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Tubs On Hannity Tonight

Proud Tiger

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And yet, a Republican president is the one that took us from a budget surplus to a then-record deficit. Give the "that side is always wrong!" thing a rest. Neither party has clean hands when it comes to deficit spending or driving up the debt. As a side note, anyone that voted for Bush should refrain from calling Obama a "moron." You can say he makes bad decisions or you dislike his policy, but he's a LOT smarter than the guy he replaced.

Listen both parties are to blame. But again President Bush's spending had absolutely no impact or force Obama to spend a penny. Your basic argument it is permissible for Obama to be wreckless because his predecessor was? Nevermind the fact Obama spend more in two years then George Washington to George Bush combined.

As for George Bush being a bigger moron, nothing he did and yes that include the Iraq War which I fully support including killing Saddam was damn worth, is as bad is this healthcare crap check that socialized Medicine Obama had. Hope your not 70 and have cancer he supports pulling the plug.

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Coach Tuberville was great for Auburn. His time ended, but he's still an Auburn man in my opinion. I don't understand the ill-will some Auburn people have for him.

I don't think it's so much ill-will; rather, some just felt xCTT and staff got complacent and obviously didn't like seeing the program slide, particularly as UAT was rising like a rocket under Saban.

We have a winner!!! Some people have short termselective memories...

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And yet, a Republican president is the one that took us from a budget surplus to a then-record deficit. Give the "that side is always wrong!" thing a rest. Neither party has clean hands when it comes to deficit spending or driving up the debt. As a side note, anyone that voted for Bush should refrain from calling Obama a "moron." You can say he makes bad decisions or you dislike his policy, but he's a LOT smarter than the guy he replaced.

Listen both parties are to blame. But again President Bush's spending had absolutely no impact or force Obama to spend a penny. Your basic argument it is permissible for Obama to be wreckless because his predecessor was? Nevermind the fact Obama spend more in two years then George Washington to George Bush combined.

As for George Bush being a bigger moron, nothing he did and yes that include the Iraq War which I fully support including killing Saddam was damn worth, is as bad is this healthcare crap check that socialized Medicine Obama had Hope your not 70 and have cancer he supports pulling the plug.

You call yourself "AUgrad" but after reading the grammer in this post it looks to me like you never made it out of high school. Furthermore, you need to re-think mcgufcm's post 'cause you totally missed the mark on that one. As for the rest of your post all I gotta say is after this weekend you need to lay off Obama. I think he more than proved that he is as American as the rest of us. And not all Americans gotta be christian either - the last two "conservative christians" (if you really wanna call them that) ran this country into recessions (both times!) - so that hasn't proved to be a good choice for a president of this country.

Back on topic - I don't have any hate for CTT; He was very good for Auburn in alot of ways. But I do think his time had run out along with his motivation - not good when you have Saban who was coming off a lousy two years in the NFL - you know he was motivated to prove he still had it on the college level. Runninred and raven_tiger definitely nailed it. Oh and I don't really begrudge CTT for being a guest of Hannity. But Hannity is still one of the biggest douches on TV.

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I'll clarify what I meant by the moron thing, and I'll use AUgrad as an example. His beef is with policy choices. He disagrees with the form of universal healthcare that Obama pushed (I would ask him to remember that when Mitt Romney becomes a prominent candidate for the Republican nomination since he passed a more "liberal" version of universal healthcare as Mass. Governor). AUgrad doesn't like Obama's views. That's fine. I expect that to be the case most of the time when an Auburn grad is discussing a Democratic president.

My point is different. Calling Obama a "moron" is not a stance on his policy. It's a stance on his intellect. If you call him a moron, you must think Bush struggled to tie his shoes or chew gum while walking. Comparing the two men as intellectuals is like comparing Auburn football to MSU football. One is well beyond the other. My point was simple: if you're going to call names, at least pick the right names. You may not like his policy, but the man is about as far away as you can be from a moron.

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Hannity is the biggest douche bag on TV. FOX is the biggest joke of all of the news media outlets (they are all crap if you ask me). My view of CTT just went down a couple of notches.

Everybody is entitled to their own view but IMO FOX news in the only cable to get the truth. That's why it is a long running #1 among all cable stations. O'Reilly and Hannity are my favorites. Allan Colmes and Geraldo are the big douchebags. I'm sure Tubs is losing sleep over your opinion.

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Hannity is the biggest douche bag on TV. FOX is the biggest joke of all of the news media outlets (they are all crap if you ask me). My view of CTT just went down a couple of notches.

Everybody is entitled to their own view but IMO FOX news in the only cable to get the truth. That's why it is a long running #1 among all cable stations. O'Reilly and Hannity are my favorites. Allan Colmes and Geraldo are the big douchebags. I'm sure Tubs is losing sleep over your opinion.

