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Another BOMB found in Spain


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Bomb found on Spanish high-speed rail line

Follows Madrid train attacks that killed 191

MSNBC News Services

Updated: 9:07 a.m. ET April  02, 2004

MADRID, Spain - Police found a bomb on a high-speed rail line between Madrid and Seville, Spain's interior minister said Friday.

High-speed train services were halted earlier after a railway employee spotted a suspicious bag on the line near Toledo.

Bomb-disposal experts found 22-24 pounds of explosives, possibly dynamite, under a track about 40 miles south of Madrid.

The explosives were connected to a detonator with a 430-foot cable, Interior Minister Angel Acebes told a news conference.

He said it was not immediately known who placed the bomb.

The incident disrupted travel as millions of Spaniards prepared to leave cities for the Easter week holidays. Seville draws huge crowds for its Easter processions.

The incident follows the Madrid train bombings of March 11, in which 191 people were killed. Spanish officials initially suspected members of the Basque separatist group ETA, but suspicion is now focused on Muslim extremists. The bombs were detonated with cell phones attached to the explosives.

On Thursday, police in northern Spain on Thursday defused three letter bombs addressed to journalists in Madrid.

Acebes said the origin of the letter bombs has not been determined, although the mechanism of the bombs is “similar to those that have been used by anarchist groups on previous occasions.”


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I thought they were no longer alligned with the US. Why are they still have terror problems? That's right, it has nothing to do with the US it has everything to do non-muslims!!!!

They don't care that Spain is now a socialist country. They don't care that Spain turned it's back on the US.

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Totally predictable that more terrorist activity was going to follow the Wimpish way they acted. I see more and more bombs in Spain's immediate future.

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