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France Makes Me Sick

Proud Tiger

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French Foreign Minister DeVillepin said yesterday that the world is a more dangerous place to live because before the war terrorism didn't exist in Iraq. Say what????? This stupid little sh...t really irks me. I am still boycotting anything French :angry:

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I guess by the current definition a brutal dictator slaughtering his own people is not terrorism. It won't be long and they will be calling the terrorists in Iraq 'freedom fighters', and start offering them financial support.

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This was indeed a war about oil -- Iraqi oil which the French were supposed to develop. France made a $100 B deal with Hussein to develop the Rumallah oil fields in exchange for getting the UN sanctions lifted. That's why they were so eager to use their Security Council veto to block any resolution initiating force against Iraq. They were perfectly content to allow SH remain in power as long as they got their oil deal.

A boycott isn't enough in my book. I think before the war a House rep from Florida sponsored a bill to have the remains of all US war dead residing in cemetaries in France to be returned for burial in the US. I'd like to see that bill put forth for a vote.

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