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Kerry: Terrorist Al-Sadr 'a Legitimate Voice'


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Kerry: Terrorist Shiite Al-Sadr 'a Legitimate Voice'

In an interview broadcast Wednesday morning, Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry defended terrorist Shiite imam Muqtada al-Sadr as a "legitimate voice" in Iraq, despite that fact that he's led an uprising that has killed nearly 20 American GIs in the last two days.

Speaking of al-Sadr's newspaper, which was shut down by coalition forces last week after it urged violence against U.S. troops, Kerry complained to National Public Radio, "They shut a newspaper that belongs to a legitimate voice in Iraq."

In the next breath, however, the White House hopeful caught himself and quickly changed direction.  "Well, let me...change the term 'legitimate.'  It belongs to a voice — because he has clearly taken on a far more radical tone in recent days and aligned himself with both Hamas and Hezbollah, which is a sort of terrorist alignment."...


"Legitimate voice?" "Sort of" a terrorist alignment? Man, this guy is looney. And he just keeps stepping in it every time he opens his mouth. :blink:

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Hey, he spit on the Vietnam vets, why shouldn't he go ahead and start early with today's veterans! The more I hear from John Kerry, the more I despise him. Totally despise him. :puke::puke:

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its difficult for the dems to consistently 'stake out' the opposing viewpoint from the pubs. if the pubs are right most of the time, then the dems are left with 'wrong'.

how fun is that?


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