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Parents Furious Over Gay Children's Book

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N.C. Parents Angry Over Gay Children's Book

Associated Press

Thursday, March 18, 2004

WILMINGTON, N.C. — The parents of an elementary school pupil are fuming over the book their daughter brought home from the school library: a children's story about a prince whose true love turns out to be another prince.

The couple, who say they read with their daughter Olivia every weeknight before bed, went from surprise to disbelief when the leading character, Prince Bertie, waves off a bevy of eligible princes before falling for Prince Lee.

The book ends with the princes marrying and sharing a kiss.

Barbara Hawley, librarian and media coordinator at Freeman Elementary School, said she ordered the book in 2002 and it has been on the library's shelves since early last year.

Hawley said she couldn't comment on the book's appropriateness because she hadn't seen it and wouldn't want to prejudice any review. She declined to say whether she knowingly selected a book on gay marriage, saying she used numerous selection guides to help choose material for the school's diverse community of students, teachers and partners.

"We have a lot of diversity in our schools," said Elizabeth Miars, Freeman's principal. "What might be inappropriate for one family, in another family is a totally acceptable thing."

I personally wouldn't want my elementary school aged kid reading that book. Let's imagine for a moment that this book was about a Ku Klux Klansman looking for a date to accompany him to the weekend cross burning. Would the guise of "diversity" still hold true in this instance? Not for a minute, because it would be considered offensive to some students. To me, this is another example of leftist PC thugs attempting to impose their twisted ideas of acceptable behavior on our youth. I don't want my kids reading about blissful homosexual princes no more than I would want them reading a book about the joys of Klan membership.

Schools should stick to teaching the 3 R's and leave the moral upbringing of the children to us parents.

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Not anything. Christian morality and belief is completely unacceptable ot the left wing, pinko, liberal democrats...unless you keep it to yourself and don't bother anyone else by stating it in public.

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