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Why would Kerry make a better Pres?


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I have a question for the Dems on this board.

Without bashing the current administration, why do you think Kerry would make a good President?

I ask this way because all I have heard is how bad Bush is from those on the left. But I want to know what Kerry brings to the table that makes him a"prime" candidate. Other than we know you simply hate Bush, why Kerry?

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Just as I thought. You take the Hate Bush out of it and ask for rational reasoning for Kerry being President and all you hear from the Left is...

"cricket-chirp" "cricket-chirp" "cricket-chirp" "cricket-chirp"

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Apparently, the Dems are AWOL. Ironic since all we heard for several weeks was that Bush had been AWOL. ;)

I'll give Donut and Tiger Al the benefit of the doubt though. Between moms and babies needing attention, message boards don't exactly rank high.

But what's CShine and ib4au's excuse?

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Here's a reason, one nobody has thought of, by lowering taxes!!! Funny that he wants to lower corporate taxes, like his wife's company pays, but not taxes for you and me...

Kerry Calls for Corporate Tax Cut

DETROIT (AP) - Determined to counter President Bush's effort to portray him as a tax-raiser, Democrat John Kerry said Friday he would lower corporate taxes by 5 percent to promote job creation while eliminating tax incentives that sends work overseas.
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