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Homes of the common man....Not!

DKW 86

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It's all that Heinz money. I wish they would get Teresa Heinz on TV sometime but thye are very carefully avoiding that. Get her on a talk show and Kerry's ratings would plummet. Talk about liberals.....this woman is Mother Liberal :D

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"Real Democrats don't abandon the middle class. "

John F. Kerry

But they sure don't live in the same neighborhood with them!

What a hypocrite!

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Wouldn't it be cool to see Sen. Kerry on MTV "CRIBS?" "Yeah, yo check out my shiznit hommies, then I'll give you someone else's money, yo."

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Wouldn't it be cool to see Sen. Kerry on MTV "CRIBS?" "Yeah, yo check out my shiznit hommies, then I'll give you someone else's money, yo."

His cribs would shame almost anyone in Hollywood or in Rap Music. Heck, this is all we know about in the US!

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Isn't ironic that the third and fourth generations of inherited megawealth seem to be so liberal and ditzy? You can bet that the first and second generations, the ones who EARNED all that money were not!!!

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