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Rice to testify under oath before 9/11 commission


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Rice to Testify Publicly Before 9/11 Commission

Tuesday, March 30, 2004

WASHINGTON — The White House agreed Tuesday to let National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice publicly testify under oath before the commission investigating the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks on the United States.

In return, the commission unanimously agreed to a Bush administration request that Rice's testimony will not set a precedent that would require future White House aides to testify publicly.

An administration official said the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks on the United States had already given a verbal assurance. The commission also agreed to deliver in writing a commitment that such testimony would not upset the concept of separation of powers between the legislative and executive branch, the official said.

In a letter to the commission sent Tuesday by White House Counsel Alberto Gonzales, the White House asserted that any testimony by Rice "can occur only with recognition that the events of September 11, 2001 present the most extraordinary and unique circumstances...


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I hope she makes Clarke, Kerry and the other dem. hypocrits eat crow on this one.

If nothing else, she will win votes form a key demo core group.

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My bet is that if they are willing to let her testify, they feel pretty good about what she's going to say. The Dems may regret playing this card.

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Yeah, I think Bush played this one along and suckered them in. Ole Ted Kennedy played right into Bush's hand and is gonna get burned. It may be another

Chappaquidik day for him. :D

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I just want to see her chew them up and spit them out. She is as sharp and believable as they come. And if the demons try to "demonize" her, they will set off several groups that really admire her. And that is within their own party.

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I wondered why Bush was so reluctant to let Ms. Rice testify since the allegations from Clarke are so preposterous. Now it seems he was just letting the liberals voices get extremely shrill before allowing her to go in and mop up. Now if she will just set the record straight and nail Clarke it will set the stage for Bush to make her his VP candidate. I really hope that happens as Cheney, with all his experience and connections, brings nothing to the plate as far as electablity goes. He would be a great advisor, but she would add 10 percentage points to the vote totals for the Republican party in November.

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Yeah, I think Bush played this one along and suckered them in. Ole Ted Kennedy played right into Bush's hand and is gonna get burned. It may be another

Chappaquidik day for him. :D

I wonder, if by letting this build to fever pitch, the WH has gotten everyone to listen when she does speak.....?

CR could be crazy....like a Fox. ;)

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