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Democratic Senator Blasts Kerry at Rally

2 hours, 55 minutes ago

By JEFFREY McMURRAY, Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON - The Bush-Cheney campaign Wednesday unleashed its most famous Democratic booster, Georgia Sen. Zell Miller, to make the case that presidential candidate John Kerry (news - web sites) advocates policies inconsistent with some of history's most popular Democratic presidents.

Miller, a Georgian who is the lone Democratic senator to back publicly President Bush (news - web sites)'s re-election bid, criticized Kerry in a speech announcing his leadership of a national "Democrats for Bush" effort. He was joined by a handful of lesser-known Democrats, but the campaign said it would release a more comprehensive list in the coming weeks.

The popular former governor cited the policies of Democratic Presidents John F. Kennedy and Harry S. Truman while contending that Kerry, not Bush, is outside the mainstream on issues ranging from tax cuts to war.

"John F. Kerry has the same initials as John F. Kennedy," Miller said, "but he has a far, far different view of what the government can do to help families prosper. John Kerry's spending and tax plan would stifle our economy and stall our recovery at the worst possible time."

Miller was an original sponsor of Bush's proposed $1.6 trillion tax cut, which Congress trimmed to $1.3 trillion. He argued that it represented a smaller proportion of the American economy and benefited poor Americans even more than one enacted under Kennedy in the 1960s.

As for the war in Iraq (news - web sites), Miller praised Kerry, D-Mass., for his Senate vote to authorize force. However, he said Kerry later opposed an $87 billion package to further fund the effort after "spending too much time around Howard Dean (news - web sites)," the former candidate and outspoken war critic.

Miller also criticized Kerry's view that more diplomatic channels should have been explored through the United Nations (news - web sites) before moving almost unilaterally.

"I cannot imagine the great Democratic Party leaders of past generations waiting with their hands in their pockets while a bunch of dithering diplomats decided the future of the world," Miller said. "That is the worst kind of indecisiveness. That is the wrong kind of leadership at this critical moment in our history."

The Kerry campaign said Miller had praised his Senate colleague just two years ago, calling Kerry "an authentic hero."

"Zell Miller's new leadership role will be a lonely post," Kerry spokeswoman Stephanie Cutter said. "Democrats, and Americans of all stripes, are tired of George Bush's failed policies and broken promises."

Bush campaign chairman Marc Racicot, a former Montana governor, said the campaign would use Miller often on the trail, particularly to rally fellow Democrats to the cause. Miller urged Democratic Bush-backers to find at least five others they could persuade to support the president.

"It'll be easy to recruit Democrats in Florida," said the state's former Democratic lieutenant governor, Wayne Mixson, who joined Miller on a conference call Wednesday. "I was with a bunch of business people yesterday, and I've already got my quota if that's all you want me to get."

Miller, who is retiring when his term ends in January, has by far the Senate's most conservative voting record among Democrats. He has backed the president on virtually every key issue and recently published a best-selling book, "A National Party No More: The Conscience of a Conservative Democrat."

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Zell Miller before Alzheimers set in:



While U.S. Senator Zell Miller has signaled his support for George Bush, the facts are Miller and Kerry have the exact same record when it comes to defending the nation and Miller even called Kerry an "Authentic American Hero" who has "Worked to Strengthen Our Military."

"I've been going to Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinners in Georgia since the 1950s, so I've seen a lot of speeches," says Sen. Zell Miller (D-Ga.), easily the Senate Democrat most supportive of the Bush agenda. "Kerry's was by far the best speech I have ever heard given at a function like that. He talked about citizen-soldiers and he talked about the flag raisers at Iwo Jima. It was a very good, touching speech." (Salon, Aug. 10, 2001)

FACT: Zell Miller Lauded John Kerry as an Authentic American Hero

"My job tonight is an easy one: to present to you one of this nation's authentic heroes, one of this party's best-known and greatest leaders -- and a good friend. He was once a lieutenant governor - but he didn't stay in that office 16 years, like someone else I know. It just took two years before the people of Massachusetts moved him into the United States Senate in 1984. -- U.S. Senator Zell Miller (Remarks to the Democratic Party of Georgia Jefferson Jackson Dinner 2001)

