, but it is, at least, a very interesting rumor:

White House Insider: Obama Hesitated – Panetta Issued Order to Kill Osama Bin Laden

White House Insider: Obama Hesitated – Panetta Issued Order to Kill Osama Bin Laden

by Ulsterman in Issues, May 3, 2011

"What Valerie Jarrett, and the president, did not know is that Leon Panetta had already initiated a program that reported to him –and only him, involving a covert on the ground attack against the compound."

Q: You stated that President Obama was “overruled” by military/intelligence officials regarding the decision to send in military specialists into the Osama Bin Laden compound. Was that accurate?

A: I was told – in these exact terms, “we overruled him.” (Obama) I have since followed up and received further details on exactly what that meant, as well as the specifics of how Leon Panetta worked around the president’s “persistent hesitation to act.” There appears NOT to have been an outright overruling of any specific position by President Obama, simply because there was no specific position from the president to do so. President Obama was, in this case, as in all others, working as an absentee president.


I want to make this clear – this is from a blog site I don’t know, written by someone using a handle and quoting an anonymous source. But I also have to say that it hits me as very, very plausible. It makes Gates, Panetta, Clinton and Daley look pretty good. The president, on the other hand, doesn’t appear in a very good light and Jarrett comes off as a puppet master. It also makes the not so subtle point that Obama seemed more concerned with the possible political effects of failure than actually taking the chance of getting OBL.

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I think it's only plausible because certain people don't want to believe that Obama would have the stones to make this call and they don't want him to have the political boost that comes from it. What I think is even more plausible is that someone would float this out there anonymously hoping to create some drag on the inevitable poll bounce Obama will get and to lessen the impact this issue will have on the elections next year. This successful mission, whether Republicans want to admit it or not, tore a large section of their 2012 playbook out and tossed it in the fire. It would be in their critical interest to find some way to undermine it and cast doubt in people's minds about it.

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If this is true, it is a bombshell and will kill the luster on Obama’s new found Commander-in-Chief bona fides.

It comes from a site names "Socyberty" and is posted by someone named Ulsterman. It is from an anonymous source (a "Washington DC insider"). So all of this is suspect – stipulated. But when you read it, it all reads pretty authoritatively.

So, take it for what its worth, but it is, at least, a very interesting rumor:

White House Insider: Obama Hesitated – Panetta Issued Order to Kill Osama Bin Laden

White House Insider: Obama Hesitated – Panetta Issued Order to Kill Osama Bin Laden

by Ulsterman in Issues, May 3, 2011

"What Valerie Jarrett, and the president, did not know is that Leon Panetta had already initiated a program that reported to him –and only him, involving a covert on the ground attack against the compound."

Q: You stated that President Obama was “overruled” by military/intelligence officials regarding the decision to send in military specialists into the Osama Bin Laden compound. Was that accurate?

A: I was told – in these exact terms, “we overruled him.” (Obama) I have since followed up and received further details on exactly what that meant, as well as the specifics of how Leon Panetta worked around the president’s “persistent hesitation to act.” There appears NOT to have been an outright overruling of any specific position by President Obama, simply because there was no specific position from the president to do so. President Obama was, in this case, as in all others, working as an absentee president.


I want to make this clear – this is from a blog site I don’t know, written by someone using a handle and quoting an anonymous source. But I also have to say that it hits me as very, very plausible. It makes Gates, Panetta, Clinton and Daley look pretty good. The president, on the other hand, doesn’t appear in a very good light and Jarrett comes off as a puppet master. It also makes the not so subtle point that Obama seemed more concerned with the possible political effects of failure than actually taking the chance of getting OBL.

President Obama wasn't even in the room watching the live feeds. They used a double so he could fill out his NCAA brackets for next year.

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Who called the shot to send them in??? Oh I forgot, that Obama is not supposed to be a leader or be able to stomach the military... I guess you guys are wrong yet again.

Panetta made the call. Guess YOU were wrong, again.

Do you think that President Obama was really taking a lot of joy smacking around Trump, Bachman and the rest of the teabagger fools during the correspondence dinner??? All the while multitasking with this special ops on the front burner??? Any bets on when President Obama stages a Top Gun/Mission Complete op? :lol:

I have no doubt that Obama was so full of himself that he took time out to gloat and trash a private citizen and a sitting Senator, as well as millions of freedom loving Americans. Real classy guy, that a-hole of a President we have here, huh?

He's a spoiled punk who followed orders from the men in the bunker, and then claims all the credit.

And yes, look for him to do a 'victory lap' at Ground Zero. This will once again cement the fact that the Left does exclusively and exactly what it accuses the Right of doing, in politicizing the memory of 9/11.


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Who called the shot to send them in??? Oh I forgot, that Obama is not supposed to be a leader or be able to stomach the military... I guess you guys are wrong yet again.

Panetta made the call. Guess YOU were wrong, again.

Only if you believe an anonymous source (boy, we hated those during the Cam Newton saga, didn't we?) from some no-name blog site. Occam's Razor: Obama made the call just like most presidents in such a situation, for good or ill.

Do you think that President Obama was really taking a lot of joy smacking around Trump, Bachman and the rest of the teabagger fools during the correspondence dinner??? All the while multitasking with this special ops on the front burner??? Any bets on when President Obama stages a Top Gun/Mission Complete op? :lol:

I have no doubt that Obama was so full of himself that he took time out to gloat and trash a private citizen and a sitting Senator, as well as millions of freedom loving Americans. Real classy guy, that a-hole of a President we have here, huh?

He's a spoiled punk who followed orders from the men in the bunker, and then claims all the credit.

