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Why I Won't Vote for Kerry

Proud Tiger

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This will sound narrow minded to a lot of you but so be it. I will not vote for Kerry simply because he is from Mass. That is the most liberal state in the union. Just look at it's politicians......Kennedy, Barney Frank, etc. Kerry is just a pea in that pod. ;)

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This will sound narrow minded to a lot of you but so be it. I will not vote for Kerry simply because he is from Mass. That is the most liberal state in the union. Just look at it's politicians......Kennedy, Barney Frank, etc. Kerry is just a pea in that pod. ;)

Uh, you might want to consider voting for him because that is the only way to remove Bush from office. The only option to save social security, stop the increasing national debt, and restore some respect for the USA among the nations of the world.

But, like you say, he is from Mass, and you are (admittedly) narrow minded. *grin*

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Uh, you might want to consider voting for him because that is the only way to remove Bush from office. 

This would be precisely why I wouldn't vote for him.

The only option to save social security

Actually, there is an option that would not only save social security, but cause it to thrive, making it an even better retirement supplement for generations to come. But the Dems keep blocking it, prefering the status quo where it really provides for no one and earns a measly 2% return.

stop the increasing national debt

Bush could stand to use his veto every now and then...but point of fact: Congress spends money, not the President.

and restore some respect for the USA among the nations of the world.

I know what some nations of the world's idea is of "respect" and I'll pass.

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Aha Legal....I can now go home feeling better now that i Know we really don't agree much after all :D:D

Have a good evening. WDE

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Aha Legal....I can now go home feeling better now that i Know we really don't agree much after all :D:D

Have a good evening. WDE

And not a suprise, I agree everything Titan says...except when hes speaking gloriously of AU :D

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This will sound narrow minded to a lot of you but so be it. I will not vote for Kerry simply because he is from Mass. That is the most liberal state in the union. Just look at it's politicians......Kennedy, Barney Frank, etc. Kerry is just a pea in that pod. ;)

Uh, you might want to consider voting for him because that is the only way to remove Bush from office. The only option to save social security, stop the increasing national debt, and restore some respect for the USA among the nations of the world.

But, like you say, he is from Mass, and you are (admittedly) narrow minded. *grin*

What the crap are you talking about? Please tell me Kerry's plan then? Seems Kerry has not presented much of anything yet! All Kerry has done so far is basically spew about his dislike for Bush and brag about his military service and the fact he got hurt 3 times during his four month tour. Please enlighten us on how Kerry is going to "save" America from the evil Bush. What other countries do you want to win back respect from? France? Spain? When the terrorists take over their countries, they will be begging us to help them, but Kerry will do nothing about it. What respect would we have then? Huh? Please tell me that sir. It is funny how the same people saying the Bush was too pre-emptive in Iraq was not pre-emptive enough for 9/11. If Bush could have been pre-emptive and prevented 9/11, the liberals still would have criticized him for doing it for no reason, because since 9/11 would not have happened, nobody would have known it was averted. Hindsight is 20/20, but don't tell the liberals that. They would rather wait for bad things to happen so they can blame Bush rather then praise him from keeping it happened. Has anybody heard a liberal praise Bush from preventing anymore terrorist attacks on American soil since 9/11? No you have not. Honestly, right after 9/11, how many of us thought we would not have been attacked again by now? Not many I would guess. Yet you do not hear the mainstream media talking about that do you and all you hear about is Bush "failures". So, please don't try to spin your liberal bs by trying to blame Bush for the problems that were actually born before he took office. The economy is recovering nicely and jobless claims are decreasing. It is sad when liberals try to make something postive and spin it into a negative just because the president is not of their party. It is like they actually hope for the worst just so they can blame Bush. To me, this is un-American as it comes. As much as I could not stand Clinton, I never wished that things would go sour so I could blame him.

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It is sad when liberals try to make something postive and spin it into a negative just because the president is not of their party. It is like they actually hope for the worst just so they can blame Bush.

