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Not sure if this is humor or angry denial.....


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Gotta love all the overt politically motivated subplots, along w/the major theme..... WE'RE DESTROYING THE PLANET WITH GLOBAL WARMING !!!!!!


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It's always about money and power (or control). If you want the answers you must follow the money. In this case politicians, bought and paid for by lobbyist and the elite, go back and forth as front to fool the average voter into thinking they have representation when they don't. The plans are already in place for the control and taxation of the environment through the banking interests in the form of carbon credits, The poor countries will receive absolutely nothing in the with respect to help for the population, but the rulers set in place in those countries will be given money to build armies to control civil unrest. This has been going on through the CIA for decades and will continue unless we stop it. Despotic regimes are the hallmark of the CIA in the attempt to enrich a few at the expense of the many. And, now other intelligence communities will be active in the same endeavor.

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