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Bin Laden hid behind women in firefight: White House

WASHINGTON | Mon May 2, 2011 2:32pm EDT

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden tried to hide behind women as U.S. special forces attacked his compound in Pakistan Monday and one died being used as a human shield, the White House said.

White House counter terrorism chief John Brennan also told reporters that it had not yet been determined if a photograph of bin Laden's corpse would be released to the media.


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Cindy Sheehan

I am sorry, but if you believe the newest death of OBL, you're stupid. Just think to yourself--they paraded Saddam's dead sons around to prove they were dead--why do you suppose they hastily buried this version of OBL at sea? This lying, murderous Empire can only exist with your brainwashed consent--just put your flags away and THINK!


Good lord. Murderous Empire? Ny gosh we have some goats among us. (sorry goats)

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If only we lived in a nation which could unify over something as awesome as this....

Oh well. Good job, Prez B.O. Taking out the entire compound w/ a cruise missile or 3 would have done the job, but we showed the world what bad a$$es we were, doing it the hard way. I'm just sorry it took so long. ( And truly read that as it's meant, that it DID take so long, and not as some code or commentary as who was in the WH at the time )

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I might have missed this in the whirlwind of information that's been going on. Did they video any of this? I'm assuming they did, as it could provide a learning tool. I'd love to get my hands on it.

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War Eagle!


May 2, 2011 — Auburn graduate Richard Marcinko is the founder of the elite special forces unit ‘SEAL Team 6′ which is today widely credited with engaging and killing the world’s most wanted terrorist, Osama Bin Laden, in his compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan.

Team Six operations are highly classified and information about the unit or its current members is typically not available to the public.  Acknowledging the unit’s existence, much less crediting it with the execution of a successful mission is an unusual step by the U.S. government.

Marcinko served two tours in Vietnam where he served with SEAL Team 2 as the officer in command of the Eighth Platoon. During the Tet offensive, Marcinko and his platoon helped rescue American nurses who were trapped in churches and hospitals at Chau Doc.  While serving in Vietnam, Marcinko won the Silver Star, four bronze stars with combat V, two Navy Commendation Medals, and the Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry with Silver Star.

Marcinko was promoted to Commanding Officer of SEAL Team Two after serving as Naval Attache to Cambodia in 1973.

During the Iran hostage crisis in 1979, Marckino was a member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff task force known as the Terrorist Action Team, which was charged with developing a plan to rescue American hostages.

When the plan failed the Navy decided to develop a full-time dedicated Counter-Terrorism Team.  Marcinko was given the task of designing and developing the unit.  He became the first commanding officer of the new unit which he named SEAL Team Six.  He served as its commander for three years, 1980-1983.

Marcinko has written a number of best selling novels and his autobiography.  He has written books and given lectures on management and leadership techniques.  He provides hands-on training for hostage rescue teams.  He also has served as a corporate advisor to numerous multi-national businesses.

He received a Masters in Political Science from Auburn University.

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Oh well. Good job, Prez B.O. Taking out the entire compound w/ a cruise missile or 3 would have done the job, but we showed the world what bad a$$es we were, doing it the hard way.

Just my opinion, but I suspect part of the reason for using SEALS instead of smart bombs was to get confirmation of the capture and/or body...leave no room for speculation/misidentification/doubt.

...can't help but speculate on what other intel/data/records they may have picked up in the raid as well.

Hats off to everyone involved, in any case!

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Not sure why but I think this picture is really cool...


President Barack Obama and the national security team in the situation room (Pete Souza / The White House)

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Not sure why but I think this picture is really cool...


President Barack Obama and the national security team in the situation room (Pete Souza / The White House)

And life imitates art....

Reminds me of the scene from Patriot Games, and the attack on the terrorist camp, out in the desert, via live satellite feed....

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This is interesting - I had forgotten about this: John McCain said he wouldn't go after Bin Laden in Pakistan.

In July 2008, CNN's Larry King interviewed then-presidential candidate John McCain. The host asked the Republican senator, "If you were president and knew that bin Laden was in Pakistan, you know where, would you have U.S. forces go in after him?"

McCain said he would not.

"Larry, I'm not going to go there and here's why: because Pakistan is a sovereign nation."


Not too get into the politics of this but it is worth pointing out that elections do matter. And based on McCain's comments, it's plausible to wonder if he was President, would UBL still be alive?

And would the economy still suck?

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"I don't know where bin Laden is. I have no idea and really don't care. IT'S NOT THAT IMPORTANT. IT'S NOT OUR PRIORITY. I TRULY AM NOT THAT CONCERNED ABOUT HIM."

President George W. Bush

March 13, 2002

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"I don't know where bin Laden is. I have no idea and really don't care. IT'S NOT THAT IMPORTANT. IT'S NOT OUR PRIORITY. I TRULY AM NOT THAT CONCERNED ABOUT HIM."

President George W. Bush

March 13, 2002

This is classic spin on your part.

