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The 4th and 1 play...


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This has been going on for years. Go back to the 1967 Iron Bowl and Kenny Stabler's run down the sidelines for the winning touchdown. Not only did he stop out of bounds a time or 2 on that run, the Bama OL was literally tackling the AU defenders that freed Stabler up. Refs helping Bama out is not a new phenomenon, believe me.

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Why do we even care? This just makes our WIN more legitimate.

I care because it just shows how corrupt the SEC officiating crew is.

It would be good to know and indicate that we do not wish to have him officiate next any future games AU plays against UAT.

This is in fact the crux of the issue. SEC officials are corrupt and incompetent. The top guy for SEC officials is a bama grad. There is at best the appearance of official bias. At worst there is actual, pre-determined bias with hopes of changing the outcome of certain games. Time for the SEC Commish to get busy on weeding out the corrupt, the bad and the ugly in HIS officiating staff.

That blows my mind. How could you hire an official who actually went to a school they will be officiating? I mean, isn't the point of having refs, to have non-biased, disintrested parties deciding contentious issues? How could you ever trust a favorable ruling from a ref who graduated fom the university of the team receiving the favorable ruling? Its not that I'm saying they are being paid, I'm saying that it is physically impossible for a graduate/fan of a school to be non-biased in such a situation. What is the point of watching, playing, or coaching a game if the refs are going to decide the outcome? None! Just like I said with the last world cup, the officiating was so bad as to be certain that it had been corrupted and it seems like football is going down that road. Like when Seattle was given the win against Green Bay earlier this year. It doesn't take a genius to realize that call (and the 4-5 BS pass interference calls leading up to it) was paid for, most likely by a major bookkeeping outfit. That call saved the industry more than 150 Million dollars in losses because the betting was so lop sided toward Green bay (80% placed bets they would cover) which means they would have to pay out those 80% of bettors with the money from the Seattle bettors (20% of pot) and the rest would come out of pocket of the booky. When that kind of money is involved, there is no such thing as co-incidence. Not sure what the answer to the problem is but any advancement that takes any decision out of the refs hands is a good thing (instant replay, booth review, etc).

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Not saying it doesn't matter. I'm just wondering where is the outrage other than on this board. I guess we are the only ones that see these things. Are our coaches not aware of this stuff? I assume they review film. Therefore proper measures are in place to correct the mistakes...have we lost a game due to this type error?

My point is that I'm just tired of the attitude that we are being punked on the school play ground by everyone. First it's the REC out to get us now it's rouge officials. It's time to man up and play big time ball or we will always be crying over having our lunch money taken from us...the human factor will never be taken out of football. Regardless if it's intentional or not.

Our head coach speaks for our team. Until he deems it an issue, I'm not getting my blood pressure up over it.

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