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The 4th and 1 play...


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Which foot is it Mr. Ref?


With 12:37 remaining in the 3rd quarter of the 75th Iron Bowl, Greg McElroy lined up behind his center on 4th-and-inches at Alabama's 49-yard line. Auburn had just trimmed the Tide's seemingly insurmountable 24-0 lead to just ten points a few plays earlier. Needless to say, this was a very important play in regards to the momentum for the rest of the game. If McElroy was stopped, Auburn would get the ball around the 50-yard line with a chance to cut the lead to three points very early in the 2nd half.

McElroy took the snap and lunged forward behind his linemen, barely making any forward progress from the line of scrimmage. His helmet did definitely touch the 50-yard line, but you don't carry the ball with your helmet. To my Auburn-biased eyes, it was definitely worth a review or at least an extra look, but not to worry McElroy. Mr. Line Judge has your back.

What you are seeing in the video above is the line judge placing his foot at the spot the ball, but once he notices that it might be a little too close to giving the Auburn the ball on downs, he nonchalantly brings his back foot up next to his spotting foot. He then drops the spotting foot back. This "process" gives Alabama a good 4-5 inch gain. Football is a game of inches, and those inches mattered on this play.


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Yeah, this wasn't the most questionable call (unsportsmanlike penalty on Fairley comes to mind --- which resulted in 7 points) but it does make you scratch your head.

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It was a horrible spot. The fairley call was horrible. What about the possible Darvin Adams catch on the sideline? They showed the replay and it looked very possible it was a catch and they don't even review it. Then after the next play had been ran they show a better angle and it looks like a catch. I don't uinderstand how the replay booth didn't call for a closer look.

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It's funny that the SEC chose only to publicly defend the unsportsmanlike conduct call on Fairly and not speak on anything else. Those spots (plural) were crucial and the inconsistancy was glaring, even to unbiased eyes.Nevertheless, we get to discuss that under the veil of the biggest comeback in Iron Bowl history (is that the biggest lead uat has ever given up?) so it doesn't matter much. I just speaks to the enormous mountain the team had to climb to win this historic game.

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Why do we even care? This just makes our WIN more legitimate.

I care because it just shows how corrupt the SEC officiating crew is.

It would be good to know and indicate that we do not wish to have him officiate next any future games AU plays against UAT.

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Why do we even care? This just makes our WIN more legitimate.

I care because it just shows how corrupt the SEC officiating crew is.

It would be good to know and indicate that we do not wish to have him officiate next any future games AU plays against UAT.

This is in fact the crux of the issue. SEC officials are corrupt and incompetent. The top guy for SEC officials is a bama grad. There is at best the appearance of official bias. At worst there is actual, pre-determined bias with hopes of changing the outcome of certain games. Time for the SEC Commish to get busy on weeding out the corrupt, the bad and the ugly in HIS officiating staff.

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This is in fact the crux of the issue. SEC officials are corrupt and incompetent. The top guy for SEC officials is a bama grad. There is at best the appearance of official bias. At worst there is actual, pre-determined bias with hopes of changing the outcome of certain games. Time for the SEC Commish to get busy on weeding out the corrupt, the bad and the ugly in HIS officiating staff.

I'm not sure we want to open this issue. May I remind you of Arkansas.

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Yeah, this wasn't the most questionable call (unsportsmanlike penalty on Fairley comes to mind --- which resulted in 7 points) but it does make you scratch your head.

Doesn't make me scratch my head. I KNOW the refs had SPUAT's back.

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This is in fact the crux of the issue. SEC officials are corrupt and incompetent. The top guy for SEC officials is a bama grad. There is at best the appearance of official bias. At worst there is actual, pre-determined bias with hopes of changing the outcome of certain games. Time for the SEC Commish to get busy on weeding out the corrupt, the bad and the ugly in HIS officiating staff.

I'm not sure we want to open this issue. May I remind you of Arkansas.

I'll see your arkansas and raise you a kentucky.

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I also had a question on the 4th down and short in the forth quarter. The play that I am refering to is the one where on third down cam lunged forward to what appears to be a first down, but with the spot of the ball back nearly two yards back it gave AU a fourth and short. The play was followed by a Cam leap over the top for the first down. I seen that three times on replays and still looks like a sure first on the initial 3rd down.

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  • 2 years later...

I seem to remember there was another Generous Spot that happened in the uat-AU game when Crodie Broyle was a senior. It didn't matter to the outcome of the game but it was just as egregious as the one in this thread.

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I'm not sure we want to open this issue. May I remind you of Arkansas.

What might this pertain to?

It pertains to a 2 year old thread. :D

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I'm not sure we want to open this issue. May I remind you of Arkansas.

What might this pertain to?

It pertains to a 2 year old thread. :D

Yes, I can read. Didn't realize there was a statute of limitations on subjects that pique my curiosity.

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Now this is anecdotal,but the man did name the official mentioned and I know him,so I'll throw it out there. This guy said the official,and I will not name him for legal reasons, said that all SEC officials hated to go to AU because they weren't treated properly there. He supposedly mentioned "awful" food and cramped quarters,and a total lack of butt kissing,as compared to UAT,UGA,and Florida. I know it's just hearsay,but it sounds just like this official, who is a total jack and has been for years. TIFWIW.

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Why do we even care? This just makes our WIN more legitimate.

We will care when this happens and costs us a game. they need to be fired.

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