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God & Football


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Not sure if it's been mentioned elsewhere, but there is a great book out called "God & Football". I read it last week. The author is an Auburn grad and is a funny dude. Great great read. Amazon link below:


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He grew up a Bama fan but had a "conversion" experience (thankfully!). The book is about how he attended every SEC stadium last year on this quest to find out if Christians can love God wholeheartedly but also be crazy about football. Once again, he's got a quirky sense of humor and you will laugh out loud. Great read.

War Eagle! So glad the season is here!!!!!!

from Amazon...


In 2008 over six million people attended an SEC football game. They spent thousands on season tickets, donated millions to athletic departments, and for three months a year ordered their entire lives around the schedule of their favorite team. As a Christian, Gibbs knows he cannot serve two masters, but at times his faith is overwhelmed by his fanaticism. He is not alone. Gibbs and his six million friends do not live in a spiritually void land where such borderline idol worship would normally be accepted. They live in the American South, where according to the 2008 American Religious Identification Survey, 84 percent identify themselves as Christians. This apparent contradiction that Gibbs sees in his own life, and in millions of others', has led him to journey to each of the twelve schools to spend time with rabid Christian fans of various ages and denominations. Through his journey, he learns how others are able to balance their passion for their team with their devotion to God.


Chad Gibbs found football at the age of 8, found God one year later, and has spent the rest of his life worshiping one of the two. His first book, "God and Football", is a laugh-out-loud look at the Southeastern Conference: the place where faith, football, and fanaticism meet. Chad and his wife currently reside in Birmingham, Alabama, with their dogs, Bob Vance and Harper.

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