PT I'd have to say you are right on target here.

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And yet, a Republican president is the one that took us from a budget surplus to a then-record deficit. Give the "that side is always wrong!" thing a rest. Neither party has clean hands when it comes to deficit spending or driving up the debt. As a side note, anyone that voted for Bush should refrain from calling Obama a "moron." You can say he makes bad decisions or you dislike his policy, but he's a LOT smarter than the guy he replaced.

Listen both parties are to blame. But again President Bush's spending had absolutely no impact or force Obama to spend a penny. Your basic argument it is permissible for Obama to be wreckless because his predecessor was? Nevermind the fact Obama spend more in two years then George Washington to George Bush combined.

As for George Bush being a bigger moron, nothing he did and yes that include the Iraq War which I fully support including killing Saddam was damn worth, is as bad is this healthcare crap check that socialized Medicine Obama had Hope your not 70 and have cancer he supports pulling the plug.

You call yourself "AUgrad" but after reading the grammer in this post it looks to me like you never made it out of high school. Furthermore, you need to re-think mcgufcm's post 'cause you totally missed the mark on that one. As for the rest of your post all I gotta say is after this weekend you need to lay off Obama. I think he more than proved that he is as American as the rest of us. And not all Americans gotta be christian either - the last two "conservative christians" (if you really wanna call them that) ran this country into recessions (both times!) - so that hasn't proved to be a good choice for a president of this country.

Back on topic - I don't have any hate for CTT; He was very good for Auburn in alot of ways. But I do think his time had run out along with his motivation - not good when you have Saban who was coming off a lousy two years in the NFL - you know he was motivated to prove he still had it on the college level. Runninred and raven_tiger definitely nailed it. Oh and I don't really begrudge CTT for being a guest of Hannity. But Hannity is still one of the biggest douches on TV.

What did he do last weekend? Oh yeah, signed off on a plan that the military planned and carried out. After the intelligence assets (that were significantly increased by President Bush's administration)found the target. I'd say the intelligence community and the military should get 99.9% of the credit. It doesn't take much to sign off on the plan.

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It doesn't take a lot for a President to decide to move forward with a covert ops mission that involves an unannounced trespass into another nation? Really? Again, you can hate the guy all you want, and you can credit the military to the end of the earth. One is your prerogative. The latter is complete deserved. But can we stop with the unfounded hate? He made a really difficult decision that went very well. The President is the backstop for all decisions, and trusting the military/intelligence community makes you look smart when they get it right. When they don't, you end up with the Bay of Pigs or the big "Mission Accomplished" sign on the deck of a battleship. Sometimes, our military and intelligence community gives great advice; sometimes they give terrible advice. It's the President's job to decide which is which. He deserves blame when he takes the bad advice, but he also deserves credit for moving on the good advice. Love him or hate him, he made a bold, decisive move and was the final decision maker for an ops mission that provided a great day for his country. You don't have to love him or vote for him to give him credit when it's due.

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It doesn't take a lot for a President to decide to move forward with a covert ops mission that involves an unannounced trespass into another nation? Really? Again, you can hate the guy all you want, and you can credit the military to the end of the earth. One is your prerogative. The latter is complete deserved. But can we stop with the unfounded hate? He made a really difficult decision that went very well. The President is the backstop for all decisions, and trusting the military/intelligence community makes you look smart when they get it right. When they don't, you end up with the Bay of Pigs or the big "Mission Accomplished" sign on the deck of a battleship. Sometimes, our military and intelligence community gives great advice; sometimes they give terrible advice. It's the President's job to decide which is which. He deserves blame when he takes the bad advice, but he also deserves credit for moving on the good advice. Love him or hate him, he made a bold, decisive move and was the final decision maker for an ops mission that provided a great day for his country. You don't have to love him or vote for him to give him credit when it's due.

First off you called me out and I reason your grammar is much better then your understanding of the constitution. This President routinely dumps on it on a daily basis. Mandating Americans purchase a good or service (ie health care) prime example. Secondly, I did not realize this is a term paper.

Why are you such in a rush to give Obama credit. As reported he waited 16 hours before deciding to move in. The Head of the CIA said that photo the White House put out in the war room watching the action was bogus for they did not know what was going on for more then 25 minutes.

Furthermore the head of the CIA said alot of the information obtain to execute this mission was as a result of water boarding a practice this President has regularly criticized. How bout we give Bush credit on this.

Also his decision to give this piece of dog crap a ceremony when throwing him to see is insulting. We should have hung his dead ass from the Washington Memorial for all the world to see and let all the other terrorists know you don't want to @uck with us. Why the hell this President is concerned about the "feelings" of our enemies I have no idea.

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