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Going out on a limb here...


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Condi will testify tomorrow and it will be live on every major network. I am going to go out on a limb here and say that every minute detail that doesn't match precisely to her exact testimony in private, down to the punctuation will be blown out of proportion and the left will do their best discredit everything she says.

Any opinions?

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I will go out on another limb and say even if she is absolutely phenomenal with her testimony and blows all detractors out of the water, none of liberal democrats will change their minds. On the other hand, unless she reveals extraordinary damaging information about the Bush administration, I will not change my mind.

So far she is doing very well.

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It's amazing how differently people perceive how it's going, based on their political bent. From what I'm hearing so far Condi is easily holding her own, isn't letting some of the more partisan members bully her at all. But I go over to the Democratic Underground and you'd think she was the biggest idiot you've ever heard and that the panel is nailing her ass to the wall. I don't know what testimony they're listening to, but that isn't happening at all.

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I love how she put that Kerry guy in his place by using a speech he had made before about Saddam being a threat. :lol:

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"If anybody after today wants to insist that Hillary Clinton is the smartest woman in the world, they will have to reconsider."

Rush Limbaugh, after watching Condi today.

to me, bob kerry was the most 'showboating' of them all...."Dr. Clarke" he called her repeatedly...LOL. condi might as well have not even been there during his "questioning".


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