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TAXES....An Eye Opening Exercise

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Considering we have a large number of younger members on this board who may not realize their overall tax burden, I thought it may be an eye opening exercise to name all of the taxes we currently pay. I will start the list with some of the obvious ones, please add to the list as you see fit. (This could get quite sickening)

1. Federal Income Tax

2. State Income Tax

3. Social Security Tax

4. Gas Tax

5. State Sales Tax

6. Ad Valorem Tax

7. Property Tax

I will let everyone list the others we pay so that some of our Dem. friends might realize that TAXES SUCK!!!!!!!

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Don't forget the fees you pay to the government for various things. The like to call them "fees" because that sounds less onerous than tax, but it's just the same.

License/Registration fee for simply owning a car and being allowed to drive it, regardless of how much you actually drive.

All the taxes and fees on your phone and cell phone.

Capital gains tax

(In Alabama), the fact that you have to claim your federal income tax refund as income in the following year on your state return so they can tax that money again.

All the taxes and fees added to a plane ticket, a car rental, and a hotel room that are above and beyond the regular sales taxes imposed on that sale.

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Taxes for interest or dividend payments recieved on investments

Something close to 50% inheritance tax...you know, all that money someone saves (and pays taxes on)...leaves it to you...and gov gets half

marriage tax

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Local sales tax hit 9-10% in some North Alabama Communities.

The Taxes on the Phone bill are ludicrous, you are paying for pfograms that really dont even exist anymore, but as usual, we cnat do away with the taxes, no we never do that.....EVER!

Death Tax.

You work and pay taxes on your earnings.

You save, and pay tax on your interest.

You save, buy investments, and pay on the earnings of your interest, dividends, or capital gains.

Then, when you die, your kids and or spouse get to pay the inheritance taxes if you have any real worth.

The govt then takes that money and wastes it on some of the stupidest projects ever dreamed up by man, like the sex life of the Amazoian Aardvark.....

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not really a hijack post...

our resident pinkos will enjoy the richness of this:

my employer just announced that it's studying a proposal whereby healthcare premiums paid by the employees will be priced based on an employee's salary ...the more you make, the more you pay.

means-based pricing. isn't that illegal?


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(In some counties) Wheel tax based on the value of your car.

I think thats in all counties

We only have a few counties up here in Tennessee that have wheel taxes.

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Let me take a moment and compile the list:

1. Federal Income Tax

2. State Income Tax

3. Social Security Tax

4. Gas Tax

5. State Sales Tax

6. Ad Valorem Tax

7. Property Tax

8. License/Registration fee

9. All the taxes and fees on your phone and cell phone

10. Capital gains tax

11. All the taxes and fees added to a plane ticket, a car rental, and a hotel room that are above and beyond the regular sales taxes imposed on that sale.

12. Taxes for interest or dividend payments recieved on investments

13. inheritance tax...

14. marriage tax

15. Alcohol tax

16. Tobacco tax

17. Water and sewage tax

18. Wheel tax based on the value of your car

19. Local sales tax hit

20. Death Tax.

21. employment tax to the city

Is it starting to make everyone sick yet? I know we have only scratched the surface so please continue to play.

If you don't think this shows you how we are overtaxed then go ahead and vote for Kerry and he will increase your burden even further.

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The Definition:


ad valo'rem tax"

a tax levied according to the value of the property, merchandise, etc., being taxed.

It is used a great deal in taxing The assets of small business owners. Lets say you have a computer that you pay $5,000 for. At the end of each year you pay a tax on the value of that item less depreciation.

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