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Condi Transcript

DKW 86

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From what little I heard, Rice basically kicked butt today. Ben Veniste and Kerrey tried very hard to discredit her but I think most think she came out very very well.

Bush-Rice 04!

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Ben-Veniste and Kerrey both tried to ask leading questions or make statements without rebuttal, and Condi didn't let them get away with it. It was like listening to a lawyer on one of those TV dramas where they ask a question designed to mess up the witness, then cut them off when they try to fully explain their answer.

They tried to fall back on the "limited time" argument...saying they couldn't hear her full answer because they wanted to get in all the questions they had, but that was bullcrap. They wanted to frame the answer the way they wanted, they weren't interested in hearing events in context or fuller explanations. I mean, it's not like we didn't already know this though. Most of these guys aren't really interested in preventing another terrorist attack...at least not through the actions of this commission. They are interested in mining for political hit points...otherwise they'd shut up and let the woman talk.

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Wouldn't it be nice just one time for politicians and/or the members of commission's to put the interest of the United States and the people of the United States ahead of political parties?


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