You nailed it there, brother!! I mentioned this a while back, how deep down in their cold black hearts liberals actually hope for something bad to happen to the country so Bush can take the hit.

Now that Condi is taking the stand in the 9-11 witchhunt....I mean Commission, let's demand Clinton and Gore get up there as well. These are 2 of the people that should really be questioned about what they were doing for national security, especially since most of the hijackers had been living in the US on expired visas for several years prior to 9-11.

If fingers are going to be pointed, let's point them at every congressman, senator, and members of both administrations. There is absolutely no way anyone can say they could have done a better job of preventing that attack. Anyone with a brain the size of a grain of sand knows that the idea of an attack against America on such a grand scale was inconceivable prior to 9-11, even though some fanatics within the religion of peace had mentioned it several years in advance.

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Wow, this is great, attacked by the Republican wolf pack from all sides. I especially enjoy disagreeing w/ PT. I feel at home here.

First, MDM, you did not address your question to me, therefore I cannot answer for the Democrats because I am not among their number.

Kerry is the lesser of two evils. At least we know what Bush will do. Therefore, I know he is the wrong choice. Remember the guy that wasn't going to allow this country to be involved in "nation building"? Hey, he was being truthful, he said "nation building" singular. . . we're gonna build nations, plural.

The jobless claims are falling because many have extinguished their time to receive benefits therefore their unemployment is not reflected in the stats. you cite.

Remember the presidental candidate that promised to put pressure on the OPEC nations to release more oil to reduce the gas prices that he alleged the Dems. were doing nothing about? Where is he now?

How does he argue that others change their minds and still keep a straight face?

Where did all the Republicans go that were trying to force legislation requiring the entire national debt to be paid off by 2010 or so?

Where did all the Republicans go that clamored for us not to get involved in Bosnia unless we first established a clear exit strategy? Where were they before Iraq?

Why is it fisically responsible to cut taxes and increase spending?

How far would the $140+B spent in Iraq go to protect our borders in the USA and how many Americans could have been hired to fight the war on terror here?

Why does the President have to have the Vice-President with him to speak to a Congressional Committee? Could it be because he has no clue as to the answers?

Why does the President insist on not testifying under oath? Do you really think he's gonna tell the truth?

Hey, feast on me wolves, but you will NEVER convince me that Bush is a good president. Hell, he's the Doug Barfield of presidents!

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And Kerry is the best cadidate, (ie. what does he bring to the table...), why? :unsure:

I do believe that was my question...I could be wrong and I'll go back and check, but I do believe I was asking this (maybe not in those exact words but I do assume someone with the name "LegalEagle" that you are bright enough to figure it out)... :unsure:


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It has been said that a picture is worth a 1,000 words. So here are several reasons I will not vote for John Kerry! :D





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Uh, you might want to consider voting for him because that is the only way to remove Bush from office. 

This would be precisely why I wouldn't vote for him.

A-men and a big WDE.

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And Kerry is the best cadidate, (ie. what does he bring to the table...), why? :unsure:

I do believe that was my question...I could be wrong and I'll go back and check, but I do believe I was asking this (maybe not in those exact words but I do assume someone with the name "LegalEagle" that you are bright enough to figure it out)... :unsure:


You're wrong about your question.

Your assumption about my brilliance is probably wrong. However, I am smart enough not to vote for Bush.

Most American voters were smart enough not to vote for him last time. Since we don't have a democracy, it didn't matter.

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You're wrong about your question.

Here is the original question from a prior post:

Without bashing the current administration, why do you think Kerry would make a good President?

I ask this way because all I have heard is how bad Bush is from those on the left. But I want to know what Kerry brings to the table that makes him a"prime" candidate. Other than we know you simply hate Bush, why Kerry?


Please forgive me. I assumed to much when I assumed you would actually click on the link to what I was referring.

Now that we have that out in the open :roll: , what does Kerry bring to the table that makes him such a great candidate. Again, we know you hate Bush and that is the main reason, but we just want to know what you see that he has to offer specifically.