FACT: Zell Miller Said John Kerry Worked to Strengthen Our Military; Fought for Balanced Budgets

"In his 16 years in the Senate, John Kerry has fought against government waste and worked hard to bring some accountability to Washington. Early in his Senate career in 1986, John signed on to the Gramm-Rudman-Hollings Deficit Reduction Bill, and he fought for balanced budgets before it was considered politically correct for Democrats to do so. John has worked to strengthen our military, reform public education, boost the economy and protect the environment." -- U.S. Senator Zell Miller (Remarks to the Democratic Party of Georgia Jefferson Jackson Dinner 2001)

FACT: John Kerry & Zell Miller Have Supported the EXACT Same Amount of Intelligence Funding

Kerry & Miller Have Supported the Exact Same Intelligence Funding in the Senate -- Since joining the Senate in 2000, Zell Miller and John Kerry have supported the exact same funding levels for America's Intelligence agencies. John Kerry served on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence for 6 years and is the former Vice Chairman of the Committee. Kerry joined the Committee in early 1993 and served until early 2001. Zell Miller has not served on the Intelligence Committee, Armed Services Committee or the Foreign Relations Committee in his four years in the Senate.

FY04 Intel Authorization (2003, Unanimous Senate Voice Vote 11/21/03) FY03 Intel Authorization (2002, Unanimous Senate Voice Vote 09/25/02) FY02 Intel Authorization (2001, Unanimous Senate Voice Vote 12/13/01) FY01 Intel Authorization (2000, Unanimous Senate Voice Vote 12/06/00)

FACT: John Kerry & Zell Miller Have Both Supported Increases in Defense Funding -- including the Largest since the 1980's

John Kerry & Zell Miller are Both Strong Supporters of America's Military & Voted for the "Largest Increase in Defense Spending Since the Early 1980's" -- John Kerry and Zell Miller are strong supporters of the U.S. Armed Services and has consistently worked to ensure the military has the best equipment and training possible. In 2002, John Kerry & Zell Miller voted for a large increase in the defense budget. This increase provided more than $355 billion for the Defense Department for 2003, an increase of $21 billion over 2002. This measure includes $71.5 billion for procurement programs such as $4 billion for the Air Force's F-22 fighter jets, $3.5 billion for the Joint Strike Fighter and $279.3 million for an E-8C Joint Stars (JSTARS) aircraft. Kerry's vote also funded a 4.1 percent pay increase for military personnel, $160 million for the B-1 Bomber Defense System Upgrade, $1.5 billion for a new attack submarine, more than $630 million for Army and Navy variants of the Blackhawk helicopter, $3.2 billion for additional C-17 transports, $900 million for R&D of the Comanche helicopter and more than $800 million for Trident Submarine conversion. The current chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, John Warner (R-Va.) stated:

"The defense spending increase for FY03 is the largest increase in defense spending since the early 1980's-reflecting the importance of defending the homeland and winning the global war against terrorism. The funding included in this bill will help to ensure that our military has the tools it needs to defend our nation." (2002, Senate Roll Call Vote No. 239; Websites of U.S. Senators Warner, Daschle, Dodd accessed 7/25/03)


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I think you mean before he sobered up.

John Kerry and Zell Miller are strong supporters of the U.S. Armed Services and has consistently worked to ensure the military has the best equipment and training possible.

I didn't know he was a drunk, but I'm not at all surprised.

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I think you mean before he sobered up.

John Kerry and Zell Miller are strong supporters of the U.S. Armed Services and has consistently worked to ensure the military has the best equipment and training possible.

I didn't know he was a drunk, but I'm not at all surprised.

I dont know if he is/was a drunk. I just know anyone would have to be drunk to waste his time in the Demwit Party.

Tax and Spend, waste the money, make your friends rich, get rich yourself, screw the common people. There, that is about a full day for a Demoncrat.

