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NCAA rules Cam Newton is eligible to compete


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NCAA rules Auburn's Cam Newton is eligible to compete

Published: Wednesday, December 01, 2010, 11:43 AM

Updated: Wednesday, December 01, 2010, 11:43 AM

Charles Goldberg/Auburn Bureau, The Birmingham News, Press-Register, and The Huntsville Times

The NCAA has cleared Auburn in its recruitment of quarterback Cam Newton and has ruled him eligible to compete.

Auburn has limtied father's athletic access. Mississippi State disassociates involved individual...


Could someone explain this detail to me? What is athletic access and how much would Cecil have had?

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Also the invesitgation comment at the end might not even apply to Auburn but I like how JOE I am idiot Shad implied it did. Who is to say there isn't an investigation going on at MSU. Mullen to the U LOL

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Marshall at AUC said it probably means Cecil can visit and watch Cam play, and that's it. I'm not sure what else they'd normally get to do other than that though. Maybe he isn't allowed to speak with coaches or other players?

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I'm sitting very close to Toomer's in Samford Hall, but I can't look because I'm at work. I've heard it is being rolled from several people, and when I get off I'm gonna check it out. I wish I had my camera with me though! Hopefully someone can get a picture of it.

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I'm sitting very close to Toomer's in Samford Hall, but I can't look because I'm at work. I've heard it is being rolled from several people, and when I get off I'm gonna check it out. I wish I had my camera with me though! Hopefully someone can get a picture of it.

Keep us informed.

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Either way....LET'S KICK SOME CAROLINA TAIL!!!! :cheer::thumbsup::au:

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I've been defending Auburn and Cam vehemently on other message boards for the past month. Finally this news breaks and all the naysayers are still trying to find a way to make him guilty.

"Are we supposed to believe this?"

"When the SEC rules him ineligible..."

"Enjoy it now because the FBI wiretaps on the Victoryland...."

"Oregon is going to wipe the table with y'all"

"Auburn just paid and got away with it"

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I just got out of five (5) hours of meetings here at work, sat down for a couple of minutes, and see this. Fantastic!! How am I supposed to concentrate for the rest of the day? :)

Outstanding news, and like others have said our compliance department must have been working well with the regulatory bodies (SEC and NCAA) during all phases of the investigation. It's rare that the discovery portion of an investigation goes so quickly; that takes a lot of cooperation and hard work. Good job folks!

WDE to Cam, the Auburn team, and the entire :au: family!

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:au: Sorry South Carolina and all the Auburn Haters-Cam is elgible...End of Story......
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