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Legal......you misjudge me all the time. Like you think I am a big Lowder supporter because I "defend" him against unsubstantiated allegations, you now seem to think I am part of the Republican "wolfpack" and a big Bush supporter. Facts are (and I try hard to remind you what facts mean), I am an Independent, I am disappointed in Bush about a lot of things and I wish one party had come forward with a better alternative. IMHO, they have not so Bush is the ONLY choice I have. It would be a cold day in hell before I would vote for Kerry so I will "campaign" hard for Bush as a better choice. As far as Bush being the Doug Barfield" of Presidents, I again disagree with you. That honor goes to Jimmy Carter, whom I voted for. I was hugely disappointed last week to see Carter raising hands with Kerry in Democratic unity. Carter espouses to stand for almost the opposite of everything Kerry believes in (gay marriage, abortion, etc). Yet he stands in unity? Not!! he stands in hypocracy. :angry:

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You're wrong about your question.

Here is the original question from a prior post:

Without bashing the current administration, why do you think Kerry would make a good President?

I ask this way because all I have heard is how bad Bush is from those on the left. But I want to know what Kerry brings to the table that makes him a"prime" candidate. Other than we know you simply hate Bush, why Kerry?


Please forgive me. I assumed to much when I assumed you would actually click on the link to what I was referring.

Now that we have that out in the open :roll: , what does Kerry bring to the table that makes him such a great candidate. Again, we know you hate Bush and that is the main reason, but we just want to know what you see that he has to offer specifically.

Well, I'm afraid it is you who can't follow a link. But if you take bits and pieces out (like the truth) it does say what you say it says. Here's what I see:

I have a question for the Dems on this board.

Without bashing the current administration, why do you think Kerry would make a good President?

I ask this way because all I have heard is how bad Bush is from those on the left. But I want to know what Kerry brings to the table that makes him a"prime" candidate. Other than we know you simply hate Bush, why Kerry?

I am not a Dem, so I can't answer for them. Sorry.

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Legal......you misjudge me all the time. Like you think I am a big Lowder supporter because I "defend" him against unsubstantiated allegations, you now seem to think I am part of the Republican "wolfpack" and a big Bush supporter. Facts are (and I try hard to remind you what facts mean), I am an Independent, I am disappointed in Bush about a lot of things and I wish one party had come forward with a better alternative. IMHO, they have not so Bush is the ONLY choice I have. It would be a cold day in hell before I would vote for Kerry so I will "campaign" hard for Bush as a better choice. As far as Bush being the Doug Barfield" of Presidents, I again disagree with you. That honor goes to Jimmy Carter, whom I voted for. I was hugely disappointed last week to see Carter raising hands with Kerry in Democratic unity. Carter espouses to stand for almost the opposite of everything Kerry believes in (gay marriage, abortion, etc). Yet he stands in unity? Not!! he stands in hypocracy. :angry:

Well, I remember voting for Nixon, so I obviously am no judge of presidential candidates.

Also, I firmly believe that Bill Clinton has been the best president of my lifetime, so I may not be in the mainstream.

Lastly, I think that George W. Bush is a clown and an embarrassment to our country. If he is re-elected I hope he gets more votes than the candidate he defeats.

Hey, those are my thoughts, and no one here will change them. I doubt that I will influence any of you. With that I am leaving this forum intending not to return. I only have a certain amount of time to "blow" on this forum, and I prefer using it on sports.

Good luck to you and the candidate of your choice. VOTE!

Oh, I want to apologize to Doug Barfield. I knew him personally, and although he failed as AU's coach, he is a good and honorable man.

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Grow up, man! :roll: Your "legal" semantics are pathetic. Can you, "Legal Eagle" tell me or anyone on here what Kerry brings to the table, other than "he's not Bush :cry3: ", that makes him a prime candidate for President?


In your attempt to be a good lawyer and spin, you still managed to over look the question asked of you (NOT THE DEMS):

Now that we have that out in the open  :roll:  , what does Kerry bring to the table that makes him such a great candidate. Again, we know you hate Bush and that is the main reason, but we just want to know what you see that he has to offer specifically.