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i see nothing inconsistent between what ZM said in 2001 about JF'inK and what he's saying now.

he's supporting the person he thinks is the better person to lead our country...the fact that someone can say nice things about someone they won't vote for shouldn't be a point of derision, IMO.

why can't JF'inK be an authentic American hero AND NOT be the best suited person to lead America all at the same time? in fact, ZM reiterated last night that he still thinks JF'inK is a hero...

why not address what ZM is saying instead of attacking him. wouldn't that be much more effective?


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why not address what ZM is saying instead of attacking him.  wouldn't that be much more effective?

Do you realize what you are asking of the liberals?:huh:

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why not address what ZM is saying instead of attacking him.  wouldn't that be much more effective?

Do you realize what you are asking of the liberals?:huh:

yes, i do... they are bankrupt when it comes to the arena of ideas, therefore, they have to attack the person instead.

just like TT...attacking ZM instead of merely disagreeing with his stance. further, attacking ZM won't do any good anyway...he's not running for office!

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I think you mean before he sobered up.

John Kerry and Zell Miller are strong supporters of the U.S. Armed Services and has consistently worked to ensure the military has the best equipment and training possible.

I didn't know he was a drunk, but I'm not at all surprised.

Only when he was hanging around with Teddy Kennedy! :rolleyes::cheers::cheers::cheers::cheers:

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I think you mean before he sobered up.

John Kerry and Zell Miller are strong supporters of the U.S. Armed Services and has consistently worked to ensure the military has the best equipment and training possible.

I didn't know he was a drunk, but I'm not at all surprised.

I've already told you once. NOW SHUT UP. If you are not from GA and have no idea what kind of man Zell is, then shut your yap. Zell votes (always has) for what the people of GA want, not just what the demons want. He has governed as a politician should...for the people!


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I think you mean before he sobered up.

John Kerry and Zell Miller are strong supporters of the U.S. Armed Services and has consistently worked to ensure the military has the best equipment and training possible.

I didn't know he was a drunk, but I'm not at all surprised.

I've already told you once. NOW SHUT UP. If you are not from GA and have no idea what kind of man Zell is, then shut your yap. Zell votes (always has) for what the people of GA want, not just what the demons want. He has governed as a politician should...for the people!


I see you missed your anger management class again. Typical Republican response to dissent: "SHUT UP." Our Founding Fathers would be so disappointed in you. Still, by your "logic", the only people on this board who should be criticizing Kerry are those from MA. BTW, if you don't get help at Charter, please get help somewhere.

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I think you mean before he sobered up.

John Kerry and Zell Miller are strong supporters of the U.S. Armed Services and has consistently worked to ensure the military has the best equipment and training possible.

I didn't know he was a drunk, but I'm not at all surprised.

I dont know if he is/was a drunk. I just know anyone would have to be drunk to waste his time in the Demwit Party.

Tax and Spend, waste the money, make your friends rich, get rich yourself, screw the common people. There, that is about a full day for a Demoncrat.

Tax and Spend, waste the money, make your friends rich, get rich yourself, screw the common people.

Replace "tax" with "borrow" and this would be the most succint summary of Bush/Cheney I've seen.

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I think you mean before he sobered up.

John Kerry and Zell Miller are strong supporters of the U.S. Armed Services and has consistently worked to ensure the military has the best equipment and training possible.

I didn't know he was a drunk, but I'm not at all surprised.

I've already told you once. NOW SHUT UP. If you are not from GA and have no idea what kind of man Zell is, then shut your yap. Zell votes (always has) for what the people of GA want, not just what the demons want. He has governed as a politician should...for the people!


I see you missed your anger management class again. Typical Republican response to dissent: "SHUT UP." Our Founding Fathers would be so disappointed in you. Still, by your "logic", the only people on this board who should be criticizing Kerry are those from MA. BTW, if you don't get help at Charter, please get help somewhere.

That only supports my position more.


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I didn't know he was a drunk, but I'm not at all surprised.

Typical Liberal Party Line Dem response to dissent: insult, call names and bash! :lol:


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