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Medical Student Being Failed at University


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WINNIPEG, March 18, 2004 (LifeSiteNews.com) - A medical student in his last year at the University of Manitoba Medical School will be denied his degree for his unwillingness to partake in any abortion-related activity. The Christian student, who wishes to remain unnamed, received a failing grade in an Obstetrics and Gynecology portion of his program for refusing to perform or refer for any abortive procedure. Three separate appeals to the Medical School have all failed to correct the matter.

Carolee Neufeld, a friend of the family who is handling media calls told LifeSiteNews.com that the failure stands despite the fact that the student has high grades in every area of study and strong words of affirmation from clinical supervisors.


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Just to play devil's advocate for a moment. I can understand why a med student in the Obstetrics and Gynecology portion of his program, would need to know and understand those procedures. That in no way would ever require him to participate in actual abortions. There could be actual life threatening circumstances where the procedure was necessary.

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The article says that he was failed for "refusing to perform or refer for any abortive procedure", not just learn about them. I think that's the rub. He should learn and understand the procedures. He should not have to perform or refer for them.

This debate won't stop here either. What happens when the doctor-assisted suicide folks get their way. Will it become a situation where a doctor would be required to provide or refer for that service as well, even if it goes against their conscience or beliefs?

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Not being a physician, I don't know. But it appears it was a class of some sort since he was to receive a grade. If it were a class would they actually give abortions? Would pregnant women volunteer to receive free abortions in a class room setting?

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I imagine it's like a lot of medical schools in that there comes a point in your studies where you do perform actual procedures, albeit with a experienced doctor right there to keep you from doing anything that would hurt the patient. It wouldn't be in a classroom, it would be with a group of other med students and a doctor/professor in a hospital or other medical environment.

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