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Some 9/11 Families Angered


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In no way do I or would I ever denigrate or belittle anyone who lost relatives in the 9/11 terrorists attacks. But in my opinion these folks are out of step with reality if they are expecting the United States government to accept responsibility for the attacks! HELLO THE TERRORISTS ARE TO BLAME!!!!!!! AL QAEDA IS TO BLAME!!!!!!

Sorry, I had to get that out.

Some 9/11 Families Angered by No Apology from Rice

Thu Apr 8, 2004 03:48 PM ET

By David Morgan

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Some relatives of Sept. 11 victims responded in anger on Thursday to what they described as the White House's failure to accept responsibility for the 2001 attacks that killed nearly 3,000 people.

Family members were among those in the crowded hearing room to listen to national security adviser Condoleezza Rice tell the 9-11 commission that bureaucratic structure was to blame for the administration's inability to counter the attacks.

"No one wants to take any responsibility. Three thousand people died, and all they want to talk about is structural problems," Bob McIlvaine of Oreland, Pennsylvania, whose son died in New York's World Trade Center.

"They should be ashamed of themselves," he said.

Many 9/11 relatives said the general public should have been warned about the potential for attack during the summer of 2001, when intelligence officials were said to have detected a surge in communications between suspicious operatives.

But during three hours of testimony before the bipartisan commission, Rice denied the Bush administration was negligent, countering testimony of former White House anti-terror czar Richard Clarke. Clarke told the commission on March 24 that the Bush White House ignored the urgent threat from al Qaeda.

"I am angry at the lack of accepting accountability -- that's what the president should have done, accepted responsibility," said Beverly Eckert of Stamford, Connecticut, whose husband Sean died at the World Trade Center.

"Instead, it's been outwardly directed, not just at the terrorists but at previous administrations."

Added New Jersey widow Patty Casazza: "I think it made her look incompetent in her position."

Clarke began his testimony by apologizing to victims and their families for government failings that allowed the attacks to occur.

Carie Lemack, whose mother also died in the attack on New York's World Trade Center towers, told CNN Rice should have admitted errors were made.

"We did not hear that today. I'm hoping we are going to hear that because it is clear that 3,000 people don't just get murdered. There were mistakes made and we need to fix them to make sure Americans are safer."

"... We're glad that she came forward and spoke. We're glad that it was in public, under oath, and we were able to get that information. But there is a lot more truth to be told," she added.


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But..... but....... but....... Richard Clarke apologized!!!!!!!

Richard Clarke should have apologized; he had 8 years to put in place a system to prevent such attacks and did nothing. And after the fact, he writes a "tell all" book and tries to make lots of money blaming the people who had only 8 months to do anything about it.

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The large majority of those families that were in the hearing were place by the liberals, thus all the clapping after every time one of libbies spoke. Heck, they were clapping when one of them coughed. If a person could not see the setup for Rice there and the bias of the panel, then they need to wake up. Alot of families are still hurting badly and sometimes that gets in the way of thinking properly. They become easy prey for manipulation and that is what is happening right now. They are being used by the liberals to bash Bush. They have no idea they are being used for political gain. The liberals want them to believe it was Bush that killed their family members and not the terrorists. When is the last time you heard a liberal talk about how evil the terrorists are and that we need to destroy them? Okay, now when is the last time you heard a liberal talk about how Bush is an evil, lying man that can't be trusted and he is to blame for 9/11 happening? Point made yet? Somebody please try to prove me wrong. I dare you.

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did you hear kerrey push rice to say the "M" word? he said something like 'if you'd only admit you made a mistake, then i'd be satisfied'...something like that.



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The story should be that LIBERAL family members are angered.

LIBERALS...The wart on the butt of the world.

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did you hear kerrey push rice to say the "M" word? he said something like 'if you'd only admit you made a mistake, then i'd be satisfied'...something like that.



That was right really irritated me. They say this was not a witch hunt, but then to say something like that, well, they showed their true colors.

Anybody hear when Bob Kerry called us a "Christian army" in a Muslim bation? Though I have no problem with that statement because I believe it to be true, I do wonder if there would an outcry by the media if a republican senator would have made that statement. Something like, "how dare them to call us a Christian Army. Separation of church and state!". However, you have not heard anything and the ACLU has been very quiet about that statement. So again, how can the resident liberals explain how a liberal democrat gets away with that and a conservative republican can't.

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I do wonder if there would an outcry by the media if a republican senator would have made that statement

The crescendo would have been deafening!

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