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Signs seen at the SF Ant-War Protest

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I would love to see the coward on the right carry his "I Love NY" sign on any street in NYC. Notice he's too yellow to show his face. The hatred the extreme left has for America is sickening.



Closer to home, I found these quotes on al.com amusing.

At the Birmingham rally, Ashfaq Taufique, president of the Islamic society, denounced the U.S. bombing of Baghdad, saying Americans need to work to understand the U.S. role in breeding terrorism.

"In much of the world the United States is regarded as the leading terrorist state and with good reason," he said to cheers from the crowd.

David Waters of Alabama Veterans for Peace told the protesters to discourage loved ones from going into military service.

"If there aren't any soldiers there can't be war," he said.


It's our fault the terrorists don't like us, and above all.....BUSH KNEW!!

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We ARE engaged in a war and some of that borders on treason! I just wish that bunch could be taken back in time and let spend a couple of years in Saddam's Iraq.

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Yeah they are all for PEACE, aren't they? Most of the "PEACE" demonstrators are not for PEACE, as much as they are against America.

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