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NCAA rules Cam Newton is eligible to compete


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I didn't hear about this:

The NCAA concluded on Monday that a

violation of amateurism rules occurred, therefore Auburn University

declared the student-athlete ineligible yesterday for violations of NCAA

amateurism rules.

Kudos to Auburn University for keeping this silent and forcing the NCAA to make a statement.

No Kidding!

Did that mean Cam missed practice yesterday?

dont think they practiced yesterday

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OK, so he was declared ineligible for all of one or two days? That's the way to handle it!

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Will Collier has gone on the attack - love it.

@ClayTravisBGID Sounds like somebody is a little butt-hurt. Did your dream story just evaporate? Aaaawwww.


@schadjoe My sources say Joe Schad got pwned by a couple of axe-grinding Mississippi State types. Looks good on him, too.


@schadjoe Give it up, Joe. An alabama assistant and a coach's wife fed you a line of bull. Time to admit that.


@greggdoyelcbs NCAA declares Cam Newton was and is eligible at Auburn. Thamel/ESPN hit job on AU falls apart. http://tinyurl.com/37hhuva


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I'm glad it is over but we all knew this was the end result for Auburn/Cam. WDE

On a side note, I do like "Bamadrew's" comment about the FBI still investigating Auburn for money laundering and that Cam wasn't one of the sixteen players involved so he is clear but we will still have to forfeit. Because the FBI has control over NCAA wins...

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well, well, well. I don't think anybody in the Auburn family is shocked by this. I'm sure there are rivals at lsu, uga, and particularly uat that are severely disappointed.

Did anyone notice that MSU wasn't cited (cleared) in the article? Anything to that?

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I didn't hear about this:

The NCAA concluded on Monday that a

violation of amateurism rules occurred, therefore Auburn University

declared the student-athlete ineligible yesterday for violations of NCAA

amateurism rules.

Kudos to Auburn University for keeping this silent and forcing the NCAA to make a statement.

No Kidding!

Did that mean Cam missed practice yesterday?

AU absolutely handled this matter in the best possible manner. I see bammers and bulldogs jumping out of windows... :big:


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Awesome news! Major kudos to our compliance department and everyone involved! Cecil did something he shouldn't have, but no one except one slimy MSU booster would play along.

Great job to everyone at Auburn for staying clean. War Eagle!!

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I didn't hear about this:

The NCAA concluded on Monday that a

violation of amateurism rules occurred, therefore Auburn University

declared the student-athlete ineligible yesterday for violations of NCAA

amateurism rules.

Kudos to Auburn University for keeping this silent and forcing the NCAA to make a statement.

No Kidding!

Did that mean Cam missed practice yesterday?

AU absolutely handled this matter in the best possible manner. I see bammers and bulldogs jumping out of windows... :big:



question, are we good with the SEC to then?

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wait, wait, hold on. This is very exciting but lets break this down, as I guarantee you ESPN will:

NCAA addresses Cam Newton's eligibility

That' PART of an ongoing investigation is done (see bottom).

Auburn University football student-athlete Cam Newton is immediately eligible to compete, according to a decision today by the NCAA student-athlete reinstatement staff. The NCAA concluded on Monday that a violation of amateurism rules occurred, therefore Auburn University declared the student-athlete ineligible yesterday for violations of NCAA amateurism rules.

i.e. the NCAA concluded 2 days ago an amatuerism violation occured so yesterday Auburn declared Cam ineligible and requested HIS reinstatement (see paragraph immediately below this one)

When a school discovers an NCAA rules violation has occurred, it must declare the student-athlete ineligible and may request the student-athlete’s eligibility be reinstated. Reinstatement decisions are made by the NCAA national office staff and can include conditions such as withholding from competition and repayment of extra benefits. Newton was reinstated without any conditions.

According to facts of the case agreed upon by Auburn University and the NCAA enforcement staff, the student-athlete’s father and an owner of a scouting service worked together to actively market the student-athlete as a part of a pay-for-play scenario in return for Newton’s commitment to attend college and play football. NCAA rules (Bylaw 12.3.3) do not allow individuals or entities to represent a prospective student-athlete for compensation to a school for an athletic scholarship.

i.e. Cam's dad and one of the media's few named sources (unfortunately not named here) ATTEMPTED to get $..."for an athletic scholarship"... w/out Cam's knowledge. Would have been even better if it was specified this was to attend Miss. State, NOT Auburn. Nice job compliance staff agreeing to such squishy, ambiguous language.

In conjunction with the case, Auburn University has limited the access Newton’s father has to the athletics program and Mississippi State has disassociated the involved individual.

The inuendo being Miss. State is the bad college more than Auburn?

“The conduct of Cam Newton’s father and the involved individual is unacceptable and has no place in the SEC or in intercollegiate athletics,” said Mike Slive, Southeastern Conference Commissioner. “The actions taken by Auburn University and Mississippi State University make it clear this behavior will not be tolerated in the SEC.”

Nice job compliance staff letting us be lumped in w/ Miss. State as an equal perpetrator...

“Our members have established rules for a fair and equal recruitment of student-athletes, as well as to promote integrity in the recruiting process,” said Kevin Lennon, NCAA vice president for academic and membership affairs. “In determining how a violation impacts a student-athlete’s eligibility, we must consider the young person’s responsibility. Based on the information available to the reinstatement staff at this time, we do not have sufficient evidence that Cam Newton or anyone from Auburn was aware of this activity, which led to his reinstatement. From a student-athlete reinstatement perspective, Auburn University met its obligation under NCAA bylaw 14.11.1. Under this threshold, the student-athlete has not participated while ineligible.”

so why did we not require that to be said in the above ambiguous paragraphs which will be quoted out of contect ad naseum by ESPN et al?

“We are pleased that the NCAA has agreed with our position that Cam Newton has been and continues to be eligible to play football at Auburn University,” Auburn University Director of Athletics Jay Jacobs said. “We appreciate the diligence and professionalism of the NCAA and its handling of this matter. “

During the reinstatement process, NCAA staff review each case on its own merits based on the specific facts. Staff decisions are made based on a number of factors including guidelines established by the Division I NCAA Committee on Student-Athlete Reinstatement, as well as any mitigating factors presented by the university.

Reinstatement decisions are independent of the NCAA enforcement process and typically are made once the facts of the student-athlete’s involvement are determined. The reinstatement process is likely to conclude prior to the close of an investigation. It is NCAA policy not to comment on current, pending or potential investigations.



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Joe Schad still not giving it up. Douchenozzle.

Heard that. He's just reaching. He's butthurt that the whole saga blew up in his face and he's grasping at straws.

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Joe Schad still not giving it up. Douchenozzle.

Nice! He still says that the NCAA did not say that the investigation is closed so he could still be ruled ineligible later... well so could every other NCAA player. Schad completely sucks!

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