And yes, look for him to do a 'victory lap' at Ground Zero. This will once again cement the fact that the Left does exclusively and exactly what it accuses the Right of doing, in politicizing the memory of 9/11.


Well, when said private citizen decided to stick his big nose into the game and make wild ass claims, he sort of opens himself up to get made fun of.

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Who called the shot to send them in??? Oh I forgot, that Obama is not supposed to be a leader or be able to stomach the military... I guess you guys are wrong yet again.

Panetta made the call. Guess YOU were wrong, again.

Do you think that President Obama was really taking a lot of joy smacking around Trump, Bachman and the rest of the teabagger fools during the correspondence dinner??? All the while multitasking with this special ops on the front burner??? Any bets on when President Obama stages a Top Gun/Mission Complete op? :lol:

I have no doubt that Obama was so full of himself that he took time out to gloat and trash a private citizen and a sitting Senator, as well as millions of freedom loving Americans. Real classy guy, that a-hole of a President we have here, huh?

He's a spoiled punk who followed orders from the men in the bunker, and then claims all the credit.

And yes, look for him to do a 'victory lap' at Ground Zero. This will once again cement the fact that the Left does exclusively and exactly what it accuses the Right of doing, in politicizing the memory of 9/11.


Does spit come flying out of your mouth as you type this stuff?

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The world is better off without him.


What got us on the trail?

"Detainees also identified this man as one of the few al Qaeda couriers trusted by bin Laden. They indicated he might be living with or protected by bin Laden," a senior administration official said in a briefing for reporters in Washington.

That’s right, interrogation of detainees. They identified a particular man as a very highly placed and trusted courier of bin Laden’s and security services attempted and successfully did follow him to the compound in Pakistan. Initially the assessment only stated that the compound probably housed high-value targets but eventually the operatives concluded that there was a very good possibility it also housed Osama bin Laden.

Now Ayman al-Zawahiri the Al Qaeda second-in-command should be hunted down and similarly dispatched.




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Its admiral(?) how the other side with never give obama a win.

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Its admiral(?) how the other side with never give obama a win.

It's comical how the other side never sees any fault in what Obama does, not matter what.

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Its admiral(?) how the other side with never give obama a win.

It's comical how the other side never sees any fault in what Obama does, not matter what.

Of the two options being employed right at this moment, I'd say the conservatives straining at gnats trying to find any hint of fault with his handling of the bin Ladin killing or trying to undermine it with anonymous sourced conspiracy stuff from some obscure blog is the overwhelming winner.

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Of the two options being employed right at this moment, I'd say the conservatives straining at gnats trying to find any hint of fault with his handling of the bin Ladin killing or trying to undermine it with anonymous sourced conspiracy stuff from some obscure blog is the overwhelming winner.

There's plenty to find at fault with how Obama is handling all this, and even a blind man could see. I'd take the time to list them, if they're not already , but I doubt you'd bother to even entertain the idea.

It was all Obama, he did it, he alone, and that makes him the greatest - end of story for you.

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Of the two options being employed right at this moment, I'd say the conservatives straining at gnats trying to find any hint of fault with his handling of the bin Ladin killing or trying to undermine it with anonymous sourced conspiracy stuff from some obscure blog is the overwhelming winner.

There's plenty to find at fault with how Obama is handling all this, and even a blind man could see. I'd take the time to list them, if they're not already , but I doubt you'd bother to even entertain the idea.

It was all Obama, he did it, he alone, and that makes him the greatest - end of story for you.

The only possible way you could come to that conclusion is if you can't read or have a knee-jerk assumption that defending him on anything is an automatic endorsement of everything he does. The view I'm taking is way more balanced than that and much preferable to the "he didn't do anything -- it was all our military" or "he was overruled by the military" or "it was all Panetta and Petraeus" mentality.

And the truth of the matter is that almost all of those could be consolidated under one all-inclusive header named "Do anything possible -- truthful or not -- to detract from Obama's role in this because we need to win an election next year."

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Once again this was a BI-PARTISAN effort! Bush+Obama=DEAD OSAMA!

END OF STORY! Good grief.

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Once again this was a BI-PARTISAN effort! Bush+Obama=DEAD OSAMA!

END OF STORY! Good grief.

I agree. A lot of people from Bush, Obama, both their administrations, the CIA, NSA and the military all had key roles to play in getting the bastard. There's really no need to diminish anyone's role in it.

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Who called the shot to send them in??? Oh I forgot, that Obama is not supposed to be a leader or be able to stomach the military... I guess you guys are wrong yet again.

Panetta made the call. Guess YOU were wrong, again.

Do you think that President Obama was really taking a lot of joy smacking around Trump, Bachman and the rest of the teabagger fools during the correspondence dinner??? All the while multitasking with this special ops on the front burner??? Any bets on when President Obama stages a Top Gun/Mission Complete op? :lol:

I have no doubt that Obama was so full of himself that he took time out to gloat and trash a private citizen and a sitting Senator, as well as millions of freedom loving Americans. Real classy guy, that a-hole of a President we have here, huh?

He's a spoiled punk who followed orders from the men in the bunker, and then claims all the credit.

And yes, look for him to do a 'victory lap' at Ground Zero. This will once again cement the fact that the Left does exclusively and exactly what it accuses the Right of doing, in politicizing the memory of 9/11.


Does spit come flying out of your mouth as you type this stuff?

Does your goat spit after you kiss it?

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All rumor for sure at this point. But I could see this coming out of Hillary's camp.

I don't think so she looks like she is going to throw up.


He's dead.

Let the celebrations begin.


Never forget.


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To bad these guys can't take victory laps. Sure someone in Washington had to make decisions but not a single one of them had their lives at stake. The Seals are the REAL heroes in all this

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