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You think Clinton is the best president of your lifetime? How old are you then? 11? Even then, I would have to disagree with you wholeheartedly. You think a man that lied under oath and was more worried about "getting Lewinskied" then hunting down threats to the United States. Give me a freakin' break man! :angry:<_<

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You're wrong about your question.

Here is the original question from a prior post:

Without bashing the current administration, why do you think Kerry would make a good President?

I ask this way because all I have heard is how bad Bush is from those on the left. But I want to know what Kerry brings to the table that makes him a"prime" candidate. Other than we know you simply hate Bush, why Kerry?


Please forgive me. I assumed to much when I assumed you would actually click on the link to what I was referring.

Now that we have that out in the open :roll: , what does Kerry bring to the table that makes him such a great candidate. Again, we know you hate Bush and that is the main reason, but we just want to know what you see that he has to offer specifically.

Well, I'm afraid it is you who can't follow a link. But if you take bits and pieces out (like the truth) it does say what you say it says. Here's what I see:

I have a question for the Dems on this board.

Without bashing the current administration, why do you think Kerry would make a good President?

I ask this way because all I have heard is how bad Bush is from those on the left. But I want to know what Kerry brings to the table that makes him a"prime" candidate. Other than we know you simply hate Bush, why Kerry?

I am not a Dem, so I can't answer for them. Sorry.

Are you lawyer?

Or what is a LegalEagle?

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Legaleagle you Can talk in circles as good as any ole demoncrat. Maybe you should join your man Kerry's party.Can you windsurf? I hear they need a windsurfing bodyguard..............

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why was nixon a bad president because of watergate and clinton's not a bad president because of lewinskygate?

both incidences showed a lack of judgement....

both presidents actually did OTHER THINGS while in office that people could actually support.

look...if legaleagle is a lawyer, it is required of him to vote for the democratic nominee or else he'd get disbarred...cut him some slack for not answering your questions....he's really in a very difficult position.

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Lastly, I think that George W. Bush is a clown and an embarrassment to our country. If he is re-elected I hope he gets more votes than the candidate he defeats.

Hey, those are my thoughts, and no one here will change them.

what w/ TigerAl & DB being MIA, it's hard to find someone to discuss w/.

of course, w/ the openmindedness displayed by LE here, it's hard to discuss w/ him, too.

BUT, LE's bashing W as being an embarassment to the country reminded me of a story.... (no, not Clinton's embarassing the country, another story).

i'm at lunch the other day w/ a very liberal friend and another friend who's ideology i didn't really know much about (we'll call him the 'unknown' friend).

we're discussing various things, and then politics popped up. the unknown friend pipes up w/ a statement that bush is an idiot and was only a marginal student at harvard, perhaps the dumbest president we've ever had, ya da ya da ya da...really letting him have it for being a failure in business, being dumb, etc.

this surprised me a bit since this guy had stated earlier in the conversation some beliefs that would've led me to have thought he was a W supporter....so i ask him 'what has W done that you disagree w/'?

he says, 'i disagree w/ his faith-based welfare initiatives'. i reply, 'that hasn't passed and probably won't pass, so what has he done that you disagree w/?". and the guys says, 'i don't know...give me some thigns he's done".

i say, 'ok...waht about the war in afghanistan & iraq'. he replies, "no, i agree with that...i think we've done the right thing there". I then say, "the tax cuts", and the friend replies, "i'm definitely for the tax cuts...those are great". i then say, "what about NCLB, 'no child left behind'"? he says, "what's that"...and i explained, and he said, "oh no...i agree with that as well...i think we need tough accountability in the schools".

he then says, "wow...that's 3 for 3" and i said, 'yeah, pretty interesting, huh". lest you think i converted this guy, don't think so. he then went on to say, "well, i'm afraid of who bush will nominate to the supreme court.... ***again, something that hasn't happened yet***

it's hard to argue w/ someone when they agree w/ everything you say.



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