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NCAA rules Cam Newton is eligible to compete


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More than anything....I am THANKFUL. Thankful that an obviously GREAT young man no longer must listen to his name being dragged through the mud by a bunch of.......

Thankful that AUBURN has been CLEARED. :au:

WDE...Let's kick some chickens! ! ! :cheer:

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Buried @ the end of ESPN's article, but at least they interpret in our favor the ambiguous language we agreed to:

"Former Mississippi State player Kenny Rogers, who has worked with a sports agent, has said Newton's father, Cecil, asked two Mississippi State coaches for up to $180,000 at a hotel in Starkville, Miss., to secure his son's commitment to the Bulldogs. Rogers says the coaches declined the request, and MSU has said all of its employees acted properly".

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Joe Schad is terrible. Basically saying that this doesn't mean the matter is closed. I don't know where he comes up with this.

He sounded like someone had just insulted his mother. He is in full spin mode.

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Schad looks like that Pearcy guy from the Green Mile. Acts like him too. I'd like nothing more than to see someone punch him in his smarmy mouth. There is no wrong, there is only "spin".

D O U C H E!


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I'm guessing folks are just posting w/out reading now since the NCAA's release specifically STATES the investigation is not closed, just that Cam is elgible.

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I'm guessing folks are just posting w/out reading now since the NCAA's release specifically STATES the investigation is not closed, just that Cam is elgible.

Ding Dang close: From Yahoo:

The NCAA won't say its case is closed on Newton. However, its statement notes that reinstatement likely occurs "prior to the close of an investigation."

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Joe Shad inferred from the NCAA press release that they are still investigating to see if money was exchanged hands, and he indicated that they NCAA want you to be eligible during the Heisman vote. Really do you think the NCAA would allow him to be eligible if they thought there was anything to this and put themselves in a bad position. I think that is highly unlikely.

What a toolbox

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I am anxiously awaiting how this will all be reported during the broadcast of the SECCG. Will the innuendo/rumors/allegations still prevail or will the facct that Cam is eligible be stressed?

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I'm guessing folks are just posting w/out reading now since the NCAA's release specifically STATES the investigation is not closed, just that Cam is elgible.

His eligibility is all that really matters. They found something in violation, we responded by ruling him ineligible and they cleared him to play. The hanging point for Auburn has been his eligibility which is no longer in question.

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Suck it haters!


Also, I hope that Cam's relationship with his father is not irreparably damaged.

I've been concerned about that since it was first reported that Cecil had asked for money. I can't imagine what that's like, but I hope they've worked it all out and can maintain a good relationship.

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Suck it haters!


Also, I hope that Cam's relationship with his father is not irreparably damaged.

I've been concerned about that since it was first reported that Cecil had asked for money. I can't imagine what that's like, but I hope they've worked it all out and can maintain a good relationship.

I don't think anybody knows for sure that Cecil was the one that initiated the asking. I think Rogers did that and then brought Cecil in after he thought he might have had something lined up with ole boy in FL, Bill I think was his name?

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I could have sworn that I saw a little while ago on this thread someone mentioned that the folks at MSU had refused lie detector tests. Did I imagine that in all my excitement?

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