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Robert Byrd & Trent Lott


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This isn't exactly making the ABC, CNN, NBC, or CBS newscasts, so let me share something with you that happened on the floor of the U.S. Senate about five days ago.  West Virginia Democrat Robert Byrd, "The Lion of the Senate", cast his 17,000th vote.  Senators just love honoring each other whenever an excuse arises, and this vote was no exception.  Senators rose to sing the praises of Robert Byrd.

When it came time for Connecticut Senator Christopher Dodd to speak he pulled out all the stops.  To hear Dodd tell it, Robert Byrd was Thomas Jefferson and Abraham Lincoln wrapped up in one U.S. Senator.

Byrd is a "man for all seasons."  He said that Byrd would have been right during the formation of this country, and that he would have been "right during the great conflict of civil war in this nation."  Dodd went on to say that he couldn't think of a time in the history of this nation when Robert Byrd wouldn't have been right for the country.

OK, let's review.  Byrd was a member of the Ku Klux Klan.  Following World War II Robert Byrd wrote of his hopes for a rebirth of the Klan in his home state of West Virginia.  In 1964 Byrd participated with fellow Democrats in an effort to filibuster the Civil Rights Act.  Three years ago Byrd used the "N" word repeatedly in a Fox News interview.  A former KKK member filibustering the Civil Rights Act.  Was this a time when Robert Byrd was "right" for America?

Do you remember a year or so ago when another U.S. Senator was delivering similar praise for another Senate war horse?  In case your attention span is running rather short right now, we're talking about Senator Trent Lott and his speech at a birthday celebration for Strom Thurmond.  Lott said that if America had followed Strom Thurmond years ago we wouldn't be in this mess we're in right now.  Dodd said that Byrd, a KKK member, would have been "right" during the civil war, a war viewed by most as a war to free the slaves.

Now just how long did it take after Lott's comments about Thurmond for all hell to break loose.  Two days, thanks for asking. How long has it been now since Christopher Dodd's remarks about Strom Thurmond?  Five days.  Has there been any outrage expressed over Dodd's remarks?  None.  So why not?  Why isn't Senator Chris Dodd taking heat for saying that a former KKK member would have been a dandy leader around the time of the Civil War?

Oh come on now.  You know the answer, don't you?  Don't play dumb with me.  Trent Lott is a conservative Republican, and he's from the South.  Chris Dodd is a liberal Democrat, a good pal of Ted Kennedy, and he's from the North.  He's from the center of the Washington - New York - Boston liberal stronghold.

It's all very simple.  If the Democrats call for a war of words and images against Trent Lott the liberal media is more than happy to oblige.  If the Republicans call for a similar reaction against Chris Dodd for his remarks, the media will react with silence.

And we're told there is no liberal bias in the mainstream media.  Sure.


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