You put in caps words which Bush said, but not in the manner in which you present them. He knew US special forces and the intel group were tracking him down, and he didn't want to have his Presidency tied to whether we get of didn't get bin Laden. It's a classic ' have you stopped beating your wife ' scenario. If he cares, and we don't get bin Laden, then he's incompetent, as is the entirety of the US might. If he claims he DOESN'T care, and goes on about the business of running the country as any President is suppose to do, then you and the Left jump on him , as you've done, trying to paint him as being disconnected.

You really are an a$$.

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Can we not just be happy that we got the bastard and not either diminish the accomplishment because we don't like Obama or take potshots by fishing out old quotes from the opposite side?

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Not sure why but I think this picture is really cool...


President Barack Obama and the national security team in the situation room (Pete Souza / The White House)

As ALL of you know, I am not a huge fan of Obama's domestic policies, or his lack of an effective energy policy. However, when I see this man looking at the screen with that much focus and hard line attention.....I feel a bit better about him. He looks like me when we are driving for a winning score, or when I am serious about a subject matter that means a ton to me. You can almost read his eyes "Take that bastard out and bring him to me"..... :big:

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"I don't know where bin Laden is. I have no idea and really don't care. IT'S NOT THAT IMPORTANT. IT'S NOT OUR PRIORITY. I TRULY AM NOT THAT CONCERNED ABOUT HIM."

President George W. Bush

March 13, 2002

This is classic spin on your part.

You put in caps words which Bush said, but not in the manner in which you present them. He knew US special forces and the intel group were tracking him down, and he didn't want to have his Presidency tied to whether we get of didn't get bin Laden. It's a classic ' have you stopped beating your wife ' scenario. If he cares, and we don't get bin Laden, then he's incompetent, as is the entirety of the US might. If he claims he DOESN'T care, and goes on about the business of running the country as any President is suppose to do, then you and the Left jump on him , as you've done, trying to paint him as being disconnected.

You really are an a$$.

His words not mine. Undoubtable finding those who were really responsible for 9/11 wasn't a priority.Maybe he was too concerned about looking for al queda in Iraq.

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Best article yet, a fascinating read: http://www.nytimes.com/2011/05/03/world/asia/03intel.html?pagewanted=1&hp

Very good article, thanks for posting it. Just goes to show that the intelligence behind this operation took years to accummulate. Also, Pakistan wasn't being much of a good "ally" afterall -- time to reassess where our foreign aid goes: Lank

Between 2002-2010, Pakistan received approximately 18 billion[8] in military and economic aid from the United States. In February 2010, the Obama administration requested an additional 3 billion in aid, for a total of 20.7 billion.
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Nancy Pelosi, press conference, September 7, 2006:

[E]ven if [Osama bin Laden] is caught tomorrow, it is five years too late. He has done more damage the longer he has been out there. But, in fact, the damage that he has done ... is done. And even to capture him now I don't think makes us any safer.

Nancy Pelosi, just this week:

The death of Osama bin Laden marks the most significant development in our fight against al-Qaida. ... I salute President Obama, his national security team, Director Panetta, our men and women in the intelligence community and military, and other nations who supported this effort for their leadership in achieving this major accomplishment. ... [T]he death of Osama bin Laden is historic....

It is unfortunate that many public figures are unable to view events otherwise than through a partisan prism. But it's not limited to public figures is it?

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It is unfortunate that many public figures are unable to view events otherwise than through a partisan prism. But it's not limited to public figures is it?


This is why I tend to stay out of political debates...I have this thing against being labeled.

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His words not mine. Undoubtable finding those who were really responsible for 9/11 wasn't a priority.Maybe he was too concerned about looking for al queda in Iraq.

And that's why you're an a$$. You know that's not how it is, know that Bush was using what assets we had to find OBL, and it's because of all that work done in the past 9 years that we were able to finish off the job in the manner we did.

Just look at the polls, and see what sort of 'bump', Barry's getting over this. Not too much. I know he's got you fooled into thinking we'll all fawn over our dear Leader, for taking down bin Laden , but give it a few weeks. The real heroes are the guys whose name we'll never know, while Barry tries to glom on to their glory and use it for his personal political benefit.

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His words not mine. Undoubtable finding those who were really responsible for 9/11 wasn't a priority.Maybe he was too concerned about looking for al queda in Iraq.

And that's why you're an a$$. You know that's not how it is, know that Bush was using what assets we had to find OBL, and it's because of all that work done in the past 9 years that we were able to finish off the job in the manner we did.

Just look at the polls, and see what sort of 'bump', Barry's getting over this. Not too much. I know he's got you fooled into thinking we'll all fawn over our dear Leader, for taking down bin Laden , but give it a few weeks. The real heroes are the guys whose name we'll never know, while Barry tries to glom on to their glory and use it for his personal political benefit.

and OUR President is doing that how?He's such a narcissist you may be right. I've heard he has trouble staying awake.

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